showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Final Fantasy VII  Square1997Final Fantasy VII has quickly become one of the best-selling Role Playing games of all time. Combining fully polygonal characters with pre-rendered backgrounds and a stirring musical score by Nobuo Uematsu, Final Fantasy VII is a worthwhile addition to any RPG collection. The story centers on the young mercenary Cloud Strife, who is fighting against the evil Shinra, Inc. Along the way, he meets an unforgettable cast of characters such as his childhood friend Tifa Lockhart and the grumpy pilot Cid Highwind. All together, it is an unforgettable and engrossing single-player game that can last for over 60 hours!***
[27]***Final Fantasy VII, is one of the best game avalaible for the PSX, the graphics are impressive, the sound Incredible, has more than 1 hour of Full motion Video, and the best of all the storyline is amazing, superb, if you like the RPG the you must have This game. And the VIII too.***This is personally my least favourite Final Fantasy. They did well with the conversion to 3D, but I found the lack of decent story, the bad translation, the below average graphics etc. to be quite a turn off while playing. However, on the flip side of the coin, the spell effects are unrivalled by any other game of its time. The Materia system was an interesting devlopment, but all in all the game is too unbalanced to make it a truly enjoyable experience.***As far as I'm concerned, I think the complete opposite. The graphics were in no way bad for PSX at that time. The combat system was even more balanced than in V or VI, while the story is so huge as to draw you in and flash through the amazing 30 hours of gameplay. Oh and the translation is no worse than most other Japanese RPGs, the PC version tidied this up a bit I think. Plus Sephiroth's sword is kick-butt.***Witness the birth of the 3D RPG. Well, not quite, but a gigantic game with an incredible storyline, coupled with real-time action combat that had be honed through 6 previous games. A favourite instantly, this game brought RPGs out of Japan and selling widely in the West for the first time.***This game was one of the most enveloping games I have ever played. The story was decent (to say the least), and the musical score was heartwarming. I will remember it forever.
[DeviantBlade]***FF7 is seriously overrated, and has produced more fanboys/fangirls than I'd care to count. However it's not all bad, it's pretty decent.
Just not as godly as some would make it out to be.
[Haoie]***I agree with Haoie (above). Actually, got to like the second or third disc and stopped playing. The mini-games and all the damn little secrets were starting to wear me out. I give it credit for being the RPG that brought Japanese RPGs to the masses in the West, but that's about it.
[cjlee001]***Lack of story?! That man seems to not know what a good storyline is... I love this game. If I could play it in my sleep I would...
Nightmare Creatures Activision;Sony Computer Entertainment (Kalisto Entertainment)1997Legend has it that on London's blackest night in 1834 the secret Brotherhood of Hecate rediscovered the lost key to the darkest regions of man's unholiest fears. It is said that through this arcane act they released into the dark foggy streets of London the most horrifying creatures the world has ever known. But facing these monstrous beasts were two mysterious warriors. And on this fateful night they engaged in a decisive battle to deliver the fate of millions from these demon spawn.***
Chrono Cross  Square2000While it's officially a sequel to the immensely popular Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross is completely its own role-playing game with over 40 characters, a branching story line, and multiple endings. Like its predecessor, the game is about crossing through time and setting things right. This story focuses on Serge's quest for the Frozen Flame, which will give the beholder the power to bend space and time. Serge wants the power to save himself from dying in a parallel universe but, as you can guess, nefarious forces are also vying for the Frozen Flame to suit their own purposes. Chrono Cross features the stylish character designs and wondrous cut scenes that gamers have come to expect from SquareSoft, but the game also has a number of gameplay innovations. Though the battle engine is essentially turn-based, characters don't have to wait their turn to cast a spell or make an attack; battles are moderated by stamina. Also, the repetitive battles with lesser monsters that make so many RPGs sag can be easily avoided because all monsters can be seen on the screen.***Sequel to the legendary Chrono Trigger (SNES). And a rather disappointing one in my opinion... there's almost no character development (I mean seriously, how do you develop like a hundred characters?) and the crappy battle system was the final nail in the coffin.
Final Fantasy Origins Square2003Final Fantasy Origins takes players back to the beginnings of the Final Fantasy series. This inspiring collection of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II features thrilling new enhancements for the PlayStation game console.***'Final Fantasy Origins' was released outside of Japan and contained Final Fantasy I & II.