showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescriptionlanguage
Ghost in the Shell  Sony Computer Entertainment (Exact;Production I.G;Japan Studio)1997A terrorist group has killed over 100 people in an office building bombing. It is up to Major Motoko Kusanagi--a cyborg assigned to the public safety bureau, Section 9, to protect the city. Travel through 12 top-secret missions as you undertake a quest to stop the terrorists. Fortunately, a fuchikoma (a giant spider-like tank) makes chasing down the bad guys much easier. Protect the city from destruction in GHOST IN THE SHELL.***
[27]***Player controls a completely new character simply referred to as "Rookie" driving around in a tank as part of Public Security Section 9.
Front Mission 3  Squaresoft;Electronic Arts (Squaresoft)1999Using a turn-based combat system; the player controls giant fighting robots called "wanzers" in order to fulfill mission objectives or to defeat foes in mechanical warafre. Robots can be continually upgraded by purchasing or scavenging new weapons/armor/computers/ect. This game takes a new approach to increasing the depth of the game creating the Double Feature Scenario which allows the player to choose one of two completely different character viewpoint within the same general plot of the game.***It is the year 2112, ten years after Front Mission Second. Kazuki Takemura, a student and test pilot for Kirishima Industries and his friend Ryogo Kusama are delivering Wanzers, giant battle machines, to a military base when a mysterious incident leads both characters into an unexpected turn of events. The incident at the JDF base has now drawn both Kazuki and Ryogo into a global conspiracy.
Front Mission 3 features turn-based combat in a massive strategic adventure with 2 different scenarios and over 150 hours of gameplay. Take control of giant battle machines, upgrading them with better components, weapons, and computers. Search for clues through in-game 'internet' and 'e-mail' systems while plotting your moves on detailed, fully 3D environment maps.***IN FM3, battles are fought using Wanzers, which are quite realistic combat robots [unlike Gundams, etc].
This is a strategy RPG set mainly around the Asia/Pacific rim in the near future. There are 2 unique seperate storylines stemming from a single decision.
en, jplabelimagesubject
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 3DO2000Utilizing an amazing variety of mouth-watering animations, plastic toy soldiers have come to life. Sarge, the hero of the Green Army, attacks across counter tops, through hallways and into the backyard, fighting for the Green way of life. For, if the Tan Army manages to secure the explosive Sky Rockets, horrific Magnifying Glasses, or control of the dreaded Garbage Disposal, the balance between good and evil could be shifted forever. It's real combat.***Sarge's Heroes is another installment from 3DO's successful Army Men series. In it you'll be able to play one of those little green army guys that you used to lose in your backyard. You'll need to take on the tan army in a bunch of realistic settings, like the room of a little child. If you get through the single player game, there is a two-player death match option. labelimagesubject
World's Scariest Police Chases Activision (UDS)2001Based on the hit Fox show of the same name, World's Scariest Police Chases places you in the driver's seat of some of the world's top squad cars. Travel through a city filled with innocent bystanders and obstacles, as you chase after the bad guys. You'll have to use real police chase methods if you expect to capture your suspect in one piece.