showing 4 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
World Heroes Alpha Denshi (ADK)1992 1on1fighting mame wiivirtualconsole worldheroes "Who is the greatest hero in the world?" You will find out today, a scientist has created a time machine that 8 heroes travel through time with to prove who is the greatest fighter of all time.***
[27]***A fighting game released in 1992 featuring eight characters, including Hanzo, Janne and Rasputin, modeled on historical figures from throughout the ages. The fighters compete against each other to become the world's toughest combatant, with players using a setup consisting of only three buttons (one each for punching, kicking and throwing). Adding to this unique system is the fact that the strength of your offensive blow depends on how long the button is pressed and held. Along with regular match styles, Death Match mode is also available and features mines, electrified ropes and other dangerous objects in the battle arena that can change conditions during the fight or damage players. Enjoy the wide range of combat forms as you take on history's best!
World Heroes 2 ADK1993 1on1fighting mame worldheroes The HEROES return with 6 new contestants. Travel through time and face an onslaught of opponents in an exciting, bruising battle of the ages.***
World Heroes 2 Jet SNK;ADK (ADK)1994 1on1fighting worldheroes In the Super-cool Arena of the Ages, the World Heroes return with 2 NEO CHALLENGERS. Choose from the 16 Gladiators of the Galaxy in Jihad of Contact Sports Games!***
World Heroes Perfect ADK1995 1on1fighting cdrom mame worldheroes "WHO IS THE GREATEST HERO IN THE WORLD?" YOU WILL FIND OUT TODAY A SCIENTIST HAS CREATED A TIME MACHINE THAT 8 HEROES TRAVEL THROUGH TIME WITH TO PROVE WHO IS THE GREATEST FIGHTER OF ALL TIME***The 16 heroes are back! Press the ABC buttons simultaneously and the character's secret tricks explode into action! Forced cancellation-the bluff-plenty of new tricks to try!***