showing 12 games

name arrow_upwardpublisher(developer)yeartags
War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze Armenia;Food And Fun1981 centipedelike insects lives mame namcogalaxian-hw score verticalscreen labelimageminimize
Lady Bug  Universal1981 alteredgenre animalprotagonist claiming gameplayinn-ingenre insectprotagonist insects lives mame pacmanlike score verticalscreen labelimagesubject
Insector X Taito (Hot-B)1989 bossbattles horizontalscreen insectoid-theme insects lives mame powerups score scrollingshooter taitonzs-hw labelimageminimize
Insector Gottlieb1982 gottlieb-hw horizontalscreen insects mame prototype score labelimageminimize
Funky Bee Orca1982 insectprotagonist insects lives mame score scrollingshooter verticalscreen labelimageminimize
Exterminator Gottlieb1989 insectoid-theme insectoidmenace insects mame score verticalscreen labelimageminimize
Donkey Kong 3 Nintendo (Nintendo EAD)1983 donkeykong donkeykong-hw endless fixedshooter insects lives mame primates score verticalscreen walking labelimagesubject
Changes  Orca1982 animalprotagonist claiming horizontalscreen insectprotagonist insects lives mame orcasigma-hw pacmanlike score labelimageminimize
Boxing Bugs Cinematronics1981 arenashooter cinematronicsvector-hw horizontalscreen insects mame labelimagesubject
Botanic Valadon (Itisa Palamos)1983 animalprotagonist insectprotagonist insects lives mame score spiders verticalscreen labelimageminimize
Black Widow Atari1982 animalprotagonist arachnidprotagonist arenashooter horizontalscreen insects lives mame score spiders labelimagesubject
Anteater Tago Electronics1982 ♫ranzdesvaches animalprotagonist ants insects lives mame namcogalaxian-hw score spiders timelimit verticalscreen worms labelimagesubject