showing 12 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Anteater Tago Electronics1982 ♫ranzdesvaches animalprotagonist ants insects lives mame namcogalaxian-hw score spiders timelimit verticalscreen worms Anteater is a maze game released in 1982. The player controls an anteater who runs his proboscis through maze-like ant colonies eating ants and their larvae. The player can only eat ants with the tip of the anteater's proboscis. If an ant bites your proboscis at any other point on the tongue you lose a life. Pressing the second button will quickly retract the anteater's proboscis. You can also eat worms from behind, but not head-on; doing so will also cause you to lose a life. You must eat all ant larvae before the timer runs out, then you advance to the next stage.
[Moby Games]
Black Widow Atari1982 animalprotagonist arachnidprotagonist arenashooter horizontalscreen insects lives mame score spiders - Tag grub-steaks for points.
- Shoot bugs then tag grub-steaks.
- Punch eggs off web before they hatch.
- Shoot grenade bugs with caution.
Botanic Valadon (Itisa Palamos)1983 animalprotagonist insectprotagonist insects lives mame score spiders verticalscreen labelimageminimize
Boxing Bugs Cinematronics1981 arenashooter cinematronicsvector-hw horizontalscreen insects mame - Punch bugs with GLOVE for points
- Knock bombs off your wall with fireballs
- Use panic button to get out of hard spots. You can panic three times per game
- Every fourth round is a bonus round
Changes  Orca1982 animalprotagonist claiming horizontalscreen insectprotagonist insects lives mame orcasigma-hw pacmanlike score labelimageminimize
Donkey Kong 3 Nintendo (Nintendo EAD)1983 donkeykong donkeykong-hw endless fixedshooter insects lives mame primates score verticalscreen walking Released in the arcades in 1983, Donkey Kong 3 is the third of the "Donkey Kong" arcade game series, changing the format to more of an action-shooter than a platform game.

As Stanley the Bugman, players are positioned under Donkey Kong, who has taken over a multi-level greenhouse. Stanley's goal is to remove Donkey Kong from the greenhouse, but the big ape isn't willing to leave without a fight.

Donkey Kong will agitate two beehives that are close to him to send down a swarm of angry Buzzbees, Beespies and destructive Queen Bees toward Stanley. These insects, as well as caterpillars which creep down nearby vines are intent on destroying the flowers below Stanley. Donkey Kong will also send down projectiles himself in an attempt to stop Stanley's attacks. Stanley must jump between the levels and use his bugspray to repel the insects, and send Donkey Kong into the next area of the greenhouse.

Once Stanley pushes Donkey Kong high enough, a can of super bugspray will become available, allowing a larger shooting radius, and is able to send Donkey Kong up the vines faster.

Once Donkey Kong is sent through the three levels of the greenhouse, Donkey Kong will end up with a beehive on his head, and the levels start all over again.
Exterminator Gottlieb1989 insectoid-theme insectoidmenace insects mame score verticalscreen labelimageminimize
Funky Bee Orca1982 insectprotagonist insects lives mame score scrollingshooter verticalscreen labelimageminimize
Insector Gottlieb1982 gottlieb-hw horizontalscreen insects mame prototype score labelimageminimize
Insector X Taito (Hot-B)1989 bossbattles horizontalscreen insectoid-theme insects lives mame powerups score scrollingshooter taitonzs-hw labelimageminimize
Lady Bug  Universal1981 alteredgenre animalprotagonist claiming gameplayinn-ingenre insectprotagonist insects lives mame pacmanlike score verticalscreen Much like Pac-Man, players maneuver the Lady Bug through the maze to gobble dots, hearts, letters, and the occasional vegetables of ever increasing point value while avoiding insects and pesticides. Increasingly more dangerous insects are released from the center square according to a timer (visually shown as the maze boarder) and will relentlessly be re-released if killed by a pesticide. Insects cannot be killed by the Lady Bug directly, but only if the collide with pesticide. Gobbling hearts and letters will temporarily freeze insects. The most noticeable difference from Pac-Man is the ability to alter the paths of the maze by rotating one of the twenty green gates 90° at a time by pushing it with the Lady Bug. A much more complex difference occurs with the bonus systems. The proper combination of hearts and 3 randomly chosen letters from 2 sets that spell either SPECIAL or EXTRA will reward a player with an advancement to the next level or an extra life. One of the letters in the maze will be S, P, C, I, or L, another one will be X, T, or R, and the last one will be A or E (A and E can be used for either word while the other letters apply only to one of the words). Gobbling a letter from the maze that is the same ever cycling color of the word on the top of the maze will change the word's color and add that letter to it (until the word is completed). But if the letter is not the same color as the word, the letter only counts for points and does not serve to complete the word. Heart bonuses related to score and their color ever cycles the same as that of the letters in the maze. Blue hearts will add a score multiplier of 2X for the 1st, 3X for the second, and finally 4X for the 3rd heart. Hearts of any other color only provide points and change word colors.

Note about the maze, the maze and gates are left-right symmetrical. This is easily forgotten as each gate rotates independently (thereby showing asymmetry among the paths even though fixed maze walls remain unchanged).***Pac-Man-ish game.
Lost all my pocket money to this machine back in the days.

Moving a ladybird inside a labyrinth, collect all the dots and letters (with the right colors) to form the words "EXTRA" to win a life or "SPECIAL" to win a credit!

Been looking for this game since the pizzeria closed in the 80's.
War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze Armenia;Food And Fun1981 centipedelike insects lives mame namcogalaxian-hw score verticalscreen labelimageminimize