showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescriptionlanguage
The Bard's Tale: Tales of the Unknown Electronic Arts (Interplay)1987 bardstale bardstaleengine christian combatmode demons display-cga display-cga-composite display-ega display-tga display-vga dragons dungeoncrawler ghosts giants gridmove group halflings hydrae leveleditor magic monsters shopping skeletons undead vampires weefolk xp-kills zombies Review for "The Bard's Tale: Construction Set". Reviewed again because of a problem in the review of #39 with black & white images.
[22]***Review for "The Bard's Tale: Construction Set"
[22]***Review for "The Bard's Tale: Construction Set"
[49]***The Bard's Tale: Construction Set
[37]***The Bard's Tale: Construction Set, released in 1991, includes the game in 256 colors VGA plus a level-editor tool.***Wizardry style first person RPG with a decent story. Roll your own characters or use the pre-made "A-Team" to travel through (and below) the town of Skara Brae which has been plunged into eternal winter by the wizard Mangar.
Pool of Radiance  SSI (Westwood Associates;SSI Special Projects Group)1988 3.5disk 5.25disk adnd basilisks centaurs combatmode commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-cga-composite display-ega display-tga dnd encounters-timed forgottenrealms frog ghouls giants gnolls goblins gog goldboxengine gridmove group keyboard kobolds license-proprietary medieval minotaurs mummies ogres orcs pascal poolofradiance sauroids scorpions skeletons spiders spu-pcspeaker spu-tandy tigers trolls undead vampires wildboars zombies The first chapter in The Forgotten Realms Epic. Play Ruins of Adventure, a Forgotten Realms AD&D game module based on this game.

A few defiant humans are trying to reclaim the war torn city of Phlan from bands of monsters. They plan to build a new city on the ruins of the old. It seems as though the monsters are organized under someone's command to prevent the rebuilding. The player commands a group of hired adventures to clear monsters from the city, from the city's surrounding defenses, and to investigate the source of the attacks.

The Apple and Commodore versions were simultaneously developed according to the article "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons" by Croftward in "G.M. the Independent Fantasy Roleplaying Magazine", September 1988. Other versions originate from ports of one of these.