showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsauthor(s)
The Bard's Tale: Tales of the Unknown Electronic Arts (Interplay)1987 bardstale bardstaleengine christian combatmode demons display-cga display-cga-composite display-ega display-tga display-vga dragons dungeoncrawler ghosts giants gridmove group halflings hydrae leveleditor magic monsters shopping skeletons undead vampires weefolk xp-kills zombies Michael Cranford (writer)
Pool of Radiance (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Pool of Radiance) SSI (Westwood Associates;SSI Special Projects Group)1988 3.5disk 5.25disk adnd basilisks centaurs combatmode commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-cga-composite display-ega display-tga dnd encounters-timed forgottenrealms frog ghouls giants gnolls goblins gog goldboxengine gridmove group keyboard kobolds license-proprietary medieval minotaurs mummies ogres orcs pascal poolofradiance sauroids scorpions skeletons spiders spu-pcspeaker spu-tandy tigers trolls undead vampires wildboars zombies A&a Printers and Lithographers (printing)
Brad Myers (programmer)
Chuck Kroegel (project manager)
Cyrus G. Harris (playtesting)
Daria Marasco (artist)
Dave Shelley (artist)
Dave Shelley (developer)
David Boudreau (art)
David Boudreau (graphic design)
David Boudreau (desktop publishing)
David Cook (scenario)
David Warhol (music)
David Warhol (sound effects)
Dick Vohlers (playtesting)
Doug Barnett (artist)
Eric Nickelson (programmer)
Fred Butts (artist)
George MacDonald (developer)
George MacDonald (rules)
Graeme Bayless (playtesting)
Inc Credits:
James Kucera (playtesting)
Jim Ward (scenario)
Joana Zegri (artist)
Keith Brors (programmer)
Louis Hsu Saekow (art)
Louis Hsu Saekow (graphic design)
Louis Hsu Saekow (desktop publishing)
Maurice Molyneaux (artist)
Mike Breault (scenario)
Paul Murray (developer)
Peter Schmitt (programmer)
Raymond J. Huges (programmer)
Rob Wong (artist)
Roland Gustafsson (customized apple dos)
Russ Brown (developer)
Scott A. H. Ruggies (artist)
Scott Barnes (playtesting)
SSI Special Projects Group Credits:
Steve Perrin (rules)
Steve Winter (scenario)
Susan Halbleib (artist)
Tom Wahl (artist)
Victor Penman (developer)
Vince Reynolds (artist)
Westwood Associates Credits: