showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Dungeon Keeper Electronic Arts (Bullfrog Productions)1997 antiheroprotagonist basebuilding blankprotagonist builders buildingdesigning cdrom chickens clanguage construction-instant corpseharvesting demons dialup digging doors doors-breakable dosextender dualism dungeon dungeonkeeper evilisgood expenses-instant finiteresources friendlyfire friendlyfire-purposeful ghosts giantinsects goblins godgame gog goodvsevil harvesters heroes humor-dark indirectcontrol infighting lutris magic magiccarpet-engine malevolentprotagonist mediaindrive missionbased monsters npcbodydragging resourceharvesting sorcery stockpiles subterranean trapping undead unseenprotagonist veterancy workers zoning Had an expansion called [i]The Deeper Dungeons[/i] in 1997-11 which added 15 new levels, improved AI and possibly something else.

The original and the expansion were re-released as [i]Dungeon Keeper - Gold Edition[/i] with patches, level editor and other improvements and toys, which were later made available for all on Bullfrog's website.
Afterlife  LucasArts1996 afterlife cdrom fourhorsemen godgame underworld Comes on the same CD as the Windows version. labelimageminimize
Mega lo Mania  Image Works (Sensible Software)1992 acrossages display-ega display-tga display-vga godgame premadecharacters resourceharvesting spu-mt32 upgradesystem labelimageminimize
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods Electronic Arts (Bullfrog)1991 collective godgame gog grecoroman grecoromanmythology populous realtimestrategy unseenprotagonist labelimageminimize
Populous Electronic Arts (Bullfrog)1989 addons collective display-cga display-ega display-hgc display-mcga display-tga display-vga godgame gog naturaldisasters populous spu-adlib spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-tandy
- The Promised Lands
The Sentinel  Firebird1989 gameplayinn godgame labelimageminimize