showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Star Control 3  Accolade (Legend Entertainment)1996 aliens apocalyptic blacksheep cdrom combatmode crystalentities darkspace difficulty-single eldritchabominations endtime extraterrestrial fuel future gog hintsystem humanoids inorganics insectoids interactivedialogs interplanetarytravel interstellartravel keyboard machinecivilization malapropisms milessound mouse mycoids neutralnpcs precursors progressingworld robots saveanywhere space spacecraft spacecraft-medium spacefaringage starcontrol starfishaliens stopmotion thedestroyer timecompression unattendedevents viciouscycle voiceovers warptravel withdrawn [b]keyboard[/b] / [b]mouse[/b] - combat is purely with keyboard, everything else is with mouse.***Has some crude support for running the game in Win95, but it's still DOS game.***Much like the Ultima series, the Star Control series is one of those retrogames that also has a loyal fan-base even today. With that said, most Star Control fans are about as enthusiastic about StarCon3 as Superman is about Kryptonite.
Sram ERE Informatique1987 cardinalnavigation centaurs compass hintsystem interactivefiction wordinput Also included in a compilation called "La Légende de SRAM" in France, which included [game=#154031]SRAM[/game] and [game=#206871]SRAM 2[/game], both in [gametag=display-cga]CGA display[/gametag] only, released in 1990, published by [company=Infogrames]Infogrames[/company], rated 12/20 by Tilt #79 (June 1990).. labelimageminimize
Solus Solution Software1988 5.25disk commercial hintsystem interactivefiction keyboard license-proprietary uvl-confusable wordinput labelimageminimize
Compuzzler Uptown Software (Wordware)1984 crosswords grid grid-square hintsystem keyboard latemodernperiod leveleditor naturalistic perfectinformation serious traditional wordgame labelminimizeminimize