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namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagspersp.rank
The Dark Convergence - (Jeff kintz)1993 maleprotagonist wordinput bdlabelimagesubject
The Dark Convergence II  - (Jeff kintz)1994 gore maleprotagonist wordinput bdlabelimagesubject
Weird Island - (Kevin Lee)1992 clickadventure maleprotagonist clabelimagesubject
MAngband  ?1997 angband femaleprotagonist genderchoice maleprotagonist randomdamage roguelike alabelminimizeminimize
Softporn II ?1985 interactivefiction maleprotagonist wordinput elabelimagesubject
Die Sage von Nietoom 4th Generation Studios1994 clickadventure maleprotagonist spu-gm dlabelimagesubject
Amazon - Guardians of Eden  Access Software1993 clickadventure display-vesa display-vga liveactors maleprotagonist realsound spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker elabelimageminimize
Countdown Access Software1990 amnesia city-barcelona-es city-cairo-eg city-istanbul-tr city-jerusalem-il city-rome-it city-venice-it clickadventure digitizedimages egypt europe greece israel italy maleprotagonist realsound serbia spain spu-adlib spu-pcspeaker terrorism turkey elabelimageminimize
Martian Memorandum Access Software1991 city-sanfrancisco-ca clickadventure cyberpunk dystopian future maleprotagonist noir northamerica postapocalypse realsound spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker texmurphy blabelimageminimize
Under a Killing Moon Access Software1994 2040s 21stcentury cdrom city-sanfrancisco-ca clickadventure future lawenforcerprotagonist maleprotagonist noir northamerica postapocalypse texmurphy clabelimagesubject
Blue Force Accolade (Tsunami Media)1993 3.5disk clickadventure cpu-386 detectivemystery display-vga lawenforcerprotagonist lawenforcers maleprotagonist policestation scummvm spu-gm tsageengine dlabelimageminimize
Elvira II: The Jaws of Cerberus  Accolade (Horror Soft)1992 3.5disk 5.25disk agos-engine cpu-286 display-ega display-tga display-vga elvira keyboard maleprotagonist mouse scummvm spu-adlib spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-sb spu-tandy clabelimageminimize
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark Accolade (Horror Soft)1990 3.5disk 5.25disk agos-engine castle commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-ega display-tga display-vga elvira license-proprietary maleprotagonist scummvm spu-adlib spu-gameblaster spu-mpu-401 spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-sb undead clabelimageminimize
Return to Zork Activision1993 3.5disk cdrom clickadventure cpu-486 display-mcga display-vga inventory made-engine maleprotagonist spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-dss spu-gm spu-gus spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-rap10 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-soundgalaxynxpro16 spu-tandydac zork zorkverse clabelimageminimize
Simon the Sorcerer II - The Lion, The Wizard & The Wardrobe  Adventure Soft1995 agos-engine cdrom classicwizards clickadventure cpu-386 maleprotagonist simonthesorcerer dlabelimagesubject
Alien Carnage  Apogee (Interactive Binary Illusions;SubZero Software)1993 2030s 3.5disk achillesheelfoes aimdirlimit alieninvasion aliens amoeboids bossbattles captives city-newyork-ny conditionalhazards cpu-286 damageflicker difficulty doors energyweapons fastzombies flamethrowers future grenades halloweenharry-series harmfultouch indoors itempickup-auto juggernauts jumppack licensechange lives maleprotagonist moneybags noports northamerica npcspawning officebuilding playerunderexposure postmodern radar rescue robots rockets runandgun safeweapons score secrets sewers shopping smartbomb teleport thermalweapons walking zerogroundlevelgravity zombies zonednpcs blabelimagesubject
Duke Nukem  Apogee1991 destructibleitems dukenukem explosiveobjects flatterrain harmfultouch license-gpl licensechange lighthearted maleprotagonist steampowered titularcharacter blabelimageminimize
Duke Nukem 2 Apogee1993 clingers destructibleitems dukenukem explosiveobjects fallbackweapon harmfultouch lighthearted maleprotagonist runandgun steampowered titularcharacter walking blabelimageminimize
Bio Menace  Apogee Software1993 aimdirlimit alone ammotypes amoeboids apartmentbuilding chapters city crystals difficulty fallbackweapon firearms free2play gore grenades harmfultouch itempickup-auto keys ladders licensechange lighthearted lives maleprotagonist mines monsters multistart mutants nofalldamage rescue ruins runandgun score suicideattackers trees blabelimagesubject
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold Apogee Software (JAM Productions)1993 aliens alone blakestone firstpersonshooter gog keys lives locationinfo maleprotagonist pushwalls score targetident wolf3dengine clabelimagesubject
Realms of Chaos Apogee Software1995 bossbattles characterswitch difficulty felinoids femaleprotagonist gog magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons premadecharacters sorcery swords blabelimageminimize
Wolfenstein 3D  Apogee;Activision;GT Interactive (id Software)1992 armyofone censored dogs firearms firstpersonshooter gameplayinn handguns historicallyinaccurate illequipped lutris maleprotagonist nazis noreloading pushwalls rotaryguns secrets tilebased wolf3dengine wolfenstein clabelimagesubject
Auf der Suche nach Dr. Gara ARAG (Promotion Software)1994 advergame clickadventure maleprotagonist delabelimagesubject
Andromedas Erbe author1994 clickadventure maleprotagonist clabelimageminimize
Mission Supernova author1994 clickadventure maleprotagonist clabelimagesubject
La Diosa de Cozumel Aventuras AD1990 interactivefiction maleprotagonist mesoamerican-theme mexico wordinput elabelimageminimize
Arnie Goes 4 Gold Bank Austria AG (Top Job)1994 advergame clickadventure maleprotagonist dlabelimagesubject
Berlin Connection Berliner Morgenpost (Promotion Software)1994 advergame city-berlin-de maleprotagonist bdlabelimagesubject
Bi-Fi Roll: Action in Hollywood  Bi-Fi Roll (The Art Department)1994 advergame clickadventure maleprotagonist dlabelimagesubject
Captain Bible in Dome of Darkness  Bridgestone Multimedia1994 autosavepoints books bossbattles chapel christian city clickadventure cpu-386 difficulty display-vga dos3 exoticweapons extraterrestrial faith future keyboard lightsabers maleprotagonist map militantprotagonist monsters mouse otherworld powerups religion robots saveanywhere shields spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-cst spu-gm spu-gus spu-mpu-401 spu-pcspeaker spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-windowssoundsystem walking blabelimageminimize
Die Goldene Mähne des Samson Brinkmann Niemeyer (Advertising Games)1994 advergame clickadventure interactivefiction maleprotagonist smokes elabelimagesubject
The Last Express Brøderbund;Interplay (Smoking Car Productions)1997 1910s 20thcentury homosexuals lesbians maleprotagonist rotoscoping train-location clabelimageminimize
Dunkle Schatten Bundesministerium des Innern (The Art Department)1994 advergame clickadventure germany inventory maleprotagonist racism-speciesism realprize teenprotagonist dlabelimagesubject
Dunkle Schatten 2: Im Netzwerk gefangen Bundesministerium des Innern (The Art Department)1996 advergame clickadventure germany inventory maleprotagonist museum racism-speciesism realprize school teenprotagonist dlabelimagesubject
Skyworker Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (The Art Department)1994 advergame clickadventure maleprotagonist dlabelimagesubject
Hilfe für Amajambere Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (The Art Department)1995 advergame clickadventure maleprotagonist dlabelimagesubject
Homey D. Clown Capstone Software (Synergistic Software)1993 clowns display-vga maleprotagonist spu-mt32 alabelimagesubject
The Dark Half Capstone Software1992 clickadventure commercial cpu-286 display-ega display-vga dos4 keyboard license-proprietary maleprotagonist mouse spu-adlib spu-gm spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-sb spu-tandy blabelimageminimize
Trump Castle 3 Capstone Software1993 5.25disk antagonistdesigning baccarat blackjack21 casino cdrom celebritytiein commercial cpu-286 cpu-386 craps currency dialup display-640x480 display-vga dos3 dos5 earth femaleprotagonist genderchoice ipx keyboard license-proprietary maleprotagonist mouse mp-ffa mp-versus naturalistic nplayers poker poker-5card poker-7card poker-draw protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-body protagonistdesigning-face roulette slotmachine spu-adlib spu-csm spu-dss spu-lapci spu-pcspeaker spu-sb trackball videopoker voiceovers cdlabelminimizeminimize
Wayne's World Capstone Software (Robert Fiorini & Associates)1993 clickadventure maleprotagonist movie musicianprotagonist dlabelimageminimize
Dig It! cdv Software Entertainment (Pixel Painters)1996 jetpack lives maleprotagonist rescue bdlabelminimizeminimize
My Friend Koo cdv Software Entertainment1997 fae fairytalebasis magic maleprotagonist sorcery watercraft-location bd3labelminimizeminimize
Free D.C. Cineplay Interactive1992 maleprotagonist spu-adlib spu-mt32 spu-sb spu-tandy blabelimageminimize
Fascination  Coktel Vision (Tomahawk)1991 gobengine maleprotagonist murder scummvm clabelimageminimize
Ween: The Prophecy Coktel Vision1992 clickadventure difficulty-single display-mcga dragons feelies magic maleprotagonist titlementioned vampires clabelimageminimize
Inca 2: Wiracocha  Coktel Vision;Sierra On-Line (Coktel Vision)1994 3.5disk cdrom clickadventure cpu-386 display-mcga display-vga maleprotagonist mesoamerican-theme clabelimageminimize
Emmanuelle Coktel Vision;Tomahawk (Coktel Vision)1989 book brazil clickadventure maleprotagonist southamerica clabelimageminimize
Das Erbe Comad1991 advergame clickadventure maleprotagonist dlabelimageminimize
Nephi's Quest Compuclassics;Eagle Marketing (TechnoCrafts Unlimited)1990 3.5disk 5.25disk city-jerusalem-il clickadventure commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-cga display-ega display-mcga display-tga display-vga israel joystick keyboard license-proprietary maleprotagonist mormon mouse spu-pcspeaker tandy1000 alabelimageminimize
Universe Core Design1994 clickadventure maleprotagonist spu-mt32 dlabelimagesubject
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