showing 18 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame typelanguage
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny  Fantasy Productions;Sir-Tech (Attic Entertainment Software)1992role-play Fantasy en, delabelimageminimize
Little Big Adventure  Electronic Arts (Adeline Software International)1994action/reflex adventure Fantasy Cartoon en, fr, de, it, splabelimagesubject
Realms of Arkania: Star Trail  U.S. Gold;Sir-Tech;Fantasy Productions (Attic Entertainment Software)1994role-play turn-based Fantasy en, delabelimagesubject
Heaven's Dawn Manacom (Art 9 Entertainment)1995adventure Fantasy enlabelimagesubject
Shannara Legend Entertainment1995adventure puzzle Fantasy enlabelimagesubject
Zone Raiders Virgin Interactive (Image Space)1995shooter racing/driving Science Fiction enlabelimageminimize
Powerslave Official Beta Version  Playmates (Lobotomy Software)1995shooter Fantasy Science Fiction enlabelminimizesubject
Genewars  Electronic Arts (Bullfrog)1996strategy enlabelimageminimize
Time Commando Activision (Adeline Software)1996beat 'em up role-play Science Fiction en, fr, de, it, pt, sp, swelabelimageminimize
Star Control 3  Accolade (Legend Entertainment)1996action/reflex shooter manag./econ. strategy adventure Science Fiction enlabelimageminimize
Eradicator Accolade1996shooter Science Fiction enlabelimageminimize
Amok  GT Interactive (Lemon)1996action/reflex shooter Science Fiction enlabelimageminimize
Star General SSI (Catware)1996strategy turn-based Science Fiction enlabelminimizeminimize
PowerSlave  Playmates (Lobotomy Software)1996shooter Fantasy Science Fiction enlabelimageminimize
The Elder Scrolls Legends: Battlespire Bethesda Softworks1997action/reflex adventure role-play Fantasy enlabelimagesubject
Little Big Adventure 2  Electronic Arts;Activision;Virgin Interactive (Adeline Software)1997action/reflex adventure Fantasy Cartoon en, fr, de, it, jp, ru, sp, otherlabelimageminimize
Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny  Virgin Interactive (Westwood Studios)1997action/reflex adventure role-play Fantasy en, fr, delabelimageminimize
Z.A.R. Auric Vision (Maddox Games)1998shooter Science Fiction enlabelimageminimize