showing 20 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee GT Interactive (Oddworld Inhabitants)1997 alienplanet cdrom cinematicplatformer cpu-586 display-vesa escape humanoidprotagonist keyboard multipleendings nohumans oddworld peopleresources planetaryromance savepoints slavery soylentgreen spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-awe32 spu-ensoniqsoundscape spu-gm spu-gus spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-tandydac walking labelminimizeminimize
Fallout Interplay (Black Isle Studios)1997 1life 2160s 22ndcentury adv-perks adv-ptdistr alternatetimeline assemblylang automap botching california charactercreation circadiancycle combatmode cruelty-potential currency-unusual deathworld desura dingy doors download drugs earth encounters-random energyweapons fallout fallout-engine firearms fistloads future genderchoice giantanimals giantspiders gore graybrown grenades grid grid-hex handguns inaccurateinfo initiative injuries interactivedialogs isolationists karma locationaldamage lockpicking losttechnology meleeweapons multipleendings mutants neutralmonsters northamerica overworld parttargeting postapocalypse powerarmor raygungothic retrofuture rotaryguns ruinedworld scorpions sdl shopping sourcecodeavailable spiritualsuccessor stealing stealth thrownweapons thx-1138 timelimit timeunits town turnbasedcombat ubuntu unarmedfighting uvl-confusable walking wasteland weirdscience xp-kills labelimageminimize
The Dig LucasArts1995 alienplanet aliens alientechnology book cdrom cheapdeath clickadventure communicator cpu-486 crystals death desolate difficulty-single displacementfiction dos6 download firstcontact hoarding insaneengine interactivedialogs inventory inventory-indisposable isolatedlocale lightbridges lutris mediaindrive militantprotagonist minigames multipleendings noinstall pda publictransit ruins saveanywhere scumm scummvm serious spectres starfishaliens stranded unexpectedsituation voiceovers voiceovers-full A group of scientists discovers an asteroid that is on its way to a collision with the Earth. Is there any way to prevent the disaster? Boston Low, a NASA veteran, is sent to command a space expedition on the asteroid. Accompanied by the journalist Maggie Robbins and the archaeologist Brink, Boston investigates the asteroid and finds a strange structure that undoubtedly belongs to an alien civilization. During the course of investigations, the team finds itself on a seemingly deserted planet. They have no knowledge of the planet and no possibility of going back. Will they ever discover the secret of this strange world and find a way to get home?

The Dig is a point-and-click adventure game with a simple one-cursor interface. Most of the puzzles are inventory-based, tending to be somewhat more complex than in most preceding LucasArts' adventure games. There are also a few logic-based puzzles, which require understanding and manipulation of alien technology and life forms on the planet. Traditional branching dialogue system is utilized; however, the game focuses more on puzzle-solving than on conversations to advance the plot.

The game's story is influenced by science fiction literature and movies, and strives to be realistic, departing from the comedy style of LucasArts' adventures. Despite that, humorous elements are present in some of the dialogues and text descriptions. The game utilizes hand-drawn graphics with a few pre-rendered 3D images.***[media=youtube]jRMGxQCitRU[/media]***
[84]***2009-07-08 on Steam, by LucasArts (lang: eng) ; uses an emulator wrapper for the game that forces 2xSAI or similar interpolation.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* DOS 6.0
* 486DX2 / 66 MHz CPU
* 256-colour GPU
* 8 MB RAM
* 1 MB free HD space
* 2X CD-ROM drive
* MS-compatible mouse

Win95 is mentioned for backwards compatibility.

The game puts only soundcard configuration and save files on HD, otherwise it runs completely off the CD.***DOS and Mac demos as well as the soundtrack are available in [url=]The Dig Museum[/url].
Maniac Mansion Lucasfilm Games1988 clickadventure display-cga display-cga-composite display-ega display-hgc display-mcga display-tga display-vga maniacmansion mansion multipleendings multiprotagonists scumm scummvm spu-pcspeaker spu-tandy thx-1138
[52]***Ever since the meteor landed, strange things have been sighted at Dr. Fred's old mansion.
Disembodied tentacles hopping around. Chainsaws in the kitchen. Plants with unusual appetites. And odd glow from the swimming pool.
And now, sweet Sandy the cheerleader is in Dr. Fred's clutches. So round up your pals, take a deep breath, and get ready for the weirdest, funniest adventure of your life.

- Just point 'n' click... no typing ever!
- High resolution graphics and great sound effects.
- Meet all sorts of zany characters
Escape  May-Be Soft1996 erotic medieval multipleendings subterranean teenprotagonist labelminimizeminimize
Daughter of Serpents  Millennium Interactive;Nova Spring;Psygnosis (Eldritch Games)1992 3.5disk africa cdrom city city-alexandria-eg companion contemporaryfantasy cthulhumythos earth egypt egyptian-theme egyptianmythology fantasticearth genderchoice multipleendings spu-mt32 1995-??-?? as [i]The Scroll[/i], by Nova Spring (US)/Psygnosis (EU), on CD, apparently slightly expanded labelimageminimize
Anvil of Dawn New World Computing (DreamForge Intertainment)1995 1life adv-objects altcharfates altprotagonistencounters automap axes bodyarmor capacity-weight castle cdrom charactercreation chosenone compass cpu-486 crossbows derelict dialog-keywords diaries doors dos5 elementals enemyhealthdisplay energyregen energyregen-slow eviloverlord femaleprotagonist finiteopposition genderchoice goblins gog gridmove healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hiddenattributes hitchance idlenoise illequipped illusionarywalls interactivedialogs interactivetriggers inventory inventory-supplies jewelry keyboard keys livingwater loot-predefined luggage magic magic-sigils maleprotagonist mapannotation medieval meleeweapons minimap mouse multipleendings nontolkienian noports onehanded oneoftheenemy overburdening overloading paperdoll polearms portals potions premadecharacters prerenderedcinematics pressureplates printer protagonistnaming randomchance saveanywhere serious shields solomission sorcery spears specieschoice stamina stationaryattack swords swordstaffs throwanything thrownweapons titlementioned unknownpast voiceovers war xp-literal [b]Minimum[/b]
* DOS 5.0 or greater
* 486/33 CPU
* 4 MB RAM
* 5 MB free HD space
* 2X CD-ROM drive
* Mouse

* 486/66 CPU
* 30 MB free HD space***The game's unusual in the manner that although you select one of the five heroes to play as in the beginning, you get to meet the other four in your travels.

The choice of hero mostly affects the voice-overs (and dialog with it) and appearance, attributes are freely customizable if you so desire.***The game was apparently re-released in 2007/01 with Windows XP support. Unable to verify this currently, though.
Ultima VII: Forge of Virtue  Origin1992 apples blackpearls carts chosenone crafting fromanotherworld garlic gog goldbars goldnuggets langcomputer multipleendings museum npcschedules pickaxe seamlessworld sourcecodemissing trash ultima ultima7-engine ultimaageofarmageddon xp-deeds xp-kills The Forge of Virtue was a small expansion released with some packages of the game and as a standalone product. Ever wondered how to get this baby to run on Windows? Check here:
[cjlee001]***This add-on was rereleased both by Origin and Electronic Arts in many packages that included the [gametag=ultima7]Ultima VII and its sequels/add-ins[/gametag]. The [gametag=langcomputer]langcomputer[/gametag] tag applies because [spoiler=the player;the player]must read and understand a scroll written in the computer language that Exodus is programmed in to complete this add-on[/spoiler].
Ultima VII: The Black Gate  Origin1992 ♫flightofthebumblebee ♫rulebritannia 1life 3.5disk alcohol aliens apples axes bees blackpearls bludgeons bows capacity-stacks capacity-volume capacity-weight captives carts chapel cheese chosenone circadiancycle city cooking crafting crates crteffects currency demons domesticcats drills-rig drugs eviloverlord femaleprotagonist fictionalelement firearms firearms-early forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice giantinsects gog goldbars goldnuggets group hypocrites illequipped ineptveteran inventory jewelry juggernauts knives lagomorphs latemodernperiod limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings magicweapons meleeweapons mice monsters multipleendings neutralnpcs noncombpenalty npcschedules nudism optionaltasks otherworld parrots pirates polearms precisionrifles present prospecting prostitutes pumpkin refwizardofoz riding ruins safezone scummvm-wip seamlessworld sheep shopping sorcery sourcecodemissing subterranean swords thrownweapons town trash ultima ultima7-engine ultimaageofarmageddon unicorns walking whips willowisps xp-deeds xp-kills Review for the French version of the game.
[22]***French version
[37]***Came with six 3.5' disks. The original release included a demo of Ultima Underworld on a 5.25' disk. U7 was rerealsed both by Origin and Electronic Arts in many packages that included the sequels/add-ins for U7 (Forge of Virtue, Serpent Isle, The Silver Seed)

The 7th canonical game in the Ultima series and the first game in Ultima's Age of Armageddon. The player and party can use crossbows and bows. Ingredients can be mixed to bake bread and other things. Cheese is available as food. A variety of items can be crafted into other items. There are pumpkin fields in the game, from which pumpkins can be harvested. Flight of the Bumblebee is played at one point, Rule Britannia is overplayed. There are several prisoners in the game and its this plays into the plot more than once. An addictive medicine in the game is abused by characters and can be abused by the player's character and party, with consequences. Unicorns are mentioned in in-game books and by characters[spoiler=and;and]one can be found by the player also.[/spoiler]
Origin once again attempted to create a game engine as they had done before with Ultima IV and Ultima VI. Arthurian Legends was the game they would attempt to create using the U7 Engine. AL was not completed and the source code of the Ultima VII games was later lost.

A game engine called Exult allows the game to run on a wide variety of platforms
[Zerothis]***Still one of the best RPG's ever made IMO. The Forge of Virtue was a small expansion released with some packages. Ever wondered how to get this baby to run on Windows? Check here:
Wing Commander Origin Systems1990 27thcentury addons branchingstory darkspace display-ega display-mcga display-tga display-vga extraterrestrial future militaryfiction multipleendings namelessprotagonist sourcecodeescrow space spacecombatsim spacecraft spacecraft-small spacefaringage spaceflight war wingcommander
- The Secret Missions 1
- The Secret Missions 2: Crusade

A CD-ROM version including the original game plus the two scenario disks was released in 1992.***CD-ROM version
[63]***Review of the add-on "Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2".
[52]***Review for add-on "The Secret Missions".
[52]***Review of the add-on "Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2".
[37]***You're a starfighter pilot, the best of the best, but nothing in your training prepared you for action this hot. Deepspace dogfights against Kilrathi aces are deadly, and the future of humanity is on the line each time you fly! Wing Commander puts you in the middle of the most intense starship action you've ever experienced outside of a movie theatre. But in Wing Commander, you're the star!

- Thrill to the dynamic soundtrack that senses the action on-screen and alters the pacing, tempo and mood of the music to match!
- Advance in rank while piloting one of four unique Terran spacefighters against a deadly array of enemy ships.
- See the action from all angles using Wing Commander's player-controlled camera.
- Count on your wingman, a skilled pilot, thanks to the advanced Wing Commander artificial intelligence system, but don't get cocky: the enemy flies intelligently too!
Sentient Psygnosis1997 asphyxiation clanguage controlconfig difficulty difficulty-aspects dosextender exoticresolution investigation multipleendings radiation spacestation labelimageminimize
Heart of China Sierra On-Line (Dynamix)1991 1930s alternatingprotagonist asia asia-east china chinese-theme city city-paris-fr clickadventure dgdsengine did display-cga display-ega display-mcga display-tga display-vga france hongkong multipleendings nepal rescue spu-adlib spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-ps1 spu-sb spu-tandy spu-tandydac turkey labelimageminimize
King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella Sierra On-Line1988 3.5disk 5.25disk agiengine commercial display-cga display-cga-composite display-ega display-hgc display-mcga display-tga display-vga femaleprotagonist gameprogress highbornprotagonist joystick keyboard kingsquest license-proprietary magical medieval mouse multipleendings sci-engine sci0 scummvm spu-adlib spu-gameblaster spu-imfc spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-tandy uchronia King's Quest Collector's Edition published 1994, UPC:0-20626-83312-7, includes this version on the 1st CD.***
The Black Cauldron Sierra On-Line1986 3.5disk 5.25disk agiengine agsengine commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 disney display-cga display-cga-composite display-ega display-hgc display-mcga display-tga display-vga hunger joystick keyboard license-proprietary movie multipleendings scummvm spu-pcspeaker spu-tandy The game was released as PC Booter as well as standard DOS game. Newer versions of the game used newer versions of Sierra's AGI interpreter version. Game version 1.1 used AGI 1, game version 2.0 used AGI 2 and game version 2.10 used AGI 3.***
Wizardry VII: Crusaders of the Dark Savant  Sir-Tech;Night Dive Studios (Sir-Tech)1992 cpu-286 dataexport display-ega display-vga dos3 dungeoncrawler evilwins gog gridmove group humanoidanimals magic multipleendings murinoids mystics sauroids sciencefantasy specieschoice sprites steampowered wizardry wizardry-darksavant A RPG game that has aged very bad.

-Variety in character making.
-Interesting mix between sci-fi and medieval-LOTR fantasy.
-Harsh and unforgiving enemies.
-Nice pixel art.

-Randomness is too high, making it kind of a game of dice (sometimes you achieve more by failing and repeting than with a well-tought strategic approach)

3 of 10***
Heirs to Skull Crag  SSI (MicroMagic;SSI)1993 2hmeleeweapons 3.5disk adnd adv-progress adv-static alienplanet autumnal axes basilisks beholders bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows breathweapons caninoids cdrom cemetery charactercreation city clanguage classbased classbasedeq combatmode companion compass containers cpplanguage crossbows dataexport dataimport did difficulty dnd doors dragonprotagonist dragons dragons-western driders dungeoncrawler dwarves elves encounters-random encounters-set encounters-timed fantasyworld fatigue feelies femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderchoice genderpenalty ghosts giantanimals giantinsects giantmonsters giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist goldboxengine golems gridmove group halflings hazardouspowers healingitems heroprotagonist highfantasy horses humanoids humans ichthyoids illusionarywalls inorganics insectoids inventory jewelry jinn joystick karma keys knives leveleditor liches lockpicking lowfantasy magic magicweapons maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons mercenaryprotagonist militantprotagonist mindflayers missionbased monsters mouse multiclassing multipleendings multiverse mycoids mystics mythicalprotagonist naturalweapons orcs pascal polearms premadecharacters premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming ragtaggang randomdamage recruiting rescue resourcegeneration resting riding river romance ruins sentientartefact sewers shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping skeletons slings softscifi sorcery specieschoice spellmemory subterranean summery swords tentaclecreatures thrownweapons titlementioned tombstones town traps treants tutorial unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vampires vernal walking wasteland weefolk wintery wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills Heirs to Skull Crag is the game, exclusively available in no other package game, real game, actual game, existing game, playable game, completable that comes the the Unlimited Adventures game creator which is in every other videogam database with tools to create AD&D based adventures, or even other types of adventures based on the Gold Box Engine.

The executable is "FRUA.EXE" and the letters stand for "Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures". But UA is by no means limited to the Forgotten Realms setting. Materials from other settings are included and players are free to create their own or download UGC from the aforementioned site.
The Summoning SSI;Softgold Computerspiele (Event Horizon Software)1992 3.5disk 5.25disk actionrpg axes backtrackingdenied bodyarmor bows cdrom charactercreation commercial controllablehelplessness cpu-286 cpu-386 dialog-tree dicemechanics display-vga dos3 energyregen-slow feelies genderchoice healingitems inventory keyboard keys knives license-proprietary limitedcapacity limitedsupplies magic magic-somatic meleeweapons monsters mouse multipleendings pressureplates printer protagonistnaming quickkeys randomizedattributes scrolls serious sewers shields sorcery spu-adlib spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-sb spu-tandy staves subterranean swords walking wordinput xp-literal Yes, the character has limited capacity _and_ the game world has limited supplies _and_ there is no back tracking. Forcing players to choose very carefully which items they want to carry to the next level and exactly when to use said items or not. Failure to have the right items can put the game in an unwinnable state. Magic regen is extremely slow. There is a cheat patch for this game that does nothing except speed up Magic regen. Many consider this game to be near unbeatable (even with the regen cheat) yet magic regen is the only cheat anybody has bothered to create.***
The Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge  Virgin (Westwood)1994 cdrom clickadventure eob-engine killerrabbits kyrandia maleprotagonist multipleendings scummvm spu-gus titularcharacter Everyone blamed evil jester Malcolm for his deeds, how he turned everyone to stone (which was true), and how he killed King and the Queen (which is absolutely not true, and you'll prove that). The game has three different endings, and at the end credits, you'll see how the Westwood Team combined with painted Malcolm. It's crazy marvelous. Now, it's your turn to tell the world your side of the truth. You will be helped by your bad memories aided by unconsciousness, and later in the game, you'll be determined to choose between the good and the bad one. This game has many paths; you can go to the jungle in six different ways: as a Pegasus, via the magic carpet, as a desguised fish-circus captain, ... you follow me? The graphics are advanced from the first two games, and the music is not the mystic one, but this music is really a happy type of music. Anyway, it suits with the game and Malcolm's jokes. Now, you start at the end of the first part. You remember when Brandon turned you into stone (as you did to every villager on this island), and finally, the moment of glory comes. The thunderbolt strikes you, and pushes you pretty far. But at least you're alive, and with a full bag of tricks. Take a few neccessary things from the nearby garbage, and visit Kyrandia again. Have fun!***
Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny  Virgin Interactive (Westwood Studios)1997 1life antimagiczones automap autosaves-periodic axes bellyofawhale bigcats bludgeons capturedresources cave cdrom civilianprotagonist civilizedsavages clingers compass crawltunnels curse dark-limited datacaching deadlywater deities diaries difficulty difficulty-ingame dinosaurs dromaeosaurs elevators elevators-multifloor energyregen enlargingprotagonist environmentalpuzzle falselyaccused felinoids flammables forest giantinsects giantspiders glowingeyes gog healingitems healthregen hiddenattributes hiddenitemstats idlenoise illusionarywalls inventory involuntarystates jumping keys knockback landsoflore liveactors magic mapannotation mapspoilers mediaindrive meleeweapons milessound monsters multipleendings museum mystics neutralmonsters nightvision nontolkienian outlanderprotagonist pictureinpicture polycephalids polymathprotagonist premadeprotagonist prologue quake recurrence recurrence-character ruins saveanywhere screenshake seers shapeshifters shapeshifting shopping shrinkingprotagonist sorcery stealingnpcs subterranean swords tentaclecreatures town toxins trash treetoptown tropic unarmedfighting unexplainedelements unusualprotagonist variableabilitypower voiceovers volcanic walking Latest version: 1.30 (as of 1998-02?)***Comes on 4 CDs. labelimageminimize
Harvester Virgin;Merit Studios (DigiFX Interactive)1996 1950s amnesia clickadventure cultists digitizedimages digitizedvideo gore inventory latemodernperiod liveactors multipleendings mystery past rating-bbfc-18 sequence-timed sex splatter steampowered surreal town The year is 1953. When Steve Mason awakens in the quiet North American town called Harvest, he cannot remember anything. People claim to know him and even to be related to him, but he does not recall their names. As he explores the strange town, he encounters more and more eccentric people, whose behavior is difficult to explain. Everyone keep telling him that he should join the Lodge, the headquarters of the mysterious Order of the Harvest Moon. Steve is determined to find out the truth about the town and about himself, but he doesn't know that this truth is more horrifying than he could have ever imagined...

Harvester is essentially a point-and-click, puzzle-solving adventure game. Though a weapon-shaped icon allows the player to attack characters, this can only be done as a solution to a puzzle, in order to advance the game's plot at specific points. The largest bulk of the gameplay is dedicated to traditional adventure activities: talking to characters and manipulating inventory items to solve puzzles. "Hot spots" indicate interaction possibilities, as in most adventure games of that period. The game features video cut scenes with live actors; for gameplay portions, digitized animations of the actors are super-imposed over pre-rendered background graphics.***
[84]***Welcome to Harvest: Population [s]51[/s] 50.
With amnesia and a whole bunch of crazy people that don't make a lot of sense, you got to figure out what is going on. Welcome to the 1950s, 40 years before the make of this game. Confused, you must talk to everyone and find out what is going on.
You cannot live in Harvest without becoming a Harvester!