showing 14 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardgame typepersp.
Iter Vehemens ad Necem  IvanDev2001role-play Fantasy alabelimageminimize
Nethack: Falcon's Eye -2000role-play Fantasy alabelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate: Edition spéciale  Interplay Productions1998adventure role-play Fantasy Humorous alabelminimizeminimize
MAngband  ?1997role-play Fantasy alabelminimizeminimize
Final Doom id Software (TeamTNT)1996Fantasy Horror Science Fiction shooter clabelimagesubject
The Ultimate Doom  GT Interactive (id Software)1995Fantasy Horror Science Fiction shooter clabelimagesubject
Doom II  id Software1994shooter Fantasy Horror Science Fiction clabelimagesubject
Ancient Domains Of Mystery  author1994adventure role-play Fantasy alabelimageminimize
DOOM id Software1993shooter Horror Science Fiction clabelimageminimize
Heirs to Skull Crag  SSI (MicroMagic;SSI)1993maze strategy role-play Fantasy Science Fiction aclabelimagesubject
Reaping the Dungeon  Frontline Software1993role-play Science Fiction alabelimageminimize
Valhalla  Optyk (Norsehelm Production)1993role-play Fantasy alabelimageminimize
Angband author1992role-play turn-based Fantasy alabelimagesubject
NetHack Stichting Matematisch Centrum & M.Stephenson1985role-play Fantasy alabelimagesubject