showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Day of the Viper Accolade1989 automap display-cga display-ega display-hgc display-tga display-vga notebook robotmenace robotprotagonist robots spu-adlib spu-gameblaster spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-tandy labelimageminimize
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters Domark (Teque)1990 display-cga display-ega display-hgc display-tga lives retrofuture robotmenace robots runandgun score walking labelimageminimize
System Shock Electronic Arts;Origin (Looking Glass Technologies)1994 1life 3.5disk aimdeadzone alone alternatefailures antagonistawareness automap backtracking beamweapons beepingcomputers biotechnology blankprotagonist cacophonicvoice cdrom coerced compass creatorvscreation cultfollowing customengine cybernetics cyborgprotagonist cyborgs diaries difficulty difficulty-aspects distortedvision doors elevators empguns empweapons endlessopposition energyitems energyshields energystations energyweapons everyonesdead eviloverlord femaleantagonist firearms firstpersonshooter fleshvssteel freelook gog grenades grotesque hacking handguns hud-explained immersivesim implants indoors interactivetriggers inventory itempickup-instant jumping keyboard leaning ledges lightsabers mapannotation meleeweapons mines monopod mouse mutants namelessprotagonist noenergyregen nonlinear overheating persistentworld pictureinpicture pointertoggle postures powercorrupts reload-manual robotmenace robots rogueai seamlessworld sentientmachines serious singularlocale solomission spacestation spu-gm suddensentience systemshock targetident technology-theme transhumanism uipointer virtualreality voiceovers walking zero-g labelimagesubject
EarthSiege  Dynamix1994 1life 3.5disk cdrom creatorvscreation diegeticui earthsiege extraterrestrial future machinecivilization mecha mechsim militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased robotmenace robots rogueai sentientmachines serious spacefaringage starsiege unseenprotagonist vehiclecustomization voiceovers walker walkers war labelimageminimize
Wrath of Earth Softkey (Addix Software)1995 difficulty energyweapons extraterrestrial firstpersonshooter flatterrain fofindicator genderchoice infravision inventory keys minimap mutants prerenderedcinematics radar robotmenace robots solomission visionmodes voiceovers walking labelimageminimize
Descent  Interplay (Parallax Software)1995 3.5disk 3ormoreplayers 6dof alone atlastmoment callisto captives cdrom cpu-386 descent descent-engine difficultyspike doors dos5 energyweapons europa firstpersonshooter future indoors io lives machineguns map-3d mercenaryprotagonist missionbased moon robotmenace robots rockets sequence-timed serious steampowered uvl-workingtitle vrgoggles labelimagesubject
The Terminator: Future Shock  Bethesda Softworks1995 1life 2010s 21stcentury blankprotagonist cdrom city city-losangeles-ca creatorvscreation driving earth facelessprotagonist firearms firstpersonshooter future hexapeds map-3d mediaindrive movie northamerica postapocalypse rebellion robotmenace robots rogueai ruinedworld ruins serious terminator warriorprotagonist xngine labelimageminimize
Descent II  Interplay (Parallax Software)1996 1life 6dof alone captives cdrom cpu-486 descent descent-engine doors dos5 drone firstpersonshooter indoors map-3d mercenaryprotagonist missionbased redbookaudio robotmenace robots sequence-timed serious stealingnpcs steampowered uvl-missingimages labelimagesubject
The Terminator: SkyNET Bethesda Softworks1996 1life 21stcentury blankprotagonist cdrom city creatorvscreation cyborgs earth facelessprotagonist firearms firstpersonshooter future map-3d mathcoprocessor mediaindrive movie northamerica plasmaweapons postapocalypse rebellion robotmenace robots rogueai ruinedworld ruins serious terminator warriorprotagonist xngine labelimageminimize