showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
SimCity  Electronic Arts;Brøderbund (Maxis)1989Addon:
- SimCity Graphics Set 1: Ancient Cities
- SimCity Graphics Set 2: Future Cities
- SimCity: Architecture 1
- SimCity: Terrain Editor***
[33]***Review for add-on "Terrain Editor".
[22]***Review for add-on "Architectures 2".
[52]***Review for add-on "Future Cities".
[52]***With SimCity, take the destiny of the world's greatest cities in hand. Build houses, streets, factories, airports, and a stadium. You will have to fight crime and pollution, collect taxes and balance you budget.

Everything is managed and animated in real time. Every decision influences instantly the life of your town. You will face crises, natural disasters (tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.), but - who knows - maybe on day you finally get the city of your dreams.

SimCity is an all-absorbing and unique game. It contains 8 pre-defined scenarios: e.g. SAN FRANCISCO, TOKYO, RIO DE JANEIRO... But, of course, you're free to plan your own city.
SimCity 2000 Maxis1994Based on the phenomenally successful SimCity, you're given a plot of barren land to zone into industrial, residential, and commercial areas. As your city grows, you must deal with crime, education, and health issues by strategically placing police stations, schools, and hospitals. Manage traffic, the budget, and the needs of your constituents, or face riots, ridicule in the press, and eventual impeachment.

They also released several "Scenario Editions", an "Urban Renewal Kit" and a "SimCity 2000: Special Edition" which is an All-In-One Pack.

Versions for Windows were also released.
SimCity Enhanced Interplay (Maxis)1994Requires 2Mo RAM***
[37]***An all new version of the "classic" SimCity released by Interplay on CD-ROM. Features better graphics than the old version and many (rather funny) video sequences.