showing 18 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Dune II: The Battle for Arrakis  Virgin Games (Westwood Studios)1992 3plusfactions basebuilding burrowers colorofallegiance control-individuals dune encyclopedia extraterrestrial fogofwar foundations future gameplayinn giantworms grid grid-square harvesters lutris missionbased nostructurefacing otherworld realtimestrategy reimagining resourceharvesting serious sonicweapons spacefaringage spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sbpro spu-tandy tileblending titularevent titularlocale transports unseenprotagonist war wargame wasteland labelimagesubject
Monopoly Deluxe Virgin Games1992 3.5disk 5.25disk boardgametiein commercial cpu-286 display-vga dos3 edu-finance keyboard license-proprietary monopoly mouse spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-covoxsoundmaster2 spu-csm spu-cst spu-dss spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pcspeaker spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sbpro spu-tandydac traditional uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Tetris Classic Spectrum Holobyte;Mirrosoft (Spectrum Holobyte)1992 3.5disk 5.25disk abstract-location commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-cga display-ega display-hgc display-tga display-vga fallingblocks joystick keyboard license-proprietary mouse mp-cooperative mp-versus score spatiallogic speedup spu-adlib spu-gm spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pcspeaker spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sbpro spu-tandy spu-tb tetris labelminimizeminimize
3D Dinosaur Adventure  Knowledge Adventure1993 anaglyphic cdrom color-8bit commercial cpu-486 display-vesa display-vga dos6 keyboard license-proprietary mouse spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-csm spu-cst spu-gus spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-tandydac spu-tb stereoscopic labelminimizeminimize
GateWorld  Homebrew Software1993 lives score spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-aria spu-gm spu-gus spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-pcspeaker spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sbpro spu-tandy spu-windowssoundsystem labelimageminimize
Return to Zork Activision1993 3.5disk cdrom clickadventure cpu-486 display-mcga display-vga inventory made-engine maleprotagonist spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-dss spu-gm spu-gus spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-rap10 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-soundgalaxynxpro16 spu-tandydac zork zorkverse labelimageminimize
Rallo Gump Just Softworks (Edge Creations;Homebrew Software)1994 cdrom color-8bit commercial cpu-386 display-vga dos4 dosextender flying joystick keyboard license-proprietary lives score spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-aria spu-csm spu-cst spu-dss spu-gus spu-mpu-401 spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pcspeaker spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sbpro spu-tandydac swimming timelimit walking labelminimizeminimize
Rise of the Triad: Dark War  Apogee1994 ♫giazottoadagioingmin ♫godrestmerrygents ♫purcellqueenfuneral 1life 3.5disk alone armyofone cdrom cpu-386 download eliteprotagonist exoticweapons fallbackweapon firearms firstpersonshooter gibs gog gore graphicdeaths grotesque healthpickups itemglow juggernauts jumppads mp-dm noports overkill powerups premadecharacters pushwalls rockets rott-series splatter spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-awe32 spu-dss spu-ensoniqsoundscape spu-gm spu-gus spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-tandydac wolf3dengine labelimagesubject
The Settlers  Blue Byte1994 3.5disk display-vesa display-vga dominion lighthearted medieval naturalistic realtimestrategy resourceharvesting spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-gm spu-gus spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-pasp spu-pcspeaker spu-rap10 spu-rsc spu-sbpro spu-tandy thesettlers thoroughfareconstruction unseenprotagonist labelimagesubject
Undersea Adventure Knowledge Adventure;Edusoft (Knowledge Adventure)1994 3.5disk cdrom color-8bit commercial display-vesa display-vga dos3 keyboard license-proprietary mouse printer spu-adlib spu-aria spu-csm spu-dss spu-gm spu-gus spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pcspeaker spu-rap10 spu-revealfx32 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-tandy spu-windowssoundsystem labelminimizeminimize
Wacky Wheels Apogee Software (Beavis Soft)1994 3.5disk anthroprotagonist combatracing driving gog mode7 nohumans powerups spu-adlib spu-dss spu-gm spu-gus spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-tandy labelimageminimize
The Bard's Quest: Dungeons of the Unknown  VisionSoft1994 3.5disk 5.25disk cpu-386 display-cga display-ega display-vga download keyboard legaldisputes mouse spu-adlib spu-dss spu-pas spu-pcspeaker spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sbpro spu-tandy labelminimizeminimize
Hocus Pocus Apogee (Moonlite Software)1994 bossbattles classicwizards difficulty gog indoors keys lighthearted magic mysticprotagonist potions score sorcery spu-adlib spu-dss spu-gm spu-gus spu-pas spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-tandydac labelimagesubject
CyberBykes: Shadow Racer VR Gametek1995 cdrom color-8bit commercial cpu-486 dialup display-320x200 display-640x480 display-800x600 display-vesa display-vga dos5 ipx joystick keyboard license-proprietary motorcycle mouse spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-aria spu-awe32 spu-cst spu-dss spu-gus spu-mpu-401 spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-tandydac spu-windowssoundsystem labelimageminimize
Powerslave Official Beta Version  Playmates (Lobotomy Software)1995 20thcentury alieninvasion asphyxiation autosavepoints buildengine clanguage cpu-386 display-vga doors dos3 dosextender download earth egypt egyptian-theme explosiveobjects firearms firstpersonshooter handguns jumping keyboard keys latemodernperiod lava machineguns magic metroidvania milessound present reload-auto retrypoints spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-awe32 spu-ensoniqsoundscape spu-gm spu-gus spu-mpu-401 spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-rap10 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-tandydac spu-wavejammer swimming tinyfoes walking labelminimizesubject
The Gene Machine Vic Tokai (Divide by Zero)1996 clickadventure spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-awe32 spu-ensoniqsoundscape spu-gm spu-gus spu-mpu-401 spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pcspeaker spu-rap10 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-soundgalaxynxpro16 spu-tandy spu-tb spu-wavejammer spu-windowssoundsystem labelimagesubject
Duke Nukem 3D  Apogee Software (3D Realms)1996 1life 21stcentury 3.5disk addons airducts alieninvasion aliens apartmentbuilding armyofone automap bathroom bombs bpjmindexed buildengine captives cdrom censored city city-losangeles-ca clingers color-8bit cpu-486 cryogenicweapons destructibleitems dialup difficulty display-320x200 display-320x400 display-640x480 display-800x600 display-vesa display-vga doors dos5 download dukenukem elevators energyweapons explosiveobjects extraterrestrial firearms firstpersonshooter flood freelook freezing future gamepad gameplayinn gog gore graphicdeaths handguns heroic heroprotagonist hitscan humor-dark humor-toilet impossiblegeometry interspecificconflict invasion inventory ipx joystick jumping jumppack keyboard license-gpl licensechange lighthearted luna machineguns macho monsters moon mouse mp-cooperative mp-dm mp-versus multibarrelguns mutants naturaldisasters noreloading quake realisticshotguns redlightdistrict remotedetonators rockets ruins saveanywhere screenshake shotguns shrinker spacefaringage spacestation spu-adlib spu-awe32 spu-dss spu-ensoniqsoundscape spu-gm spu-gus spu-pas spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-tandy suidoids techinnovation ten-service theatre thx-1138 titularcharacter twitchshooter walking walkingarmory labelimagesubject
Daggerfall  Bethesda Softworks1996 1life achillesheelfoes adv-static allergies automap ballistics bleak books calendrictime caninoids carts causeway cdrom centaurs charactercreation characterflaws chosenone circadiancycle city clothing commercial compass concealeddoors controlconfig corpselooting cpu-486 cpu-586 customclass datedevents demons dialog-keywords difficulty disease display-vga doors dos6 download dragons dragons-western dungeoncrawler elderscrolls electrokinesis elevators enchanting energyregen falldamage fantasyworld fasttravel featherfall felinoids fictionaluniverse fines genderchoice ghosts giantanimals giantspiders gold guild harpies hitchance holstering humanoidanimals illequipped interactivedialogs inventory investigation itempickup-instant jewelry joystick jumping keyboard lawenforcers license-proprietary licensechange liches lockbreaking lockpicking lutris magic magicartefacts manaburn map-3d mapannotation mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons monsters mouse necromancers neutralnpcs nochildren nocrosshair nonlinear noports nudity nudity-featureless nymphs obsoletedassets openclassing openworld optionaltasks orcs outlanderprotagonist paperdoll persistentworld pointertoggle pyrokinesis racechoice randomchance rats rodents sauroids scavenging search secrets serious shapeshifters shapeshifting shopping skeletonkey skeletons smuggling sorcery souljar specieschoice spelldesigning spriggans spu-adlibgold spu-aria spu-awe32 spu-ensoniqsoundscape spu-gm spu-gus spu-iomagictempo spu-max spu-mpu-401 spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-pasp spu-pcspeaker spu-rap10 spu-revealfx32 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-soundgalaxynxpro16 spu-tandy spu-tb spu-toptekgolden16 spu-wavejammer spu-windowssoundsystem stealing superalloy swimming temple therianthropes titlementioned titularlocale tutorial twitch uipointer undead undeadmenace unknownpast unnecessarykilling vampires waiting walking wallclimbing werewolves xngine xp-literal labelimagesubject