showing 27 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardlanguage
Age of Mythology: The Titans  Microsoft (Ensemble Studios)2003en, delabelimageminimize
Painkiller Dreamcatcher (People Can Fly)2004en, fr, de, splabelimageminimize
Aquaria Bit Blot2007enlabelimagesubject
Devil May Cry 4  Capcom (Capcom Production Studio 4)2008en, jplabelimageminimize
Legendary  Gamecock;Atari (Spark Unlimited)2008en, fr, de, it, splabelimagesubject
Ninja Blade  ND Games;Iceberg Interactive (From Software)2009ch, en, fr, de, it, jp, kr, pl, ru, sp, otherlabelimageminimize
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter  Devolver Digital (Croteam)2009en, fr, de, it, splabelimageminimize
NecroVisioN: Lost Company  1C Company (The Farm 51)2010en, rulabelimagesubject
Transformers: War for Cybertron Activision (High Moon Studios)2010enlabelimageminimize
Darksiders THQ (Vigil Games)2010enlabelimagesubject
Bulletstorm EA Partners (People Can Fly;Epic Games)2011en, fr, de, it, pl, ru, splabelimagesubject
Serious Sam 3: BFE  Devolver Digital (Croteam)2011enlabelimagesubject
Darksiders II  THQ (Vigil Games)2012enlabelimageminimize
DmC Devil May Cry  Capcom (Ninja Theory)2013en, fr, de, it, jp, splabelimagesubject
Dead Space 3 Electronic Arts (Visceral Games)2013enlabelimageminimize
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow  Konami (MercurySteam Entertainment;Kojima Productions)2013enlabelimageminimize
Shadow Warrior  Devolver Digital (Flying Wild Hog)2013enlabelimageminimize
Risk of Rain Chucklefish (Hopoo Games)2013enlabelimageminimize
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2  Konami (MercurySteam)2014enlabelimageminimize
Dragons and Titans Wyrmbyte (Versus Evil)2014en, de, pl, ru, sp, otherlabelimagesubject
Ascend: Hand of Kul Signal Studios2014enlabelminimizeminimize
The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human YCJY 2016enlabelimageminimize
Song of the Deep GameTrust Games (Insomniac Games)2016enlabelimageminimize
Praey for the Gods  No Matter Studios2017enlabelminimizeminimize
Monster Hunter: World Capcom2018en, jplabelimageminimize
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Activision;FromSoftware;方块游戏 (FromSoftware)2019ch, en, fr, de, it, jp, kr, pl, pt, ru, sp, otherlabelminimizeminimize
Apsulov: End of Gods Angry Demon Studio2019enlabelminimizeminimize