showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame typedisplay
Lands of Lore III  Electronic Arts (Westwood Studios)1999role-play Fantasy Science Fiction raster, textured polygons, mixedlabelimagesubject
Doom 3  id Software2004action/reflex Fantasy Horror Science Fiction shooter textured polygonslabelimagesubject
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion  2K Games;Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2006action/reflex beat 'em up adventure role-play Fantasy textured polygonslabelimagesubject
Alone in the Dark  Atari;Akella (Eden Games;Hydravision Entertainment)2008adventure Fantasy Horror textured polygonslabelimagesubject
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Vivendi (Terminal Reality)2009action/reflex Fantasy Science Fiction textured polygonslabelimagesubject