showing 19 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagslanguage
Dishonored Bethesda Softworks (Arkane Studios)2012 achievements aimassist airducts alarmers alcohol ambientcreatures antiheroprotagonist asphyxiation assassinprotagonist backstabbing bink bodydragging books brothel city combatanimals consequences containers controllablehelplessness cpplanguage crepuscularrays crossbows detector diaries dieselpunk difficulty dishonored-series distracting dock dogs doorpeep doors dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric dystopian earlymodern-theme eliteprotagonist energyitems energyregen energyregen-stunted euthanasia explosiveobjects explosives-sticky falldamage fallimpact falselyaccused fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter flood flyingislands fxaa grenadecooking grenades handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-stunted humanism immersivesim indicator-threat industrial-setting industrialage intermissions jumping keycodes keys knives knockback ladders lawenforcers leaning ledges lighthouse lostequipment lutris magic mines missionbased mlaa multipleendings mystics nonlinear npcstrife objectiveindicator observer outbreak pacifism pagans palace parrying pawn pickpocketing playerstats politicalcorruption possession potions prison prologue prostitutes radialmenu rage rats restaurant revisitedlocales ruins scaleform scientists screenshake secrets sewers shopping slums smokes smudgefilter splatter stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthmode steampowered steamworks stunning suicide summoning swarmers swimming teleport teleporting tower trapdisarming treachery tripwires underwaterdiving unnecessarykilling unrealengine unrealengine3 unvoicedprotagonist upgradesystem urbanfantasy vaulting walking weaponupgrades weirdvision en, fr, de, it, splabelimagesubject
Grim Dawn Crate Entertainment2016 abilityranks actionrpg adv-ptdistr alphafunding apocalyptic attrbasedeq automap bleak bodyarmor cave classbased crafting criticalchance crowdfunded crystals deathpenalty destructibleenvironment diablolike diaries download earlymodern-theme enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen energyupkeep factions fanfunding fictionaluniverse firearms genderchoice giantinsects gog gunpowderfantasy healingitems healthregen historicalfantasy hitchance indie inventory itemgenerator karma lootemup magic meleeweapons monsters mp-cooperative multiclassing naga noinvpause npcgenerators npcstrife outsiders passivesynergy portals prison realclock respec ruins sellundo shields shopping softabilitycap sorcery spiritualsuccessor splatter steampowered summoning targetident tasktracker titanquest-engine titlementioned trivialobstacles undead unlimitedammo wetland wxwidgets xp-deeds xp-kills zombies enlabelimageminimize
Risen 2: Dark Waters Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2012 adv-objects adv-xpdistr bodyarmor capturedresources chargers circadiancycle clothing depthoffield difficulty difficulty-ingame directx9 dodging earlymodern-theme fasttravel fasttravel-points firearms gog grapplers gunpowderfantasy handguns historicalfantasy insectoids island itemcomparison jumping lockpicking lostpowers magic maleprotagonist monsters npcschedules outlanderprotagonist outlaws pirate-theme pirates premadeprotagonist prostitutes rating-pegi-16 retcon risen-series shore shotguns slavery slowmotion sorcery stealing stealth stealthmode steampowered thrownweapons trespassing tribals trivialresearch tropic tumbling voodoo walking winvista winxp xp-deeds xp-kills en, fr, de, it, splabelimagesubject
So Blonde Eidos Interactive;Anaconda (Wizarbox)2008 clickadventure earlymodern-theme forest hintsystem hoarding island jungle map rating-pegi-12 soblonde-series dut, en, frlabelimagesubject
Anno 1503  Electronic Arts (Sunflowers;Max Design)2002 16thcentury anno-series cdrom citybuilding colonization directx8 drm earlymodern-theme resourceprocessing safedisc securom securom1 serialkey tradesim ch, dut, en, fr, pl, splabelimagesubject
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs  Frictional Games (thechineseroom)2013 1890s 19thcentury amnesia-series angelscript aristocratprotagonist dark defenseless diaries distortedvision earlymodern-theme engineerprotagonist factory flawedprotagonist giantmachine gog hpl2engine hplengine lamp lamp-faulty langhungarian mansion pacifisthorror parentprotagonist playerprofiles screenshake secrets secrets-mandatory ssao steampowered survivalhorror temple victorian cz, en, fr, de, it, pt, ru, splabelimagesubject
Granado Espada  K2 Network;Nival Online (IMC Entertainment)2007 adv-undefined ageofdiscovery city classbased colonialism cpplanguage directx9 earlymodern-theme firearms fmod free free2play genderchoice group group-subset gunpowderfantasy handguns historicalfantasy magic mmog pathengine precisionrifles quickkeys shopping sorcery steampowered tasktracker techdisparity uvl-missingimages xp-kills xtrap ch, en, kr, rulabelimagesubject
Uncharted Waters Online  KOEI2004 ageofdiscovery ageofsail earlymodern-theme earth mmog unchartedwaters-series en, jplabelimagesubject
Escape from Monkey Island  LucasArts2000 bilingualdialogue clickadventure controllablehelplessness earlymodern-theme grime hoarding island lua monkeyisland pirates rating-esrb-t residualvm thx-1138 uvl-imagequality enlabelimageminimize
Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge LucasArts2010 caribbean clickadventure deathless earlymodern-theme hintsystem hoarding island lutris monkeyisland pirate-theme pirates rating-pegi-12 sailing steampowered undead voodoo en, fr, de, it, splabelimagesubject
The Curse of Monkey Island  LucasArts1997 capacity-unlimited caricature chapters clickadventure earlymodern-theme eastereggs-date fourfingers hammerspace hoarding inventory island lutris maleprotagonist misleadingchoices monkeyisland pirates scumm scummvm spouseprotagonist titularcharacter titularlocale voiceovers en, fr, de, it, splabelimagesubject
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition LucasArts2009 clickadventure controllablehelplessness directx9 download earlymodern-theme hoarding island monkeyisland pirate-theme pirates rating-esrb-e10 shadermodel2 unknownpast en, fr, de, it, splabelminimizeminimize
Fable III  Microsoft Game Studios (Lionhead Studios)2011 aaa addons adoption animals antivillain arcanepunk blocking bloodlines bludgeons bodymorphing books capacity-toolslots cave chargedattack chickens circadiancycle city classless collectibles companion crates crepuscularrays crossworldcharacters difficulty dodging drm drm-activation earlymodern-theme emotes eviloverlord fable-series fascism fictionaluniverse firearms forest friendlyfire genderchoice glowingeyes glowingveins groupsex gunpowderfantasy handguns healingitems healthregen hero-theme highbornprotagonist highfantasy historicalfantasy homosexuals humanoids industrialage langchinesetrad langhungarian latestart library lightbloom limitlessenergy magic marriage meleeweapons mine minigames monsters moralchoices mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-dropin namelessprotagonist naming-companions naming-objects naturalleader necessaryevil objectiveindicator optionaltasks outlaws playablemenu plotimmortality portals potions precisionrifles procreation pyrokinesis rebellion reflecteddeeds renting risetopower sciencefantasy secondaryantagonist secrets securom securompa selfcensorship sewers sex shadows shopping skeletons slimdx soldiers sorcery splatter stealing steampowered summery swimming swords tangibleabstracts tasktracker temporarycompanions tombstones town trophies undead unlimitedammo unrestrictedviolence walking werewolves wetland windowslive wintery wolves xbydifferentname xrayelectrocution zombies ch, cz, en, fr, de, it, kr, pl, ru, sp, otherlabelimagesubject
Atlantica Online  NDOORS Interactive;Hangame (NDOORS Interactive)2008 16thcentury alternatetimeline asia asia-east asia-south aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-4-3 atlantis britain china cpplanguage crafting directx9 dragons earlymodern-theme earth europe fmod forest france free free2play gamebryoengine genderchoice germany group hillland iberia india island italy japan magic mediterranean mercenaryprotagonist mmog monsters openal scandinavia spain sprites tactical teleport thailand treants turnbasedcombat unconvincingarmor unicorns vorbis widescreen ch, en, krlabelimageminimize
Anno 1602: Neue Inseln, Neue Abenteuer Sunflowers (Max Design)1998 17thcentury citybuilding colonization earlymodern-theme leveleditor resourceprocessing tradesim delabelminimizeminimize
Anno 1602  Sunflowers;GT Interactive (Max Design)1998 17thcentury anno-series cdrom citybuilding clanguage colonization directx6 earlymodern-theme leveleditor realtimestrategy resourceprocessing tradesim undirected unseenprotagonist en, delabelimagesubject
Anno 1404  Ubisoft (Sunflowers;Related Designs)2009 15thcentury 4ormoreresources activationlimit ageofdiscovery anno-series arabia asia asia-south citybuilding download drm dvd earlymodern-theme fame india naturalistic oriental tages tradesim trading en, fr, de, it, splabelimageminimize
Greed Corp W!Games2013 achievements achievements-public chainreactions commercial destructibleenvironment destructibleworld dominion download earlymodern-theme finiteresources grid grid-hex humblebundle industrial license-proprietary rating-esrb-e recruiting resourceharvesting robots steampowered supplies tutorial tutorial-interactive ubuntu voicechat walkers enlabelminimizeminimize
Greed Corp W!Games;dtp entertainment (W!Games)2010 achievements achievements-public chainreactions destructibleenvironment destructibleworld dominion earlymodern-theme finiteresources grid grid-hex industrial rating-esrb-e recruiting resourceharvesting robots steampowered steamworks supplies tutorial tutorial-interactive voicechat walkers enlabelimagesubject