showing 17 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
AGwaK2: Darkside Adventures  Origamihero? anthroprotagonist felidprotagonist labelimagesubject
The Lion King Virgin Interactive (East Point Software)1996 animalprotagonist bonusstages cdrom commercial cpu-486 disney felidprotagonist growingprotagonist highbornprotagonist keyboard license-proprietary lighthearted lives mouse movie nohumans orphanprotagonist thelionking timeskip titularcharacter win95 windowed wingapi labelminimizeminimize
Zagadki Lwa Leona CD Projekt (Leryx Longsoft)1998 felidprotagonist felinoids jungle labelminimizeminimize
A Game with a Kitty Bernie200? anthroprotagonist felidprotagonist multimediafusion labelimagesubject
Mazowsze: Pogoń w Czasie Nitreal Games2011 1890s 1940s 1950s 19thcentury 2000s 2010s 20thcentury 21stcentury alternatetimeline animalprotagonist chapters city-warsaw-pl clickadventure domesticcats download dreamworld entangled felidprotagonist femaleprotagonist hospital inventory library mindcontrol poland restaurant rodents search teenprotagonist theatre timeparadox timetravel town youngadultprotagonist labelimagesubject
LaserCat Monster Jail Games2012 animalprotagonist desura felidprotagonist indie labelminimizeminimize
Mazowsze2. Miejsce Ponad Czasem  ComAngle2013 1780s 18thcentury 2010s 2050s 2070s 21stcentury airport animalprotagonist chapters city-warsaw-pl clickadventure controlswitch domesticcats download felidprotagonist femaleprotagonist future inventory medieval museum past poland present recurrence-character rodents timetravel town train-location youngadultprotagonist labelimagesubject
Aqua Kitty - Milk Mine Defender Tikipod2013 felidprotagonist mp-cooperative music-chiptune nonsense protect radar retro scrollingshooter steampowered underwater unlimitedammo waves labelimageminimize
A Walk in the Dark ?2014 animalprotagonist felidprotagonist silhouetted steampowered labelimageminimize
Copy Kitty Entanma2015 anthroprotagonist demo felidprotagonist femaleprotagonist tutorial labelminimizeminimize
Shelter 2 Might and Delight2015 angular animalprotagonist download felidprotagonist femaleprotagonist gog hunting indie naturalweapons nature-theme openworld procreation steampowered stylized wintery labelminimizeminimize
Legend of Kay  Nordic Games (Neon Studios;Kaiko)2015 anthroprotagonist directx11 felidprotagonist felinoids steampowered win8 winvista labelimageminimize
The Purring Quest Valhalla Cats 2015 animalprotagonist felidprotagonist steampowered unity-engine labelminimizeminimize
Paws: A Shelter 2 Game Might and Delight2016 angular animalprotagonist download felidprotagonist femaleprotagonist gog hunting indie naturalweapons nature-theme nodrm openal opengl procreation smallcats steampowered wintery labelminimizeminimize
Night in the Woods Finji (Infinite Fall)2017 animalpeople anthroprotagonist branchingstory crowdfunded download earthlike felidprotagonist femaleprotagonist insaneprotagonist interactivedialogs jumping minigames narrativedriven secrets sliceoflife steampowered stylized timespan-days town unity-engine walking youngadultprotagonist labelminimizeminimize
A Game with a Kitty 1 & Darkside Adventures Origamihero2022 anthroprotagonist felidprotagonist steampowered labelminimizesubject
Stray Annapurna Interactive (BlueTwelve Studio)2022 animalprotagonist felidprotagonist steampowered labelminimizeminimize