showing 12 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
The Matrix: Path of Neo;MATRIX PATH OF NEO Atari (Shiny)2005 labelimageminimize
Assassin's Creed  Ubisoft Entertainment (Ubisoft Montreal)2008El comienzo estelar de la saga, a pesar de ser mucho más lineal y corto que sus predecesores (y unas misiones secundarias enormemente repetitivas), se hecha de menos no ser una arsenal andante que puede con toda la guardia de la ciudad: mucho más sigilo y huida y menos acción.

Especialmente reseñable era la posibilidad de finalizar un asesinato siguiendo el diario de Altair, convirtiendo el encargo en un auténtico reto, además de la claustrofóbica situación de Desmond y la intriga que rodea todo el juego.

Como reprochable, la enorme letalidad del agua, aunque también es cierto que es de gran ayuda contra los templarios.

8 de 10***2008-04-09 as boxed
2008-04-09 on Steam (eng,fre,ita,ger,spa)***[b]save points[/b] - there's only one save per profile, so make sure you back it up occasionally. Nothing worse than playing almost through the game and the save getting corrupted for whatever reason (such as BSOD). The saves are stored in `[code]%APPDATA%/Ubisoft/Assassin's Creed/Saved Games/[/code]´.***Latest version: 1.02 (as of 2008-05-14)***The story starts with Desmond Miles being kidnapped in 2012 by Abstergo Industries and put into the Animus machine, a device capable of drawing out genetic memories and allowing the user to re-live their ancestors' lives. For Desmond, this is the life of Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad (الطائر), an assassin who lived during the Third Crusade in 1191. Although the story skips the kidnapping and starts with Desmond jagged into the Animus and experiencing some synchronization issues with it.

The game is difficult to categorize and abundantly lampshaded by the fact that most of the game takes place inside the Animus which has been created to produce a video game like experience, so effectively you're playing a video game inside a video game. And the experience produced by the Animus is an abstraction of sorts with various alterations that make it easier for the user to operate it, such as translating all languages to plain English and so forth. So any inconsistencies with reality are due to that, and since memories aren't exactly logical 1 to 1 copies of reality, much illogical instances can occur, some of which can be interpreted to mean some [url=]very strange things[/url].

Things you may need to replay the whole game for:[spoiler]In memory block 4, you have a chance to pickpocket Vidic to get his security pen. This opportunity does not represent itself and replaying the memory block later does not roll back time in the "real world".

After the credits you gain access to the conference room where you need Vidic's pen to access a computer, but there's nothing else after that besides your ability to replay the memory blocks and aim for 100% completion (collecting all the flags, killing the templars, scouting, and doing all the side tasks).[/spoiler]***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.6 GHz dual-core Pentium D or Athlon 64 X2 3800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista)
* 256 MB VRAM
* Radeon X1600 or GeForce 6800 GPU
* 8 GB HD space

* Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or Athlon 64 X2 4400+ CPU
* 5.1 capable soundcard***The PC version has 4 new missions compared to the original console version.

Director's Cut Edition is apparently just alternate name for the thing and is in no way different from PC releases without that extra bit in their name.
ROM CHECK FAIL Farbs2008 labelminimizeminimize
Assassin's Creed II  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2010Con una gran variedad de misiones secundarias y mucha más exploración, parece mejor que el primer juego. Sin embargo, un Ezio con demasiados cachivaches (o demasiada munición según se mire) y con habilidades de combate demasiado poderosas (como poder bloquear con la hoja oculta) hacen que las misiones se tornen muy asequibles. Además el sigilo no prima tanto como en el primer juego.

7 de 10***Deluxe Edition adds 3 maps: Palazzo Medici, Santa Maria Dei Frari, and the Arsenal Shipyard. Ad speech mentions secret treasures and nothing else. Unknown if this means simply florins or actual equipment.***Undefined game-play elements: blending in with the crowd, hiring prostitutes (or others?) to serve as cover (controllable crowd) or to distract those who'd wish you harm.***Continues Desmond Miles' story right where it ended in the first game, even if Altair is no longer his alter ego inside the Animus.
Assassin's Creed III  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2012The American Colonies, 1775. It’s a time of civil unrest and political upheaval in the Americas. As a Native American assassin fights to protect his land and his people, he will ignite the flames of a young nation’s revolution.
Assassin’s Creed® III takes you back to the American Revolutionary War, but not the one you’ve read about in history books...***Hecho a prisas, con muchos elementos que no acaban de encajar y un prota aburrido (es mucho mejor Haytham), el peor de la saga sin duda.

6 de 10
FEZ Polytron2013Alegre y colorido, este juego es probablemente la aplicación más bucólica que jamás tendrá tu ordenador mas allá de los simuladores agrarios y los salvapantallas. Además presenta un interesante elemento de percepción espacial que lo acerca al género puzzle.

Plataformas hecho al detalle, sin posibilidad de muerte, especialmente indicado para jóvenes y niños interiores.

9 de 10
Remember Me Capcom (DONTNOD Entertainment)2013 labelimageminimize
Mega Pony author2013Download link to the game is available in the Youtube trailer's description.

Latest version: 1.1 (as of ?)***[media=youtube]VwMOOHb1aeA[/media]
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2013The year is 1715. Pirates rule the Caribbean and have established their own lawless Republic where corruption, greediness and cruelty are commonplace.

Among these outlaws is a brash young captain named Edward Kenway. His fight for glory has earned him the respect of legends like Blackbeard, but also drawn him into the ancient war between Assassins and Templars, a war that may destroy everything the pirates have built.

Welcome to the Golden Age of Piracy.***Probablemente el mejor juego de la saga, retomando elementos de todos los juegos y puliendo o eliminando los que no acababan de encajar, con un personaje genial, un argumento doble (fuero y dentro del Animus) impecables, y aportando muchísimos elementos de exploración y crafteo.

9 de 10
WATCH_DOGS  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal;Ubisoft Reflections)2014 labelimageminimize
The Magic Circle Question 2015 labelimageminimize
Pony Island Daniel Mullins Games2016Pony Island is officially described as a "suspense puzzle game in disguise". At the centre is an action game called Pony Island. It is a simple 2D side-scrolling game where the player uses the left mouse button to make a pony jump to clear gates as it moves forward by itself. Similar to the concept of Frog Fractions however, that is only a starting point for a much broader experience. As the game breaks down, the player slowly delves deeper into the game that turns out to be an arcade machine devised by a sinister force. The game Pony Island is a recurring theme that returns in many different forms, with different protagonists, colours and enemies, but also improved abilities such as wings to float in the air and a laser to destroy creatures.

The player has to investigate the computer running the game, revealing secrets by manipulating items, text chatting with the creator of the game as well as an entity that wants to free the trapped souls, browsing documents and programs, logging into different accounts and so on. This is the adventure aspect of the game, which is largely linear, but requires the player to interact with the interface and the many errors and code in unusual ways to progress, often deliberately breaking game mechanics. There is also another dimension to the game, to find out who the protagonist is, playing the arcade cabinet. Optionally four hidden visions can be unlocked. There are 24 hidden arcade tickets in the game and collecting them all leads to a different ending.

Another important game element is the pseudo hacking. Many moments in the game let the player break the rules devised by the creator by hacking directly into the game code. This is presented as a puzzle sequence with a series of instructions performed in a continuous loop. The player has to drag icons to manipulate the processes: duplicating them, guiding them in a certain direction, using a teleporter to skip or repeat certain instructions and so on, until a goal is met. These are puzzle sequences based on logic and no programming knowledge is required.

The game often deliberately breaks the fourth wall and attempts to confuse the player. It was originally created as a Game Jam entry for Ludum Dare 31 (theme: "Entire Game On One Screen") in 2014 and was then developed into a full game.***