showing 1 - 50 of 111 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Intra LOD Games2024 grid-hex hard indie IntraTD is a top-down tower defense strategy game. Fight against clever enemies by crafting unique strategies with your skills and towers in Intra's story of rescuing the Gravgasians. Manage towers and defend the main tower with your little hero. Explore maps designed with stylized realism.
[LOD Games]
Warborn PQube (Raredrop Games)2020 download grid grid-hex steampowered labelminimizeminimize
Crying Suns Humble Bundle (Alt Shift)2019 abilitycooldown activepause crowdfunded directx10 directx11 distantfuture extraterrestrial grid grid-hex militantprotagonist mutants robots steampowered win10 win7 Crying Suns is a tactical rogue-lite that puts you in the role of a space fleet commander as you explore a mysteriously fallen empire. In this story rich experience inspired by Dune and Foundation, each successful run will uncover the truth about the Empire... and yourself as well.***Uses unusual graphic style that is 3D models but with unfiltered textures and with limited rotation so they often look like regular pixel graphics. There's probably some actual pixel art mixed in. labelimagesubject
Pit People The Behemoth2018 alphafunding grid grid-hex mp-cooperative mp-versus narrator postapocalypse speech-gibberish steampowered surreal labelminimizeminimize
For The King Curve Digital (Ironoak Games)2018 commercial download epicgamesstore grid-hex license-proprietary steamcontroller steampowered x86-64 labelimageminimize
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War Slitherine (Proxy Studios)2018 4xstrategy commercial download grid-hex license-proprietary mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform opengl-3-0 opengl-3-3 steampowered tactical ubuntu x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Opus Magnum Zachtronics Industries2017 download gog grid grid-hex indie langchinesesimpl leveleditor opensolutions programming steampowered systemsdriven labelminimizeminimize
Battle Brothers Overhype Studios2017 download grid grid-hex steampowered tactical labelimageminimize
Faeria Abrakam2017 cardbattle cards collectiblecardgame commercial download free2play grid grid-hex langportuguese license-proprietary steampowered Faeria combines the core values of Strategy Card Games together with a Living Board, giving you the ability to shape the board as you play to create mind-blowing strategies. Each game of Faeria is not only unique, beautiful and fast-paced but also highly competitive.
[Steam Store]
Terroir General Interactive2017 commercial download grid grid-hex indie langchinesesimpl license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Offworld Trading Company Stardock (Mohawk Games)2016 activepause alphafunding extraterrestrial fogofwar grid grid-hex humblestore loans marketfluctuation mars steampowered timecompression trading tutorial labelimageminimize
Overfall Pera Games 2016 classbased crowdfunded difficulty-time encountermode grid grid-hex group magic monsters mystics npcstrife orcs overworld playerfeedback portals sorcery statuseffects steampowered stylized ugc Overfall is a fantasy role-playing game of rough diplomacy and tough action. You will lead two heroes on a journey across the high seas in search of their lost king. You will encounter people of all breeds and all creeds; ally with them or crush them without mercy. You will face many dangers; survive them and you may unlock new characters, weapons and skills. In a world where death is permanent, you must return to the beginning and make a fresh start. The heroes you choose, the weapons you unlock and a world that is randomized mean that no two adventures will ever be the same.

* A huge, dynamic world to explore, ruled by a number of races in constant conflict - it’s up to you to help or betray them.
* Unlock new classes, weapons, trinkets and skills as you progress in the game.
* Interactive story encounters where the choices you make and the allies you recruit ensure no two journeys are quite the same.
* Challenging and addictive turn-based combat - careful strategy and cunning skill combinations are the key to victory against your foes!
* Permanent hero death, procedural world generation, and high replay inspired by classic roguelikes.
* Beautiful hand-drawn art of of 9 player characters, 36 combat companions, 80+ enemies, 80+ NPCs, and 100+ locations.
Valhalla Hills Daedalic Entertainment (Funatics Software)2015 download drm gog grid grid-hex nodrm norsemythology steampowered vikings labelminimizeminimize
Chaos Reborn Snapshot Games2015 alphafunding crowdfunded download grid grid-hex humblewidget magic monsters sorcery steampowered summoning labelminimizeminimize
Armello League of Geeks2015 alphafunding anthropomorphicanimals anthroprotagonist cards circadiancycle combatmode dicemechanics download eventlog grid grid-hex humblewidget monsters outofturnactions risetopower serious steampowered timelimit timeunits uvl-steamcoveragecheck labelimageminimize
Legends of Eisenwald Aterdux Entertainment2015 alphafunding desura eisenwald grid grid-hex lowfantasy medieval steampowered labelminimizeminimize
The Curious Expedition Maschinen-Mensch2015 19thcentury alphafunding dinosaurs display-720p exploration grid grid-hex group humanprotagonist humblewidget inventory limitedsupplies magic mapgenerator opengl permadeath randomchance randomevents roguelite sauroids siminsanity steampowered walking winxp labelminimizeminimize
Order of Battle: Pacific Slitherine (The Aristocrats)2015 1940s 20thcentury earth grid grid-hex naturalistic war warfare-air warfare-land warfare-sea worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
NEO Scavenger Blue Bottle Games2014 alphafunding ambienttemperature capacity-slots capacity-weight crafting demo desura firearms flash foraging grid grid-hex haxeflixel haxelanguage hiddenitemstats hunger hypothermia inventory limitedcapacity luggage openworldsurvivalcrafting steampowered survivalsimulation temperaturechanges thirst Una representación brutal de un mundo posapocalíptico. La sensación de abandono, de misterio y sobretodo de carestía es constante.
Además presenta todo tipo de problemas, misterios y habitantes de todo tipo de este mundo, y una interfaz algo compleja pero muy bien diseñada.
Las opciones de personalización son muy extensas, aunque es verdad que las habilidades sociales no son todo lo útiles que podrían ser y que los humanos son un tanto parcos en la palabra.
Eso sí, no se recomienda jugar a este juego si eres hoarder de pro: tarde o temprano verás como alguien se lleva la mitad de las cosas de tu campamento improvisado.

6 de 10***NEO Scavenger is a game where you must survive in the wasteland long enough to figure out who you are. Each turn, you must decide where to go, how to scavenge for supplies, and how to deal with anything and anyone you encounter. And with each passing minute, the pit in your stomach grows, your dehydration worsens, your muscles tire, and your body temperature drops in the cold autumn air. Choose your starting abilities carefully, because they and your wit are the only tools you have in the apocalypse!
Scrolls Mojang2014 1on1 alphafunding cardbattle collectiblecardgame csharplanguage deckbuilding defunct genderchoice grid grid-hex incompat-virtualization lanes nostory protagonistdesigning selfupdate timedturns tooltips unity-engine xml labelimageminimize
Frontline: The Longest Day Slitherine Software (88mm)2014 earth grid grid-hex war worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon Slitherine (Flashback Games;The Lordz Games Studio )2014 distantfuture future grid grid-hex minimap npcstrife steampowered war wh40k zoom labelminimizeminimize
Civilization: Beyond Earth  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2014 27thcentury 28thcentury afterearth alienanimals alienplanet aliens autosaves-periodic civilization-series cpplanguage crossgameplay csaa depthoffield directx11 encyclopedia espionage extraterrestrial future grid grid-hex insectoids kraken lua mantleapi milessound mp-versus msaa multipleendings saveanywhere savedrngseed seamonsters spaceage steampowered techtree transhumanism winvista xml xp-attack xp-defense Un spin-off de la saga Civilization, similar a la últimas entregas (tablero hexagonal y ataques a distancia) pero con un especial énfasis en la exploración, algo que se nota en un entorno mucho más elaborado (misiones, reliquias, alienígenas...) y en la unidad del explorador.

Sufre mucho de tener un ritmo de juego muy lento, incluso para un juego de estrategia global, con progresos y construcciones que tardan decenas de turnos.

7 de 10***Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth is a new science-fiction-themed entry into the award-winning Civilization series. Set in the future, global events have destabilized the world leading to a collapse of modern society, a new world order and an uncertain future for humanity. As the human race struggles to recover, the re-developed nations focus their resources on deep space travel to chart a new beginning for mankind.

As part of an expedition sent to find a home beyond Earth, you will write the next chapter for humanity as you lead your people into a new frontier and create a new civilization in space. Explore and colonize an alien planet, research new technologies, amass mighty armies, build incredible Wonders and shape the face of your new world. As you embark on your journey you must make critical decisions. From your choice of sponsor and the make-up of your colony, to the ultimate path you choose for your civilization, every decision opens up new possibilities.
[Steam Store]
Endless Legend AMPLITUDE Studios2014 3plusfactions 4xstrategy alphafunding combatmode dedicatedclient elevation endless-series grid grid-hex impersonal rating-pegi-12 speciesuplift steampowered tutorial undefinedelements unity-engine Comprising a lot of different races, technologies and units, this Civ-like game shines for its designed based in its very different factions: almost everyone of them (except maybe The Vaulters, who are kind of intermediate even with its focus in science) its focused in a primary resource and/or a goal to achieve victory. Also includes a lot of different secondary resources, a very interesting PvE faction system and a complex land (with many different tile types and divided in regions) and orography.

Sadly, I have to stress three imperfections to this great formula:
*1. Second turn main mission: Very frustrating when you built your first city or explored a ruin in the 1st turn and then you realize you did not choose the best region/exploration is in your main mission. The main mission should be given at the start of the game.
*2. Orography and movement: Sometimes is very difficult to predict when you can move through the tiles.
*3. Unit habilities are very difficult to understand: its unique combat system (based on orders and resolution by the IA) is entertaining and enforces mind games over raw strength, but is too difficult to know how abilities work, forcing a frustrating trial by error.

7 of 10***Endless Legend is a 4X turn-based fantasy strategy game by the creators of Endless Space and Dungeon of the Endless. Control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!
[Steam Store]
Wasteland 2  inXile entertainment (inXile entertainment;Obsidian Entertainment)2014 adv-objects adv-ptdistr alphafunding animals arizona assaultrifles bludgeons bodyarmor botching capacity-weight colorblind combatmode coversystem criticalchance crowdfunded cyborgs damageinfo damageovertime dialog-keywords digitizedvideo disease disposableweapons doors doors-breakable download earth enemyscan energyweapons eventlog firearms fogofwar friendlyfire future giantinsects gog graverobbing grid grid-hex group groupcreation healingitems hitchance initiative injuries interactivedialogs itemglow keycodes killerrabbits knives leveluprestoration limitedcapacity lineofsight liveactors lockpicking machineguns malfunctioning meleeweapons militantprotagonist minefield minimap modsupport mutants npcdisarming openworld optionaltasks outlaws overkill overworld parttargeting postapocalypse precisionrifles quickkeys randomchance reload-manual resuscitation robots rookieprotagonist ruins shotguns stealingnpcs stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered strayfire submachineguns swords tactical tasktracker timeunits toxins tucarryover turnbasedcombat turrets undefinedelements unity-engine usa wasteland-series xp-deeds xp-kills xp-shared labelimageminimize
Frontline: Road to Moscow Slitherine Software (88mm)2014 earth grid grid-hex war worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Ground Pounders  Kerberos Productions2014 alphafunding grid grid-hex mp-crossplatform sots-series steampowered This seems to be a throwback to Battle Isle 1 type gameplay. labelminimizeminimize
Hive Blueline Games2014 ants bees beetles boardgametiein commercial csharplanguage femaleprotagonist fnaxna grid grid-hex indie insects license-proprietary spiders steampowered uvl-confusable labelimageminimize
Convoy Indietopia Games (Convoy Games)2014 abilitycooldown activepause beamweapons bossbattles charging colorblind combatmode damagetypes display-720p dronebays empweapons enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons friendlyfire grid grid-hex grid-square humblestore humblewidget indicator-range instantkillers lethalvelocity machineguns npcfriendlyfire objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator optionaltasks outlaws pixelated rockets roguelite screenshake shopping slavery steampowered stranded titularentity tutorial upgradesystem wasteland Presented in pixel art and set in a future post apocalyptic setting, Convoy is a squad based tactical combat roguelike-like in its core. As a player you travel with your combat vehicles and convoy across a wasteland to find parts needed to repair your broken spaceship. During your journey you might encounter strangers in randomized scenarios by picking up radio signals.

Depending on the choices you make as a player, this can either lead to tactical combat, text based dialogue or chance based role-play. Whatever choice you make, you need to keep your convoy and its cargo safe from raiders, warriors and other enemies. Keep upgrading your vehicles, as death is permanent in Convoy.

[b]Key Features[/b]

[b]A new take on tactical combat:[/b]
Combat plays out in real time as a high-speed car chase where you need to position your units and use abilities to maximise their effectiveness.
[b]Exploration pays:[/b]
You will encounter many different radio signals, each with a text based event. What doesn’t kill you may reward you with loot.
[b]Fully customizable units:[/b]
Each unit can be upgraded and outfitted with different weapons and abilities, allowing you to customize them to your needs.
[b]A randomized planet:[/b]
Each play-through features different main and side objectives, events, choices, and different consequences to your actions.
[b]A cold war turning hot:[/b]
Three factions vie for control over the planet, your actions tip the scales of balance making you an enemy to everyone. As each faction grows in strength, you need to keep up.
[b]Permadeath at the core:[/b]
Knowing one wrong move could lead to certain death puts you constantly on edge.***[media=youtube]S0JPB4b3Zck[/media]***"Convoy is a tactical roguelike-like inspired by Mad Max and FTL in which you cross a wasteland in search of parts for your broken ship." –Kickstarter summary
Warlock II: The Exiled  Paradox Interactive (Ino-Co Plus)2014 4xstrategy ardania automap fogofwar grid grid-hex magic mapgenerator monsters rating-pegi-12 sorcery steampowered veterancy zoom labelminimizeminimize
Age of Wonders III  Triumph Studios;Buka Entertainment;Bandai Namco (Triumph Studios)2014 3plusfactions 4xstrategy ageofwonders asymmetricfactions clienthost columnarjointing combatmode crafting customengine damageinfo diplomacy dragons drm drm-login enemyhealthdisplay evilbydefault flanking fmod grid grid-hex inventory lightbloom magic mapgenerator modsupport mp-private randomdamage rating-esrb-t savedrngseed scenarios simultaneousturns-realtime softparticles sorcery ssao steampowered steamworkshop summoning tanks thoroughfares tooltips ugc upnp veterancy win8 winvista winxp Namco Bandai and Buka only functioned as publishers of physical copies of the game, they did not produce the game. labelimageminimize
Braveland Tortuga Team2014 commercial download grid grid-hex license-proprietary magic meleeweapons recruiting steampowered swords throwingknives Braveland is a turn-based game inspired by old-school strategies with hexagonal battlefield. You will start as a humble warrior's son whose village was cruelly raided and will end as talented commander of your army.

The story will take place in a hand-drawn world and cover many interesting places and characters. Various warriors will join your army - archers, scouts, healers, footmen, arbalesters and more.

Turn-based battles in old-school style.
Command your troops and defeat enemies in hand to hand battles.
26 various warriors and creatures from archers to golems.
Three story chapters each in unique corner of the world.
Evolve your hero, find awesome artifacts and learn battle magic.
Intense boss fights at the end of each story chapter.
Hours of gameplay with 50 battles.
High definition awesome illustrated cartoon art.
Dogs of War Online Cyanide Studio2014 aarklash free2play grid grid-hex steampowered uvl-tiein Un juego de combate por turnos en tablero hexagonal, con algunos elementos interesante pero muy mal llevados a la práctica por un interfaz complejo y antipráctico.
Es eminentemente multijugador y peca de demasiados elementos negativos de los F2P.
Regular 4/10
Blackguards  Daedalic Entertainment2014 adv-xpdistr alphafunding attackdefenseadjust axes bludgeons bodyarmor bows capacity-weight charactercreation classbased coversystem damageinfo dodgechance dwarves enemyhealthdisplay eventlog falselyaccused genderchoice grid grid-hex group hitchance initiative insectoids inventory inventory-shared limitedcapacity limitedshopstock loot-random magic meleeweapons monsters netframework nopointercapture outlaws outofturnactions overburdening polearms predefinedcontrols prison radialmenu randomdamage rating-pegi-16 rating-usk-12 shields shopping skeletons sorcery spears spellchance steampowered swords tacticalrpg thedarkeye thrownweapons ttrpgtiein turndelay undead undefinedelements unity-engine variableabilitypower xp-encounters xp-kills labelimageminimize
Heroes of a Broken Land Winged Pixel2014 amoeboids chiroptera citybuilding crystalentities currency desura difficulty download dungeoncrawler elementals flyingislands fogofwar generatedcharacters ghosts grid grid-hex group hirelings inventory itemgenerator limitedcapacity lineofsight magic mapgenerator meleeweapons outdoors proceduralcharappearance randomdamage randomevents randomizedattributes rats recruiting riding sauroids shopping skeletons sorcery steampowered stonecreatures subterranean swords unity-engine labelimageminimize
King's Bounty: Legions Nival2013 endoria free2play grid grid-hex kingsbounty steampowered No está mal como una versión sencilla de la fórmula King's Bounty, aunque los elementos F2P son demasiado P2W.
Recomendable para probar este saga de juegos de manera gratuita, y comprarse uno de los juegos (Legend, Armored Princess, Warriors of the North...) si te gusta la fórmula.
El PVP tiene su cierta gracia, aunque se nota donde hay fortunas invertidas.

5 de 10
Greed Corp W!Games2013 achievements achievements-public chainreactions commercial destructibleenvironment destructibleworld dominion download earlymodern-theme finiteresources grid grid-hex humblebundle industrial license-proprietary rating-esrb-e recruiting resourceharvesting robots steampowered supplies tutorial tutorial-interactive ubuntu voicechat walkers labelminimizeminimize
Pandora˸ First Contact Slitherine (Proxy Studios)2013 4xstrategy download grid grid-hex mapgenerator mecha minimap nopointercapture opengl otherworld psychics spiritualsuccessor steampowered tanks thoroughfareconstruction walkers labelminimizeminimize
Expeditions: Conquistador bitComposer Entertainment (Logic Artists)2013 1500s 16thcentury 2ndmillennium ageofdiscovery ambientocclusion bartering charactercreation city combatmode compass crowdfunded currency desura dialog-tree difficulty difficulty-aspects disease download earlymodernperiod earth flanking genderchoice gog gold grid grid-hex highbornprotagonist hispanicprotagonist hitchance interactivedialogs lightbloom lineofsight mesoamerican-theme mexico morale namegenerator naturalistic northamerica outofturnactions past randomchance randomevents realworld renegades shopping slavery steampowered tactical tacticalrpg tasktracker tooltips trading trapping traps tribals labelimageminimize
Highborn Jet Set Games2013 grid grid-hex steampowered labelimageminimize
Unity of Command - Red Turn 2x2 Games (2x2 Games;Dvaput)2012 download grid grid-hex steampowered war Dying days of the Stalingrad Campaign saw the Wehrmacht reeling under heavy blows. The battle of Kursk will now see them pursue an offensive agenda for one last time. Soon after, as the strategic initiative swings in favor of the Soviets, you are tasked with liberating the motherland in command of victorious Red Army forces.

* Gigantic Soviet campaign featuring 17 scenarios
* Two standalone Axis scenarios including Zitadelle, the Battle of Kursk
* Four dedicated PvP scenarios including the tightly contested Korsun Pocket
* 39 different types of units modelled, including Panther and T-34/85 armor
* Heavy-hitting late war specialist steps such as ISU-122 and Tiger II
* Great for modding, with Unity of Command 1.04 featuring a scenario editor
Unity of Command  2x2 Games (2x2 Games;Dvaput)2012 1940s 20thcentury desura download earth grid grid-hex past russia steampowered war worldwar worldwar2 Unity of Command is an innovative and refreshing operational-level wargame that covers the entire 1942/43 Stalingrad Campaign on the Eastern Front. Playable from both the Axis and Soviet perspective, it strives to recreate the strategy, the forces involved and the general tension of that crucial period in World War II.

Experience the highly fluid, enormously large battles of maneuver in a turn-based strategy setting. Take command in this mobile, back-and-forth sort of war where logistics and poor weather are often the decider, and defeat and victory are sometimes just a mile, or a day, apart.

* Easy to learn and intuitive, with fast and flowing gameplay
* Historically accurate operational-level units (Axis divisions, Soviet corps)
* 17 single player scenarios, Axis and Soviet, at the scale of 20km per hex, 4 days per turn
* Campaign mode that puts historical and what-if scenarios in strategic context
* Sophisticated weather model, with realistic per-hex weather
* Novel supply system, providing for exciting battles of encirclement and breakout
* Belligerent and aggressive AI that knows how to counterattack and threaten supply lines
* Integrated "History Mode" for after-action replays
* Multiplayer via the Internet
Tower Wars SuperVillain Studios2012 3ormoreplayers achievements aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 depthoffield directx9 fmod grid grid-hex mode-survival mpfocus openfield physx playerstats radialmenu sciencefantasy shadermodel3 ssao structureupgrades torque3d towerdefense toweroffense tutorial upgradesystem winvista winxp xaudio Un juego de tower defense enfocado exclusivamente en la competición multijugador, donde tu rival y tú os tenéis que defender de las oleadas del otro mientras intentáis sobrepasar las suyas.

Aunque es un juego Tower Defense bastante arquetípico, si me parece reseñable que todo su contenido está desbloqueado desde el primer minuto.

Si quieres competir en un TD es tu juego, sino... ni siquiera tiene singleplayer más allá de jugar partidas contra la IA.

6 de 10***[media=youtube]f5zhkkx7Dxw[/media]***"Hello there, good sir! Or is it madam, perhaps? Well, that’s neither here, nor there! Matters of far greater importance are at hand! It would appear that, through the peculiar optical contraption that you’re staring into, you have managed to find yourself here! Where is here, you ask? Why, in the midst of Tower Wars, of course! I must say, it’s jolly good to have you on board! We need all of the fodder.... ERRR... HELP... yes, yes... all of the help we can get."

Tower Wars is a new and unique spin on the competitive multi-player tower defense genre! The game combines elements of tower defense, real-time strategy, and all-out multi-player mayhem to bring you a completely unique experience, delivered with a fun and funny not-so-old world style!

Key Features
* Play Tower Wars online in 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 ranked or unranked matches!
* Build and upgrade unique towers, creating lengthy mazes to punish incoming enemy units!
* Upgrade, assemble, and unleash multitudes of specialized units in massive attack waves!
* Unlock and upgrade technologies to bolster the stats and functions of your units and towers!
* Compete in the online leaderboards!
* Steam! Features include achievements, leaderboards, matchmaking, and stat tracking!
* Need a break? Play one of our offline classic tower defense maps for a quick Time Trial diversion!
* Get on board! Help us bring you MUCH MORE! The future looks bright for Tower Wars!
Warlock - Master of the Arcane Paradox Interactive (Ino-Co Plus)2012 4xstrategy ardania automap demo dimensionaltravel fogofwar grid grid-hex magic mapgenerator monsters multiverse npclooting rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 sorcery steampowered supportpowers techtree veterancy zoom Un juego de estrategia por turnos en un tablero hexagonal, muy similar en mecánica a las últimas entregas de la saga Civilization.

Su especial interés está en la existencia de diversas "razas" de unidades y el uso de hechizos mágicos de todo tipo (tanto de ataque como para influir el terreno)

Peca de no explicar claramente sus elementos (en especial la colonización, que puede ser muy frustrante)

Muy buen juego, posee el efecto "sólo un turno más"

8 de 10.***Combination of old Master of Magic or Age of Wonders gameplay with the look of newer Civilization games (4 or 5).***The latest game in the popular Majesty series, Warlock: Master of the Arcane introduces turned-based strategy and global conquest to the fantastic world of Ardania. In a time of chaotic upheaval, the player takes the role of a great mage, a warlord vying for ultimate power. Your mission is to build an empire, expand your borders, research new spells and conquer your enemies. Become the ultimate Warlock and rule over all of Ardania!

Key Features:
* Feel the magic: Research and master dozens of spells, conjure powerful enchantments and discover awesome spell combinations.
* Ready an army: Command a expansive range of units, all with unique abilities. Mobilize the forces of three races, along with special summoned troops and wild creatures.
* Choose your strategy: There are various ways to achieve victory: by military, diplomatic or even magical means.
* Fight your enemies: Engage in epic battles with large armies marching across the landscape. Players may develop their own tactics and learn to use a large number of units’ special abilities. Add some magic to this, and you will experience a true symphony of war.
* Command the game: Enjoy an innovative city management system, where there are no routine actions, and every decision counts!
* Have faith: Fight on the side of one of the eight gods. Complete their quests and spread their temples across the lands. -- Or throw all gods aside and become one yourself!
* Follow the traditions: Warlock – Master of the Arcane inherits all the best elements of the famous turn based strategies of old. It has modern feel and look, but deep down it is a classic game where each player may master his or her own kingdom through magical and military skill.
HyperRogue II  author2012 grid grid-hex license-gpl mapgenerator mapgenerator-live noneuclidean roguelike sdl labelimageminimize
Eador. Masters of the Broken World  Snowbird Games (author)2012 adv-perks bodyarmor bows combatmode coversystem damagetypes disproportionalworld eador-series enemyhealthdisplay flyingislands goblins grid grid-asymmetric grid-hex highfantasy initiative inventory magic meleeweapons orcs origlang-russian randomdamage recruiting shopping sorcery steampowered undead xp-kills Somewhat similar to Disciples series, King's Bounty series, and especially Fallen Enchantress.***[media=youtube]QJnZ2EOi53g[/media] labelimageminimize
Fractal  Cipher Prime2011 abstract chainreactions combobonuses desura grid grid-hex score steampowered visualmatching Un juego de puzzle de premisa sencilla, que requiere una gran habilidad para pensar varios movimientos por delante según se aumenta la dificultad de su niveles.
Ameno y entretenido, el modo puzzle es recomendable para aprender las estrategias básicas.

6 de 10***From the award-winning team that brought you Auditorium and Pulse: Volume One comes [b]Fractal[/b], an enthralling music puzzler experience. Push, Combo, and Chain your way through a pulsing technicolor dreamscape all the while expanding your consciousness at 130 BPM.

With 3 unique and challenging game modes, amazing HD-Quality graphics, and an ever-evolving soundtrack, Fractal is sure to destroy what little productivity you have left.

Key Features:
* 3 Distinct modes of play: Campaign, Puzzle, and Arcade
* All-new Musicbox Audio Engine composes music based on how you play
* Colors! Hexagons! Particle Effects! Ridiculous Callouts!
STORM – Frontline Nation Just A Game (Colossai Studios)2011 britain earth europe france germany grid grid-hex grid-irregular northamerica rating-pegi-16 russia steampowered usa Arm yourself for the greatest conflict of modern times!

STORM – Frontline Nation revolutionizes the turn-based strategy genre with unbelievable strategic depth and a cinematic scenario. Scarce resources and a prolonged economic crisis plunges half the world into strife, which can only be resolved by a force of arms. The tension laden mood has a host of nations mobilizing troops and researching advanced warfare technologies. New groups are created, accords are signed and alliances turn to face war. The player has myriad of possibilities available to them in terms of resource and troop management. Enormous freedom of action in the areas of combat, research and diplomacy allows the player to secure world domination for one of the nations. The perfect mix of strategy and turn-based combat makes STORM – Frontline Nation unique in its genre.

STORM - Frontline Nation includes two different game modes: Campaign and Skirmish
* Campaign - Two strategic campaigns are available; one where you can choose to play as one of Germany, France, Russia, United Kingdom or United States in a story driven experience, and one where you can play as one out of 45 countries.
* Skirmish - In this game mode a single combat is played. Several parameters for the combat can be customized, including money, light-cycle, weather and technology level.

Key features:
* 45 nations, more than 500 regions and more than 100 cities offer an unbelievable scope for the game
* Modern warfare on water, land and in the air, in a classic hexfield style
* Depending on the situation new challenges arise and units can be supplied individually with weapons and commands
* Spies and special forces can infiltrate enemy lines in secret-ops carrying out sabotage and decoy activities
* Research, development and deployment of powerful weapon systems
* Different game modes such as Campaign or Skirmish
* Comprehensive multiplayer mode ensures long-lasting gaming enjoyment
Panzer Corps Slitherine (The Lordz Games Studio)2011 grid grid-hex war worldwar worldwar2 In 1994 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) released a title that would change the face of strategy gaming forever. Panzer General delivered an exceptionally easy to learn gameplay system and was such a captivating game that it became a benchmark for future designers for years to come.

In 2011 a project developed by The Lordz Games Studio and published by Slitherine, will see fans of the series rejoice for the release of Panzer Corps. Following in the footsteps of the popular SSI masterpiece and sharing with the General series the same level of engagement and strategic depth, Panzer Corps will keep an unmistakable "PG feeling" whilst improving and refining the gameplay and balance.

Iain McNeil, director of Development at Slitherine said: "With this game we are trying to bring the golden age of strategy gaming back to its roots. This game is Slitherine’s homage to one of the greatest strategy titles of all time and we are working hard to ensure we capture the flavor of that masterpiece, yet update it with features and a graphical style that will appeal to a modern strategy gamer".

Panzer Corps will feature 26 scenarios on 21 unique maps, covering most major battles of the European Theatre of World War II and including a few hypothetical ‘what if’ scenarios based on your actions.

Tim van der Moer, Managing Director of The Lordz Games Studio said: "There are many World War II strategy games out there, but Panzer Corps will blow you away. We are putting all our efforts to make a memorable game, that can stand the test of time the way Panzer General did".

The game is absolutely huge:
* 400 unit types, divided into 19 unit classes with 20 detailed parameters to indentify units abilities, 17 terrain types affecting gameplay in various way. * Panzer Corps will celebrate the glory days of strategy gaming with the aim of attracting new players to the genre;
* Campaign: all 26 scenarios are combined into a large campaign tree with several entry points at various stages of the war. Depending on the outcome of each battle (decisive victory, marginal victory or defeat), the player will be faced with different challenges and a progress along different parts of the campaign tree;
* Nations: all major and many minor nations represented: Germany, Italy, Poland, France, Great Britain, USA, USSR, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Albania, Romania, Greece and more.
* Core units that travel with you throughout the campaign gaining experience and that can be upgraded as new weapon technologies become available.
Gary Grigsby's War in the East Slitherine (2by3 Games)2010 1940s europe grid grid-hex steampowered worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
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