showing 12 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth  Bethesda Softworks;Ubisoft Entertainment (Headfirst Productions)2006action/reflex adventure Fantasy Horror Historical Science Fiction shooter labelimagesubject
Puzzle Quest 2 Namco Networks America (Infinite Interactive)2010puzzle role-play turn-based Fantasy labelimageminimize
Amnesia: The Dark Descent  Frictional Games;1C Company (Frictional Games;Snowball Studios)2010adventure Horror labelimagesubject
Hard Reset Flying Wild Hog2011shooter Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Dead Island Techland;Deep Silver (Techland)2011action/reflex Horror labelimagesubject
UnEpic author2011action/reflex platformer role-play Fantasy Humorous labelimagesubject
Dustforce Hitbox Team2012action/reflex platformer Cartoon labelimagesubject
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning EA Partners (38 Studios;Big Huge Games)2012action/reflex role-play Fantasy labelimagesubject
Hard Reset: Exile Flying Wild Hog2012shooter Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow  Konami (MercurySteam Entertainment;Kojima Productions)2013action/reflex platformer adventure Fantasy labelimageminimize
Halfway Chucklefish (Robotality)2014strategy role-play turn-based Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Hard Reset Redux Gambitious Digital Entertainment (Flying Wild Hog)2016shooter Science Fiction labelimageminimize