showing 20 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Apotheon Alientrap Games2015 ambientcreatures animals anthropomorphicanimals antiquity apocalyptic armorpatches automap axes blocking bludgeons bodyarmor bows chosenone crafting crafting-sites dark-limited defensebreaking deities directx9 divinemenace diving dodging doors drm dropplatforms enemyhealthdisplay falldamage fallimpact fnaxna gianthumanoids gog grecoromanmythology greekpotteryart healingitems healthpickups heroprotagonist interactivedialogs interlinkedlevels inventory inversekinematics itemdurability javelins knives knockback ladders lamp lockpicking loot-random loot-unexpected maleprotagonist map meleeweapons monkeybars monsters mythicallocation nodrm nonlinear nudity overheal polearms powerthrow projectilerecovery raiders rating-pegi-16 rats rewardingvandalism shields shopping skeletalanimation spears speedbuildup splatter staggering stealing steampowered stylized swimming swords tasktracker throwanything throwingaxes thrownweapons tumbling underwater underworld uvl-steamcoveragecheck walking warriorprotagonist weaponsweetspots [media=youtube]zBnNluH6bhA[/media] labelimageminimize
Blade Kitten Atari (Krome Studios)2010 achievements achievements-public alienanimals aliens autosavepoints autozoom bechdelwallace blocking bloodless bossbattles bulletengine ceilingclinging ceilingtraversal chapterreplay clingers comic containers demo drm episodic extraterrestrial fallimpact femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse fmod fortress future gameprogress giantmonsters hackandslash hatchers healthregen healthregen-fast hollowworld humanoidprotagonist industrial-setting jumping jumppads kemonomimi lighthearted logitech-g15 mandatoryloss mecha meleeweapons mercenaries mercenaryprotagonist midairjumping monkeybars monsters nofalldamage nopointercapture openended otherworld pseudo3d rating-esrb-t retrypoints rewardingvandalism riding robots ruins score secrets securom sequelhook shellworld sidetracked sliding slidingtackle soldiers spacefaringage stamina steampowered steamworks steppingstones swords teleporters tunnels unlockable-costumes walkers walking wallclinging walljumping wallsliding walltraversal webcomic xml labelimageminimize
Lode Runner Retro author2011 claiming difficulty digging harmfultouch instantdeath java ladders langinsignificant leveleditor license-proprietary lives loderunner monkeybars nofalldamage retro score subterranean tilebased trapping walking labelminimizeminimize
Oniken author2012 21stcentury 3rdmillennium assaultrifles bossbattles bossrush boxed commercial demo desura download earth firearms future futureearth grenadelaunchers hard indie license-proprietary lives monkeybars multimediafusion nodemo postapocalypse prerenderedcinematics riding swords labelminimizeminimize
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty  Codemasters (Spark Unlimited)2008 1950s 1life 20thcentury accuracy-motion aimassist aimmode aircraft-location alternatetimeline ambx ammomagazines anticipatorystockpiles autosavepoints bink britain city city-london-uk city-newyork-ny city-washington-dc civilianprotagonist contrarians damageindicator dark-limited death dedicatedclient difficulty dirigibles dissolvingcorpses doors drm dynamicaccuracy earth elevators europe explosiveobjects falldamage firearms firstpersonshooter fullbodyawareness gamespy genderdiscrepancy grappling grenadecooking grenades grenadewarning handguns healthregen healthregen-fast itempickup-auto itempickup-instant jumping ladders lamp latemodernperiod ledges lipsync meatshield mediaindrive monkeybars mp-dm mp-teams murder nationalism naturalistic nazis neutralnpcs nofriendlyfire northamerica openal precisionrifles rebellion rebelprotagonist reload-auto reload-manual rockets ruins securom7 shotguns singlegenderopposition submachineguns tanks unrealengine unrealengine3 widescreen winvista winxp x360pad "War becomes more personal than ever... through the eyes of a civilian"

Turning Point™: Fall of Liberty sees World War II take a catastrophic turn as a superior Nazi force attacks New York and goes on to take over the United States.

Delivering both wartime authenticity and a fresh perspective through an intense, action-driven storyline, Turning Point: Fall of Liberty makes war personal and relevant. Presenting this scenario as a powerful and realistically crafted alternate history, Turning Point: Fall of Liberty delivers an explosive First Person Shooter experience in a world where famous real-world locations appear startlingly different under Nazi occupation.

"Resist an unstoppable occupying force on your own soil."

What if the United States never entered WWII until WWII came knocking at its front door? What if you were among the last of the resistance, struggling almost single-handedly to hold back the tide of US occupation by the Nazi war machine?

* Witness the Third Reich’s epic takeover of the United States
* Fight the Occupation in New York, Washington DC, and London
* Make a difference as an American Resistance hero
* Battle an unstoppable Axis army loaded with post-war weapons
* Use the surroundings with unique environmental kills, multiple grapples, and human shields!
* Online Multiplayer, more details coming soon...
* Stunning soundtrack from renowned composer Michael Giacchino, famous for Lost, Ratatouille, "Alias" and Mission: Impossible III, among many others

In Turning Point’s alternate reality, the untimely death of Winston Churchill in 1931 leads to the fall of Great Britain and Europe as they surrender to Hitler in 1940. From this pan-European power base, the German war machine re-equips itself to launch an unstoppable takeover of the United States.

As a civilian caught in the middle of these new battlegrounds, fight afresh against the world’s most notorious war machine on the streets of Manhattan, Washington DC, and beyond. Use guerrilla tactics and the surroundings to overcome superior post-war Axis weaponry and fight the Occupation.

You are Dan Carson, a New York construction worker. You’ve watched as war enveloped the globe for over a decade and Europe fell to Nazi rule. Russia is now occupied, as are large areas of Asia. An uneasy alliance between the Germans and Japanese persists.

The Nazis now look to the United States – the last major prize in their pursuit of world domination.

New York is hit first as an overwhelming Nazi army invades. Zeppelins are the battleships, the blimps are the landing craft and the rooftops of downtown Manhattan are the beaches. Armed paratroopers descend on to the streets; the city is taken block by block. War becomes personal.***Latest version: retail***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* Pentium 2.8 GHz or Athlon XP 2800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1300
* 7 GB free HD space

* Intel Core 2 Duo or Athlon 64 X2 CPU
* GeForce 8800GTS or Radeon HD2900
* Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Sound Card
Garshasp: The Monster Slayer Dead Mage2011 achievements achievements-public actionadventure arabianfantasy bludgeons dodging grappling hackandslash invisiblewalls meleeweapons monkeybars monsterhunters monsters mythicfiction mythicfigure ogre-engine persianmythology platforming semiteprotagonist steampowered steamworks sweepingstrikes swords titularcharacter walking An enhanced international version of the Iran-only released [game=#181914]Garshasp[/game].***Years after the confinement of Azhi Dahaka by Fereydun, the evil Deevs (Monsters) who were the commanders in the army of darkness led by Azhi Dahaka rose again in different parts of the ancient lands of Khunirath and rebelled against the humans who were celebrating the victory of the army of light.

This game is based on ancient Persian mythology bringing to life the epic battles of the mythological hero, Garshasp, in the ancient lands against the evil monsters. You play as Garshasp himself, the strongest man in Persian Mythology, in a journey to revenge and reclaim the legendary mace of his ancestors which is stolen by the Deevs. A journey which proves to unlock more significant hidden mysteries. The main mechanics of the game revolve around melee combat, platforming and exploration.

Key features
* Deep combat system with various combo moves and upgradeable abilities throughout the game.
* Rage attribute to slash more enemies as they bring you more scars.
* Intense combat engagements using Garshasp's special hand blade based on quick time events.
* Cinematic in-game camera following the hero in the epic environments that are traveled in his journey.
* Fantasy mythological world filled with ferocious monsters from ancient literature and Persian Mythology.
* Platforming elements.
Bad Bots Digital Tribe (Point 5 Projects)2013 5thmillennium aerialattacksuspension airducts assaultrifles axes capacity-toolslots civilianprotagonist demo disappearingplatforms distantfuture elevators everyonesdead extraterrestrial future limitedcapacity monkeybars rewardingvandalism robotmenace robots spacecraft-location steampowered labelimageminimize
Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.²  Gathering of Developers (Ritual Entertainment)2000 1life actionadventure blocking bossbattles deathworld eviloverlord fanservice femaleprotagonist heavymetal idtech3 invisiblewalls isolatedhabitat isolatedlocale jumping meleeweapons monkeybars movie opengl rating-esrb-m ruins shields subterranean swords techdisparity town tropic voiceovers walking zip Based on the Heavy Metal 2 cartoon movie.
The main character is based on Julie Strain, a b-movie actress.***FAKK2 is for 'Federation Assigned Ketogenic Killzone to the 2nd level', and is the alias both of the heroine, Julie, and also her homeworld.
Shadow Complex Remastered Microsoft (Chair Entertainment;Epic Games)2015 airducts assaultrifles autozoom backtracking cave earth epicgamesstore grenades handguns jumppack ladders lamp ledges locationaldamage metroidvania midairjumping monkeybars nofalldamage northamerica powerups rating-esrb-t reload-auto reload-manual robots secretfacility singularlocale spiderbots steampowered submachineguns unrealengine3 usa walljumping washington A pretty solid action-platformer metroidvania.

-Map layout is interesting and scenery is absolutely gorgeus.
-Nice and simple melee combat, and animations are responsive to movement and situation.
-Achieves to be both challenging and enjoyable, putting the player in many risky situations.
-Non-unexpected bosses.

-Controls are kind of quirky.
-Shooting beyond the 2D right-left setting is a good idea, but needs more work.
-Dialogue and voice acting could be improved a lot.

7 of 10
Mark of the Ninja Microsoft Game Studios (Klei Entertainment)2012 achievements achillesheelfoes airducts alarmers ambientcreatures asphyxiation autosavepoints autozoom backstabbing berserkers blankprotagonist bodydragging caltrops castle cemetery challenges chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative chapterreplay-prochronic city deathpits decoys detectors disappearingplatforms distracting dogs doorpeep doors dropplatforms earth envcombat europe finishingmoves grapplinghook hiding instantkillers interactionhighlight intimidation jumping killingblow lightdousing lineofsight megacorps monkeybars multipleendings namelessprotagonist newgameplus ninja ninja-theme ninjaprotagonist oldskoolsecurity optionaltasks pacifism present retrypoints safeledges score scoreloss secrets skipnoninteractive smokegrenades smokes snipers solomission soundlocator splatter stealth stealth-light stealth-sound stealthgame steampowered stunning stylebonus swords techdisparity teleport thrownweapons trapping turrets tutorial unarmedfighting unlockable-costumes unlockable-items unnecessarykilling visiblelasers walking wallclimbing wallclinging weirdvision Un juego de sigilo difícil de pulir más, sin nada que envidiar a las sagas Metal Gear y Splinter Cell (puede que incluso superándolas)

Imprescindible sin lugar a dudas, favorito desde el primer minuto.
Perfección en las sombras.

9 de 10
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Oddworld Inhabitants2010 abnormalammo achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes actionadventure aimassist alienplanet ammotypes amoeboids arid autosavepoints avianoids bioluminescence bleepcensor bossbattles canyon capturing cave changinggoals charging constructionsite dam deathpits doors electricweapons enemyhealthdisplay envcombat explosiveobjects fallbackweapon fallimpact fictionaluniverse fofindicator forest healingdevice hugeforearms humanoidprotagonist humanoids interactivetriggers itemglow jumping ladders livingammo lostequipment mercenaryprotagonist midairjumping middleagedprotagonist minecarts moneybags monkeybars nofalldamage nohumans objectiveindicator oddworld outlaws planetaryromance predefinedcontrols radar rewardingvandalism river ruins saveanywhere scrapyard sequence-timed sewers shallowwater shopping speedbuildup stamina steampowered steamworks stunning subtitledeficient suicideattackers summery swimming telescope titularcharacter town turrets tutorial unarmedfighting walking western wildlife wintery labelimageminimize
Tomb Raider  Square Enix (Crystal Dynamics)2013 2010s 3plusfactions actionadventure adv-intermediary adv-perks adv-ptdistr aimmode ammotypes animals archeologistprotagonist armyofone assaultrifles axes backstabbing beach bink bossbattles bows bunker cablecars cave cc chickens cleargame collectibles communicator contemporaryfantasy corpselooting counterattacks cover-destructible coversystem coversystem-auto coversystem-context crystalengine cultists cutsceneincompetence dark-limited deadondisplay depthoffield derelictgraveyard diaries dirtyfighting displacementfiction distortedvision distracting dodging earth environmentalpuzzle eternalfires explosiveobjects falldamage fallimpact fasttravel fasttravel-points femaleprotagonist firearms fmod fofindicator forest fxaa gianthumanoids gore grenadewarning hammerspace handguns healthregen healthregen-fast horizontalbars iceaxe improvisedweapons ingamecinematics interactionhighlight invisiblewalls island japan japanese-theme jumping ladders lamp launcher ledges locationaldamage lunatics lutris map metroidvania monkeybars motionblur mp-teams npcinjuries objectiveindicator ogres oopitems originstory paranormal playerprogression pointofnoreturn prematuredetonation prerenderedcinematics present quicktimeevent rain rating-acb-ma15 rating-esrb-m rating-gsrr-r rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 reboot recycledtitle resuscitation ruins samurai screenshake selfsacrifice sequelhook sequence-stealth sequence-turret shallowwater shantytown shotguns skipnoninteractive slowmotion speech-japanese speech-russian splatter ssaa ssao stadia stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered stereoscopic stranded submachineguns summery temple timespan-days tombraider tombraider-2013 tressfx tumbling undead unduehaste unlockable-art upgradesystem uvl-confusable voicechat volcanic volcano walking waterfalls weaponupgrades weirdvision wilderness windy wintery wolves xp-kills xp-method xp-objects youngadultprotagonist ziplines Probablemente el mejor Tomb Raider jamás hecho, aunque abusa un poco de los QTM y se nota la ausencia de puzzles.
Aún así, la mezcla de acción-plataformas está mejor realizada que nunca.

8 de 10***Notes on tags:
[b]Giant humanoids[/b] - the Oni are not explained what they really are, whether they are actually Japanese demons ([url=/groups/info/ogres]ogres[/url] really) or just some of the samurai who suffer from gigantism.
[b]Undead[/b] - the Stormguard. Although nothing really suggests this except for that you can kill them by destroying their belt buckles, which presumably animate their dead bodies.
Tiny Barbarian DX StarQuail Games2013 animals autosavepoints barbarianprotagonist bossbattles bossmeter csharplanguage deadlydecor dropplatforms groundslamming healthpickups hitmoderation knockback ladders ledges letterbox maintainedjump meleeweapons monkeybars monogame mp3 netframework nofalldamage openal opengl opentk palace score sdl shadermodel1 soldiers staticresolution steampowered swordandsorcery swords wilderness xml Uses exotic aspect ratio of 2.1333:1 (1:0.46875) and static resolution of 1280×600.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP/Vista/7
* 2 – 2.6 GHz dual-core CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 50 MB HD space***[media=youtube]mSd38ERyOeM[/media]
Darksiders THQ (Vigil Games)2010 achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes actionadventure aftertheend airdash alienearth alteredreality angelofdeath angels antiheroprotagonist apocalyptic autorun autosavepoints autumnal backtracking balance-theme blocking bonusbosses boomerangs bossbattles burrowers captives cave cemetery changinggoals chargers city collectibles colorcodednpcs colossi combomoves counselor counterattacks darksiders-series dashing deathworld demons difficulty dimensionaltravel directx9 dissolvingcorpses dodging doors doors-autoclosing download earth elevators endlessconflict endtime energyweapons environmentalpuzzle equipmentexperience fallimpact fasttravel finishingmoves flood flyingislands fmod fourhorsemen gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantshoulderpads giantspiders giantworms gliding gore grapplinghook gryphons hackandslash handguns havokphysics hellscape hud-dynamic hugeweapons humanoidprotagonist improvisedweapons inorganics insectoids interactivetriggers juggernauts jumping keys knockback ladders lostpowers lutris macho magic magicaltechnology magneticshoulders medieval meleeweapons metroidvania midairjumping monkeybars monsters mythicfigure naga neutralmonsters nofalldamage northamerica obligation openended paradise pawn portals postapocalypse powerthrow quicktimeevent rage rating-esrb-m recurringopponent revenge rewardingvandalism riding robots ruins scaleform sciencefantasy screenshake scythes secrets sequelhook serialkey shadermodel3 simulacrums singlesave sorcery souls splatter steampowered steamworks subway supermode supernaturalprotagonist swarmers sweepingstrikes swimming swords targetlock tasteofpower teleporters temple temporarycompanions thedestroyer thrownweapons timeskip traproom tunnels tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated undead underwaterdiving unlimitedammo upgradesystem walking wasteland waterjumping weaponexperience wellofsouls winvista winxp xinput Un hack and slash tridimensional con algunos elementos RPG que invocan a tierras hylianas.

Nada nuevo bajo el sol, un juego bastante insípido.

4 de 10***Deceived by the forces of evil into prematurely bringing about the end of the world, War – the first Horseman of the Apocalypse – stands accused of breaking the sacred law by inciting a war between Heaven and Hell. In the slaughter that ensued, the demonic forces defeated the heavenly hosts and laid claim to the Earth.

Brought before the sacred Charred Council, War is indicted for his crimes and stripped of his powers. Dishonored and facing his own death, War is given the opportunity to return to Earth to search for the truth and punish those responsible.

Hunted by a vengeful group of Angels, War must take on the forces of Hell, forge uneasy alliances with the very demons he hunts, and journey across the ravaged remains of the Earth on his quest for vengeance and vindication.

* [b]Apocalyptic Power[/b] – Unleash the wrath of War, combining brutal attacks and supernatural abilities to decimate all who stand in your way
* [b]Extreme Arsenal[/b] – Wield a devastating arsenal of angelic, demonic and Earthly weapons; and blaze a trail of destruction atop Ruin, War’s fiery phantom steed
* [b]Epic Quest[/b] – Battle across the wastelands and demon-infested dungeons of the decimated Earth in your quest for vengeance and redemption
* [b]Character Progression[/b] – Uncover powerful ancient relics, upgrade your weapons, unlock new abilities, and customize your gameplay style
* [b]Battle Heaven and Hell[/b] – Battle against all who stand in your way - from war-weary angelic forces to Hell’s hideous demon hordes***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1 or Windows 7
* Athlon 64 3800+ (2.4 GHz) or Pentium IV 530 (3.0 GHz) CPU
* 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista/7)
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 8800, GeForce GT220, or Radeon X1900 GPU
* 12 GB HD space

* Athlon 64 X2 5200+ (2.6 GHz) or Core 2 Duo E5420 (2.13 GHz) CPU
* 2 GB RAM (3 GB for Vista/7)
* GeForce GTS 240 or Radeon HD3870 GPU
Darksiders II  THQ (Vigil Games)2012 actionadventure actioncamera adv-ptdistr adv-static afterlife aimassist aimmode alienearth angels autoaim autumnal axes balancebeams bink bludgeons bonusbosses bossbattles bulkycharacters castle chasms city claws collectibles colorful colossi combomoves crystals damageinfo darksiders-series deathpits demons difficulty dimensionaltravel directx9 earth elevators environmentalpuzzle equipmentbased fallimpact fasttravel finishingmoves firearms flyingcity flyingislands fourhorsemen giantbeetles giantshoulderpads golems grapplinghook hackandslash handguns havokphysics heathaze humanoidprotagonist insectoids interactivedialogs jumping ladders lasso lava levelbasedeq magic magneticshoulders map meleeweapons metroidvania minibosses monkeybars monsters newgameplus noantagonist nofalldamage nofriendlyfire objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator optionaltasks poles portals puzzlebosses rage respec rewardingvandalism riding safepowers samsara scaleform secondaryantagonist secrets shopping skeletons sorcery spectres steppingstones subway summery summoning supermode supernaturalprotagonist swimming tangibleabstracts targetlock tasktracker temporarycompanions tower undead underwaterdiving unlimitedammo unlockable-difficulty volcanic walking wallrunning wellofsouls wintery wwise xinput xp-deeds xp-kills labelimageminimize
Splinter Cell  Ubi Soft (Ubi Soft Montreal)2003 1life 2000s 21stcentury ammomagazines apartmentbuilding aspectratio-4-3 autosavepoints awardgdcwriting city clandestine doors download dynamicaccuracy earth espionage firearms georgia-usa latemodernperiod ledges lockpicking meatshield militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased monkeybars naturalistic playerprofiles present realworld relentlessguards saveanywhere secretmission serious slaughterhouse solomission splintercell spyfiction stealth stealthgame tomclancy tutorial uvl-releases uvl-tiein walking walljumping 2003-02-18 as boxed
2008-04-01 on Steam***Clint Hocking and JT Petty won the3rd annual (2003) Game developers Choice Awards - Best Writing.
I Am Alive Ubisoft (Darkworks;Ubisoft Montreal;Ubisoft Shanghai)2012 2000s 21stcentury aimmode autosavepoints cannibalism catastrophe city city-chicago-il civilianprotagonist concession-enemy crepuscularrays delayed desaturated earth filmgrain firearms fragileprotagonist graybrown handguns healingitems intimidation knives ladders latemodernperiod limitedsupplies locationaldamage mall map monkeybars naturaldisaster naturalistic nohealthregen northamerica npcarming outlaws overpowered parentprotagonist postapocalypse present quake realworld rescuees ropeswinging ruins screenshake sewers smokes socialdecline subway threatdisplay undefinedelements unrealengine3 walking x360pad I Am Alive follows an everyman's journey to find his wife and daughter, who were lost during the "Event." A year later, he finds Haventon, his hometown, in shambles. Buildings are destroyed, toxic ash fills the streets, and society has been torn, causing inhabitants to take all necessary actions to survive.***
Prince of Persia  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2008 acrobatics actionadventure allforone ancientenemy antiheroprotagonist anvilengine autosavepoints backtracking bookends cacophonicvoice cave city claiming combomoves comicrelief companion controlconfig controlmalfunction cpplanguage death deathless directionalforce-tilt directx10 directx9 dodging download drm dualism dvd enemyhealthdisplay entangled falseending fantasyworld fasttravel fictionaluniverse formerhumans fourhorsemen gog grappling groupactions healthregen horizontalbars impulsegoo injuries ladders ledges lighthearted lightvsdark magic meleeweapons metroidvania monkeybars monsters mystics namelessprotagonist nonlinear objectiveindicator openended outlawprotagonist parrying poles pop-ahriman princeofpersia pyrrhicvictory quicktimeevent recurringopponent restoration ruins sacrificiallamb safepits saveanywhere sequelhook shadermodel3 streamerscarf subterranean swords tangibleabstracts teleport thiefprotagonist tutorial unarmedfighting walking walljumping wallrunning wallsliding widescreen winvista winxp [b]deathless[/b] - any time you're about to die, Elika saves you in some manner or other. Helps that she can do magic and fly. In certain situations this also reverts time, but usually this only returns you to the nearest bit of stable ground or simply slightly off of your opponent while allowing them yo regenerate a large chunk of their health.***Completely unrelated to the previous Prince of Persia games.***US 2008-12-09
RU 2008-12-17***The critically acclaimed Prince of Persia franchise returns for the first time on next-generation platforms with an all-new epic journey.

Built by the same award-winning Ubisoft Montreal studio that created Assassin's Creed , Prince of Persia has been in development for over three years to deliver a whole new action-adventure gaming experience to consumers.

With a whole new Prince, storyline, open world environments, combat style, signature illustrative graphical style and the addition of Elika, a deadly new ally, Prince of Persia brings the franchise to new heights of deadly acrobatic artistry and is set to become the #1 action-adventure game of 2008 this holiday season.

* [b]A new hero emerges:[/b] Master the acrobatics, strategy and fighting tactics of the most agile warrior of all time. Grip fall down the face of a building, perform perfectly timed acrobatic combinations, and swing over canyons, buildings and anything that is reachable. This new rogue warrior must utilize all of his new skills, along with a whole new combat system, to battle Ahriman's corrupted lieutenants to heal the land from the dark Corruption and restore the light.
* [b]A new epic journey begins:[/b] Escape to experience the new fantasy world of ancient Persia. Masterful storytelling and sprawling environments will deliver to action-adventure fans an experience that rivals even the best Hollywood movies.
* [b]A new open world structure:[/b] A first for the Prince of Persia franchise — now you have the freedom to determine how the game evolves in this non-linear adventure. Players will decide how they unfold the storyline by choosing their path in the open-ended world.
* [b]Emergence of a deadly new ally:[/b] History's greatest ally is revealed in the form of Elika, a dynamic AI companion who joins the Prince in his fight to save the world. Gifted with magical powers, she interacts with the player in combat, acrobatics and puzzle-solving, enabling the Prince to reach new heights of deadly high-flying artistry through special duo acrobatic moves or devastating fighting combo attacks.
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.4 GHz Dual-Core Pentium D or Athlon 64 X2 3800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista)
* 256 MB VRAM
* 9 GB HD space

* 2.2 GHz Core 2 Duo or Athlon 64 X2 4400+ CPU
* 5.1 sound system
* X360 controller
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Vivendi Games (Starbreeze Studios;Tigon Studios)2009 1life 5thmillennium achievements achillesheelfoes activationlimit aimmode airducts alarmers alcatraz ammomagazines aspectratio-16-9 assaultrifles autosavepoints backstabbing bodydragging bodyslamming bossbattles captives chroniclesofriddick color-16f color-32bit continuity cyborgs dark deadlywater deathpits depthoffield dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-ingame distantfuture doors download drm drm-activation dvd elevators environmentalcontact escape explosiveobjects extraterrestrial falldamage firearms fullbodyawareness future gog grenades handguns hdrlighting healingstations healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted indoors industrial-setting interactivedialogs itemglow jumping keys killingblow ladders leaning ledges letterbox lightdousing locationaldamage lostequipment meatshield meleeweapons mercenaries mine monkeybars movie mp-ctf mp-dm mp-undefined neutralnpcs npcspawning opengl optionaltasks otherworld outlawprotagonist outlaws playerprofiles powerarmor precisionrifles prison prisonbreak remotedetonators robots rockets rotaryguns secrets segmentedhealth serialkey serious shore shotguns skipnoninteractive spacecraft-location spacefaringage starbreezeengine stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealthgame submachineguns subterranean tages titularcharacter titularevent town tutorial unarmedfighting visionenhancer voiceovers walking wildlife [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP w/ SP2 or Vista
* Pentium D 805 or Athlon X2 3800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* Radeon HD 2600 XT or GeForce 6800 Ultra GPU
* 11 GB HD space

* 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2 5200+ CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* Radeon HD 3850 or GeForce 8800 GT GPU***[b]tages[/b] - Atari has made a promise (of a sort) to remove this at some point in the future. [url][/url]

-- Butcher Bay specific: prisonbreak, mine, subterranean, npcspawning
-- Dark Athena specific: cyborgs, spacecraft-location, submachineguns, remotedetonators***US 2009-06-16 on Steam; uses Tages copy protection like the retail release with "3 machine activation limit".
... elsewhere much later (on 2009-11-30??)
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay Vivendi Universal Games (Starbreeze Studios)2004 1life 5thmillennium achillesheelfoes aimmode airducts alarmers alcatraz ammomagazines assaultrifles autosavepoints bodydragging bossbattles chroniclesofriddick constrainedlocale continuity dark deathpits dialog-sentences difficulty distantfuture doors elevators escape explosiveobjects extraterrestrial falldamage firearms firstpersonshooter fullbodyawareness future grenades handguns healingstations healthregen healthregen-fast indoors interactivedialogs itemglow jumping keys knives ladders leaning ledges locationaldamage lostequipment meleeweapons mine monkeybars movie neutralnpcs npcspawning optionaltasks otherworld outlawprotagonist prison prisonbreak rating-esrb-m robots rotaryguns runningcommentary secrets serious shotguns singularlocale spacefaringage starbreezeengine stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealthgame subterranean titularcharacter titularevent tutorial unarmedfighting visionenhancer voiceovers The first game to have an optional audio commentary.