showing 20 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.² (FAKK2;Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K. 2) Gathering of Developers (Ritual Entertainment)2000action/reflex adventure Fantasy Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Splinter Cell (Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell) Ubi Soft (Ubi Soft Montreal)2003action/reflex labelimagesubject
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay Vivendi Universal Games (Starbreeze Studios)20043D Science Fiction shooter labelimagesubject
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (TPFoL) Codemasters (Spark Unlimited)2008shooter labelimagesubject
Prince of Persia (プリンス・オブ・ペルシャ;波斯王子;Принц Персии) Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2008action/reflex platformer adventure Fantasy labelimagesubject
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Vivendi Games (Starbreeze Studios;Tigon Studios)2009action/reflex shooter Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Darksiders THQ (Vigil Games)2010action/reflex adventure Fantasy labelimagesubject
Blade Kitten Atari (Krome Studios)2010action/reflex beat 'em up platformer Manga Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Oddworld Inhabitants2010action/reflex adventure Fantasy Humorous Cartoon labelimageminimize
Lode Runner Retro author2011maze puzzle labelminimizeminimize
Garshasp: The Monster Slayer Dead Mage2011action/reflex beat 'em up adventure Fantasy labelimagesubject
Oniken author2012beat 'em up platformer shooter labelminimizeminimize
Darksiders II (Darksiders 2;Darksiders II: Death Lives) THQ (Vigil Games)2012action/reflex Fantasy labelimageminimize
I Am Alive Ubisoft (Darkworks;Ubisoft Montreal;Ubisoft Shanghai)2012action/reflex labelimagesubject
Mark of the Ninja Microsoft Game Studios (Klei Entertainment)2012action/reflex labelimageminimize
Tomb Raider (Tomb Raider 2013) Square Enix (Crystal Dynamics)2013action/reflex platformer Fantasy labelimageminimize
Bad Bots Digital Tribe (Point 5 Projects)2013platformer shooter Cartoon Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Tiny Barbarian DX StarQuail Games2013platformer Fantasy labelimageminimize
Apotheon Alientrap Games2015action/reflex platformer role-play Fantasy Historical labelimageminimize
Shadow Complex Remastered Microsoft (Chair Entertainment;Epic Games)2015action/reflex shooter labelimageminimize