showing 10 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Praise Champion 2 Left Behind Games? christian music-theme labelminimizeminimize
Praise Champion: Karaoke World Tour Cloud 9;Left Behind Games (Cloud 9)2011 christian music-theme labelminimizeminimize
From Dust Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montpellier)2011 alienanimals ambientcreatures bink changingenvironment collective depthoffield directx9 drm drm-login drm-online erosion flood genderneutral geokinesis giantworms godgame humidity hydrokinesis island launcher lava liquidphysics magic music-theme naturaldisasters oddnature periodiccalamities precursors rating-esrb-e10 screenshake search serialkey shadermodel3 sorcery spreadingvegetation structurerelocation subtropic terraindeformation tides tribals ubisoft-osp uplay volcanic wasteland wildfire wildlife winvista winxp x360pad x86-sse x86-sse3 zoom labelimagesubject
Gone Home The Fullbright Company2013 1990s 20thcentury 2ndcentury commercial download earth femaleauthor femaleprotagonist gog latemodernperiod lesbians license-proprietary music-punk music-rock music-theme musicband narrativedriven northamerica oregon past runningcommentary spoilertags unity-engine walkingsimulator labelimagesubject
Brütal Legend Double Fine Productions2013 actionadventure alienearth automap autosavepoints axes bikers bizarrecreatures bleepcensor blocking bossbattles buddhaengine cave chargedattack circadiancycle civilianprotagonist cleargame clingers collectibles combomoves cyborgs demonicmenace demons depthoffield difficulty digitizedvideo dodging driving dynamicweather earth energyregen fanservice fog fromanothertime fxaa giantspiders gore group group-leader hackandslash healthregen healthregen-fast healthvisualization healthwarning hud-dynamic hybridprotagonist ingamecinematics liveactors magic meleeweapons monsters music-metal music-theme nohealthdisplay objectiveindicator optionaltasks past prerenderedcinematics prerenderedingamecinematics riding sequence-defend sequence-timed smokes sorcery spindlycharacters splatter ssaa ssao steampowered summoning temporarycompanions timeskip trampling uchronia undead upgradesystem volcanic walking wetland wildlife wintery xinput labelimageminimize
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians Reverb Publishing (THR3AKS)2013 demo gog indie music-electronic music-rock music-swing music-theme steampowered labelimageminimize
Crypt of the NecroDancer Brace Yourself Games2015 1life alphafunding automap bombs chiroptera currency dancepad defensebreaking destructibleworld difficulty digging download dragons dungeoncrawler enemyhealthdisplay femaleprotagonist firearms-early gamepad giantanimals glowingeyes gog grid grid-square keyboard knives lineofsight lives loot-random meleeweapons minimap monsters music-custom music-edm music-theme netranking nosaves permadeath realtimecombat retro roguelike screenshake shopping skeletons steampowered stonecreatures subterranean swords tactical upgrades-permanent upgradesystem labelimageminimize
The Reject Demon: Toko Chapter 0 — Prelude Sekai Project (Lupiesoft)2015 angels demonicprotagonist demons download earth femaledominant femaleprotagonist homosexualprotagonist homosexuals indie lesbians music-theme opengl present steampowered titularcharacter visualnovel labelimageminimize
Wailing Heights Outsider Games2016 download ghosts monster-theme monsters music-theme possession rating-pegi-12 shapeshifting steampowered titlementioned titularlocale undead vampires werewolves zombies labelimageminimize
No Straight Roads  SoldOut Software (Metronomik)2020 music-theme labelminimizeminimize