showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardauthor(s)
Half-Life  Sierra On-Line (Valve)1998Andrew Coward
Bill Van Buren
Brett Johnson
Cade Myers
Chuck Jones
Dario Casali
Dave Lee
Dave Riller
Douglas R. Wood
Erik Johnson
Gabe Newell
Greg Coomer
Harry Teasley
Jay Stelly (Sound effects)
John Guthrie
Julie Bazuzi
Karen Laur
Kate Powell
Kelly Bailey (Composer)
Ken Birdwell
Ken Eaton
Lisa Mennet
Marc Laidlaw (Storyline)
Matt Eslick
Miene Lee
Mike Harrington
Mona Lisa Guthrie
Monica Harrington
Phil Kuhlmey
Randy Lundeen
Steve Bond
Steve Theodore
Ted Backman
Torsten Reinl
Wes Cumberland
Yahn Bernier
Yatsze Mark
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2003Joanna Wasick (voice acting)
Jordan Mechner (writer)
Jordan Mechner (game designer)
Doom 3  id Software2004Adrian Carmack (artist)
Andy Chang
Cam Clarke (voice actor)
Christian Antkow (sound designer)
Eric Webb (artist)
Fredrik Nilsson (artist)
James Houska (animator)
Jerry Keehan (designer)
Jim Dose
John Carmack (technical director)
Kenneth Scott (artist)
Kevin Cloud (artist)
Mal Blackwell (designer)
Marty Stratton
Matt Hooper (designer)
Pat Duffy (artist)
Patrick Thomas (artist)
Robert Duffy
Seneca Menard (artist)
Steve Rescoe (designer)
Steven Blum (voice actor)
Tim Willits (lead designer)
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil Activision (id Software;Nerve Software)2005 labelimageminimize
Avencast: Rise of the Mage Lighthouse Interactive;Stardock (ClockStone Software)2007 labelimagesubject
Legendary  Gamecock;Atari (Spark Unlimited)2008 labelimagesubject
Singularity Activision (Raven Software)2010 labelimageminimize
Red Faction: Armageddon  THQ;Syfy Games (Volition)2011 labelimagesubject