showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Lord of the Rings Online  Turbine;Midway Games;Codemasters (Turbine)2007 abilitycooldown achievements actionchaining adv-static animals archaicearth arda aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-5-4 auctions auras autorun axes barghests bartering bink bloodless bludgeons bodyarmor boreal bows circadiancycle city clansystem classbased classbasedeq clothing colorcodednpcs cooking corpselooting cpplanguage crafting crafting-jewelry criticalchance crossbows currency-split deathpenalty directx10 directx11 directx9 distortedvision dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric dwarves dynamicweather earth elves enemyhealthdisplay energyregen eventlog facing falldamage fasttravel forest free free2play gems genderchoice giantspiders goblinoids goblins grouping halflings health-unusual healthregen highfantasy hitflash home humans incarnateddivines insectoids intangibleallies intangiblefoes interrupting itemdurability jewelry jumping knives knockback kynapse languagefilter levelbasedeq licensechange lightbloom logitech-g19 lotr lua magic magic-verbal magicrings mail map meleeweapons metaabilities microtransactions mmog musicalinstruments namegenerator objectiveindicator obsoletedassets openal opponentpowerdisplay optionaltasks orcs pando percussioninstruments pet plantcreatures polearms powernegation protagonistdesigning rating-esrb-t recallportal resourceharvesting resourceprocessing riding ruins rural shallowwater shieldbash shields shopping skillsharing slowbackpedal socialnetwork sorcery spears specieschoice stash stash-shared statuseffects stringinstruments stunning subscription summery summoning swimming swords taskfailure tasks-repeatable temperate town tracking trapping treants tutorial uchronia uvl-fantitle uvl-tiein vocalpowers voicechat vorbis walking weefolk wetland windinstruments wintery xml xp-deeds xp-kills Un mal plagio del WoW, y encima plagado de errores.
De nada sirve usar un mundo interesante si el juego no está a la altura.

3 de 10***Made free-to-play on 2010-09-06.

Subscription is possible. For differences between free and subscription, see here: [url][/url]***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 1.8 GHz Pentium IV CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 64 MB VRAM
* GeForce 3 or Radeon 8500 GPU
* 7 GB HD space
* 56 kbps internet connection

* 2.8 GHz Pentium IV CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6800 or Radeon X850 GPU
* 10 GB HD space
* Broadband internet connection***A persistent world RPG with thousands of players. Based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and set in 'The 4th Age'. The developers have endeavored to portray Tolkien world as accurately as possible even to the point of implementing permanent death. However NPC and monster will almost never kill a player and player killers will suffer great consequences. Choice of race determines where a player starts in the game. Though not to full scale, the game world is huge and has countless dangers in between settlements. Races will be likely remain separated except for certain communities between them and rare fellowships that travel great distances, like the books.

Vivendi Universal Games and Turbin were developing Middle Earth Online for Sierra On-Line. Vivendi left the project. Sierra On-Line formed their Yosemite Entertainment division and transfered all their experienced artists to it. Sierra then had Yosemite Entertainment fire all its employees. Codemasters hired nearly all of Yosemite Entertainment's former employees. Turbin made a deal with Midway and Codemasters to publish this game. And finally, the name was changed.