showing 16 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upward
Hard Reset Redux Gambitious Digital Entertainment (Flying Wild Hog)2016labelimageminimize
Hard Reset: Exile Flying Wild Hog2012labelimagesubject
Hard Reset Flying Wild Hog2011labelimagesubject
Alien Breed 2: Assault Team17 Software2010labelimagesubject
Aliens vs Predator  Sega (Rebellion Developments)2010labelimagesubject
BioShock 2 2K Games (2K Marin;Digital Extremes;Arkane Studios)2010labelimagesubject
Resident Evil 5  Capcom2009labelimagesubject
Zombie Shooter 2 Sigma Team;cdv Software Entertainment (Sigma Team)2009labelimageminimize
Mass Effect  Microsoft Game Studios (BioWare;Demiurge Studios)2008labelimagesubject
Alpha Prime IDEA Games;Meridian4 (Black Element Software)2006labelimagesubject
Shadowgrounds Plan 1;Meridian4 (Frozenbyte)2005labelimagesubject
Pariah Groove Games (Digital Extremes)2005labelimageminimize
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil Activision (id Software;Nerve Software)2005labelimageminimize
Max Payne Take 2 Interactive;Gathering of Developers (Remedy Entertainment)2001labelimagesubject
System Shock 2  Electronic Arts;Night Dive Studios (Looking Glass Studios;Irrational Games)1999labelimagesubject
Alien Trilogy Acclaim Entertainment (Probe)1996labelminimizeminimize