showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Drakan: Order of the Flame  Psygnosis (Surreal Software)1999 1life actionadventure adventurefiction anatomicdamage ancientenemy aureal3d ballistics bossbattles bows breathweapons cave cdrom crystals cultfollowing directx6 dismemberment dragons dragons-western drakan drm drm-removed eax eax1 eviloverlord fanpatch femaleprotagonist giantmonsters hillland inbuilttraps inversekinematics itemdurability itempickup-normal jumping locationaldamage magic mediaindrive meleeweapons monsterfriend monsters naturalweapons nontolkienian noports projectilerecovery rescue rewardingvandalism riding riot-engine ruins serious slavery soulbond subterranean suidoids swimming swords titlementioned voiceovers walking warriorprotagonist win95 win98 wintery xaudio labelimagesubject
The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Universal Interactive;Black Label Games (Surreal Software)2002 archaicearth arda earth highfantasy incarnateddivines lotr movie mystics riot-engine subterranean uchronia labelimagesubject
The Suffering Midway Games;ZOO Digital Publishing (Surreal Software)2004 1life antiheroprotagonist bleak bossbattles cdrom cpplanguage dark dementia directx8 directx9 download dualism escape grotesque humanity imaginarybeings island licensechange meleeweapons monsters moralchoices multipleendings outlawprotagonist prisonbreak psychologicalhorror rage rating-bbfc-18 riot-engine serious shapeshifters shapeshifting supermode uvl-missingimages voiceovers walking labelimagesubject
The Suffering: Ties That Bind Midway Games (Surreal Software)2005 1life antiheroprotagonist bleak cdrom dark demons outlawprotagonist psychologicalhorror rating-bbfc-18 riot-engine serious uvl-missingimages labelimageminimize