showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdisplay
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood Strategy First;Wanadoo Edition (Spellbound Entertainment)2002 1190s 12thcentury britain earth gog medieval robinhood steampowered tactical rasterlabelimageminimize
King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones  Tierra;AGDI (Tierra)2002 ♫greensleeves arabiannights clickadventure deathtraps dolbydigital highbornprotagonist kingsquest magical medieval metagaming noncanon plethoraofreferences pumpkin refwhitesnake robinhood uchronia werewolves rasterlabelimagesubject
Robin Hood's Quest Oxygen Games2007 maleprotagonist robinhood titularcharacter textured polygonslabelminimizeminimize
Hood: Outlaws & Legends Focus Entertainment (Sumo Digital)2021 multiplayer pvp robinhood stealth steampowered textured polygonslabelminimizeminimize