showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardpersp.description
The Sims Maxis;Electronic Arts (Maxis)2000alThe original life simulator, incredibly fun and simple.

8 de 10***From Will Wright, the creator of SimCity. comes a new strategy game that really hits close to home. You are in charge of a neighborhood of Sims and it is up to you to show them that they're living in your world now!
Singles: Flirt Up Your Life!  Deep Silver (Rotobee Realtime 3D)2004dComparable to The Sims series, though does not censor nor shy away from more explicit material (in fact includes a great deal more of sexual activities).***Singles Flirt up your Life! is the simulation of the exciting relationship between Mike and Linda. The game shows them in their shared flat, which means that everyday routines are focused as well: Cooking, watching TV and cleaning are as important as talks and a cuddle. And of course the two have to work for a living as well. labelimageminimize
The Sims 2 Electronic Arts (Maxis)2004aA great improvement on the original title, with refurbished creation and construction options, moods and aging.

9 de 10***The stuff packs are minor expansions for Sims 2

Packs so far:
* Holiday Party Pack / Christmas Party Pack [2005]
* Family Fun Stuff
* Glamour Life Stuff [2006-08]
* Happy Holiday Stuff / Festive Holiday Stuff [2005]
* Happy Holiday Mini Pack [2006-10]
* Celebration! Stuff [2007-04]
* H&M Fashion Stuff / Fashion Stuff [2007-04]
* Teen Style Stuff [2007-11]
* Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff [2008-04]

Some of these packs were included in re-releases of Sims 2, such as the Happy Holiday Stuff pack in Holiday Edition.***safedisc copy protection was used until April 2007 when EA switched to SecuROM 7.x. Due to customer concerns, they posted instruction on their website on how to remove SecuROM from Windows.
[Zerothis]***"The Sims 2 Pets" Was released in October 2006 as an expansion pack:
Electronic Arts is pleased to announce a partnership with multi-platinum, chart-topping recording artist, actress, fashion designer and philanthropist Hilary Duff, to make her inaugural video game debut in the critically acclaimed, best-selling, groundbreaking video and PC game franchise, The Sims . Through this partnership, Hilary will appear in The Sims 2 Pets games, joined by her beloved Chihuahua Lola.***In the The Sims 2, you direct your Sims over a lifetime and mix their genes from one generation to the next. You set your Sims' goals in life; popularity, fortune, family, romance or knowledge. Give them a long, successful existence or leave their lives in shambles. Take them to extremes, from getting busted to seeing a ghost, from marrying an alien to writing a great novel. Unleash your creativity with the all-new Create-A-Sim, new building options, and the new in-game movie camera. Get ready to mix their genes, fulfill their dreams, and push them to extremes. What do you want to do with your Sims' lives?
Singles 2: Triple Trouble Deep Silver (Rotobee)2005dEAN-13: [code]4 020628 995973[/code] labelimageminimize
The Sims: Castaway Stories EA Games2008d labelimageminimize
The Sims 3 Electronic Arts (EA Redwood Shores)2009aWay worse than Sims 2, with only a city that is terrain-fixed, and with the control of only ONE family for the sake of neighborhood aging (good concept, but stupid for a shared computer or when you simply want to play many different families)

7 de 10***Although the base game concept is interesting as social simulation game, the game only includes one small town to play in and sell additional towns as microtransactions for about 25USD/20EUR (that's for [u]single town[/u]), there's also other limitations which aren't as egregious as this. But I don't think I need to really go into detail on the game beyond this. It's a money milker for EA, but considering how successful the game has been, I rather question the players who actually fall for this rather than EA for doing it. I bought the game when it was discounted at "low" 15EUR price itself (from original 50EUR) and I can say that the game is hardly worth even that much. Maybe if it was like 10EUR with towns being 2EUR or so, I might consider it reasonable. There's also DLC expansions that cost the same as the base game itself.

Unfortunately popularity (or market hype?) of Sims series has made it pretty certain there won't be any serious competition, it also allows EA to continue producing inferior games for ridiculously high price.

As a game, it's decent I think, but in terms of value vs price, you're paying 100-1000 times more than you should be. Hence, don't buy any Sims games outside of significant (>60%) discounts.***The game seems to have a long standing non-critical bug where the game starts freezing every few minutes. According to some players this is likely related to pathing code where some NPC gets "stuck" and can't figure out how to get their stuff done as a result. There is no real fix for this besides starting a new game which obviously doesn't prevent an NPC from getting stuck again.***The freedom of The Sims 3 will inspire you with endless creative possibilities and amuse you with unexpected moments of surprise and mischief! Create over a million unique Sims and control their lives. Customize everything from their appearances, to their personalities and even the home of their dreams. Then, send your Sims out to explore new locations around town and to meet other Sims in the neighborhood. Go online to download exclusive content and show off your own creations to the world. With all-new quick challenges and rewarding game play, The Sims 3 gives you the freedom to choose whether (or not!) to fulfill your Sims’ destinies and make their wishes come true.

Key features:
* Create any Sim you can imagine and give them unique personalities! Fine-tune your Sims’ appearances and personalities. Will your Sims be Evil, Romantic, Paranoid, Kleptomaniacs, or more. You choose the traits to create completely unique Sims.
* Control your Sims’ destinies! Choose whether or not to fulfill your Sims’ destinies by making their wishes come true. Will your Sims be Rock Stars, World Leaders, Expert Thieves , or more – it’s is up to you.
* Customize everything! Build the ultimate dream house for your Sims. Infinite customization possibilities for their clothing, furnishings, even their car.
* Explore new locations! Take your Sims to meet friends in the park, go on a date at the bistro, visit neighbors’ homes, or even converse with less-than-savory characters in the graveyard.
* Connect, share and shop! Go online to make movies, show off your creations, download exclusive content and more.***Separately sold add-ons:
* Showtime
* Master Suite Stuff
* Pets
* Town Life Stuff
* Generations
* World Adventures
* Ambitions
* Late Night
* High-End Loft Stuff
* Fast Lane Stuff
* Outdoor Living Stuff
The Sims Medieval  Electronic Arts (The Sims Studio)2011ad4[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista or 7
* 2 GHz Pentium IV CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* 6.3 GB HD space***The Sims go back in time and get medieval! The Sims Medieval™ takes The Sims into the Middle Ages with all new features, new graphics and new ways to play. For the first time, players can create heroes, venture on quests, and build up a kingdom. In an ancient land of adventure, drama and romance, players will be able to get medieval like never before.

* A living world of Sims in an age of adventure, drama, and romance
* Enhanced graphics, lighting, animations, and more lifelike Sims
* Create heroes, build up their skills and send them on epic quests
* Quests drive your kingdom’s story - Good or evil, cruel or kind, romantic or warlike
* Kingdom Ambitions – Choose a ambitious goal for your kingdom and work to achieve it. Will you kingdom be the most wealthy, most enlightened, a conqueror or a peacemaker? The choice is yours.
The Novelist Orthogonal Games2013c labelminimizeminimize
Velvet Sundown Tribe Studios2014cdUn juego único en su especie, a medio camino entre la aventura gráfica y la investigación poirotesca multijugador.
Tan bueno por lo elaborado de sus tramas como por lo absurdas que pueden llegar a ser las conversaciones.
6 de 10***"Who am I?"

And what am I doing here? I woke up on a luxury yacht in the middle of the Caribbean. I am on-board with several other people — some I might've even met before.

To know nothing of what to expect... I feel all adrift but I still know one thing: I have to make a leap of faith. To find out what the hell is going on in here."
Do you have the courage?

To be cast in the role of a spy? To determine the storylines aboard a cruise of affluence and shady dealings?

To meet other real people with their own personal agendas and motives? Find out what it takes in a role experience the length of a short film.