showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsplayer optsrank
Sword of the Stars  Lighthouse Interactive;Paradox Interactive (Kerberos Productions)2006 25thcentury 4xstrategy abilitydependencies absoluterulership afterearth aliens boarding cacophonicvoice cdrom combatmode cpplanguage darkspace directx8 download extraterrestrial future gamespy grandscale humanoidanimals insectoids klaatubaradanikto mapgenerator mp-ffa mp-lms mp-teams mpfocus netframework noports playerprofiles rating-esrb-e10 realtimecombat sauroids serious sots-series space spacefaringage techtree tutorial vorbis widescreen win2k winxp LAN, Internet, single playerlabelimagesubject
Sword of the Stars: Born of Blood  Lighthouse Interactive;Paradox Interactive (Kerberos Productions)2007 25thcentury 4xstrategy absoluterulership afterearth cacophonicvoice cdrom combatmode directx8 download extraterrestrial future grandscale mapgenerator mpfocus noports realtimecombat sots-series space spacefaringage techtree xenophobia LAN, Internet, single playerlabelimagesubject
Sword of the Stars: A Murder of Crows  Lighthouse Interactive;Paradox Interactive (Kerberos Productions)2008 25thcentury 4xstrategy absoluterulership afterearth aliens avianoids beamweapons cacophonicvoice cdrom combatmode directx9 download energyweapons extraterrestrial future grandscale mapgenerator mpfocus noports realtimecombat sots-series space spacefaringage techtree uvl-missingimages win2k winvista winxp LAN, Internet, single playerlabelimagesubject
Sword of the Stars: Argos Naval Yard Lighthouse Interactive;Paradox Interactive (Kerberos Productions)2009 25thcentury 4xstrategy absoluterulership afterearth aliens cacophonicvoice combatmode directx9 download drm extraterrestrial future grandscale humanoidanimals impulsegoo insectoids mapgenerator mp-ffa mp-lms mpfocus noports realtimecombat sauroids serious sots-series space spacefaringage techtree win2k winxp LAN, Internet, single playerlabelimageminimize
Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter  Paradox Interactive (Kerberos Productions)2011 4xstrategy absoluterulership afterearth aliens avianoids cacophonicvoice directx10 download extraterrestrial future grandscale insectoids mapgenerator mp-ffa mp-lms mp-teams mpfocus noports serious sots-series space spacefaringage techtree winvista single player, Internetlabelminimizesubject
Sword of the Stars: The Pit Kerberos Productions2013 adv-objects adv-ptdistr aliens alone animals assaultrifles bodyarmor botching capacity-slots cave classbased crafting crowdfunded damageinfo difficulty disease doors dungeon empgrenades eventlog extraterrestrial fieldofvision firearms future genrechange gog grenades grid grid-square handguns healingitems hitchance hunger illequipped indie insectoids inventory itemdurability itemglow knives leveluprestoration limitedcapacity lineofsight lockpicking mapgenerator meleeweapons mimics minefield monsters motiondetector mutagen netframework nostrayfire openclassing permadeath playerstats psychics randomchance randomizedeffects reload-manual robots roguelike save-suspend scavenging shotguns sots-series spacefaringage spinoff splittingcreatures stash-shared steampowered story-padding targetlock targetlock-multi toxins trapdisarming traps tutorial tutorial-interactive unarmedfighting xp-kills xp-literal single playerlabelimagesubject
Ground Pounders  Kerberos Productions2014 alphafunding grid grid-hex mp-crossplatform sots-series steampowered single player, Internetlabelminimizeminimize