showing 19 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Grand Theft Auto - London 1969 (GTA London 1969) Rockstar Games;Take-Two Interactive (DMA Design)1999action/reflex shooter racing/driving labelminimizeminimize
Midtown Madness Microsoft (Angel Studios)1999racing/driving labelimagesubject
Grand Theft Auto 2 (GTA2;Grand Theft Auto II) Take 2 Interactive (Rockstar Games)1999action/reflex shooter racing/driving labelimagesubject
The Nomad Soul (Omikron: The Nomad Soul) Eidos;Square Enix (Quantic Dream)1999beat 'em up shooter adventure role-play Fantasy Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Grand Theft Auto III (GTA3;Grand Theft Auto 3;GTA III) Take 2 Interactive (DMA Design)2002action/reflex shooter adventure labelimagesubject
Road Fighter (Roadfighter;Road Fighter Remake) Brain Games2003racing/driving labelminimizeminimize
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (GTA Vice City) Rockstar Games (Rockstar North)2003action/reflex shooter racing/driving labelimageminimize
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA San Andreas) Take 2 Interactive;Rockstar Games (Rockstar North)2005action/reflex shooter racing/driving labelimageminimize
Just Cause Eidos Interactive (Avalanche Studios)2006action/reflex shooter racing/driving labelimagesubject
Scarface: The World is Yours Vivendi (Radical Entertainment)2006action/reflex adventure labelimageminimize
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames (Mercs 2) Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios)2008action/reflex shooter adventure labelimageminimize
Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA IV;GTA4) Rockstar Games (Rockstar North;Rockstar Toronto)2008action/reflex shooter racing/driving labelimageminimize
Burnout Paradise (Burnout 5;Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box) Electronic Arts (Criterion Games)2009racing/driving labelimageminimize
Prototype Activision (Radical Entertainment)2009action/reflex Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Just Cause 2 Square Enix (Avalanche Studios)2010action/reflex adventure labelimagesubject
Saints Row: The Third (SRTT;SR3;Saints Row 3) THQ (Volition)2011action/reflex Humorous Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Saints Row IV (Saints Row 4) Deep Silver (Volition)2013action/reflex labelimagesubject
Hatred Destructive Creations2015action/reflex shooter labelimagesubject
Saints Row: The Third -Remastered- (SRTT;SR3;Saints Row 3) Deep Silver (Sperasoft)2020action/reflex Humorous Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize