showing 13 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning EA Partners (38 Studios;Big Huge Games)2012 actionrpg addons adv-ptdistr advancingattacks amnesia animehair automap backstabbing bighugeengine bink bioluminescence blocking bludgeons bodyarmor boomerangs bossbattles bows capacity-slots castle cave chakrams classbased classbasedeq compass crafting crystals damagetypes demo destiny diaries difficulty dodging drm drm-login drm-online ea-origin elves enemyhealthdisplay energyregen energyupkeep fae fasttravel fasttravel-points fateless forest fortress gems genderchoice giantspiders gnomes havokphysics immortals indicator-poi indicator-threat invisiblewalls itemdurability jewelry junkinventory knives laboratory lasso leveluprestoration limitedcapacity magic magical magicrings magicweapons magneticshoulders meleeweapons metafiction mine minimap monsters music-ballad neutralnpcs nohealthregen npcspawning npcstrife nudity-inhuman objectiveclairvoyance openclassing optionaltasks personalquest potions progressiveattacks protagonistdesigning radar rage rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 rebornprotagonist recastnavigation respec rewardingvandalism screenshake seers shields socketables sorcery specieschoice splatter staves stealing stealth stealthmode steampowered swords thrownweapons town trolls tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated uniqueprotagonist unlimitedammo unvoicedprotagonist uvl-missingimages vibrant viciouscycle walking wands war weefolk wellcave wellofsouls xinput xp-deeds xp-kills The minds of New York Times bestselling author R.A. Salvatore, Spawn creator Todd McFarlane, and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion lead designer Ken Rolston have combined to create Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, a new role-playing game set in a world worth saving. Build the character you’ve always wanted and continuously evolve it to your style of play with the revolutionary Destiny system. Choose your path and battle through a master-crafted universe featuring some of the most intense, responsive, and customizable RPG combat ever.

Key Features:
* A Massive World to Explore, Filled with Epic Fiction and Rich Storytelling
* Uncover the secrets of Amalur in hundreds of hours of immersive gameplay, from the vibrant city of Rathir to the vast region of Dalentarth to the grim dungeons of the Brigand Hall Caverns.
* Rescue a world torn apart by a vicious war and control the keys to immortality as the first warrior ever to be resurrected from the grips of death. Turn your lack of a destiny to your advantage and harness fate as a weapon.
* Explore deep levels of lore in a universe steeped in 10,000 years of fiction created by New York Times bestselling author R.A. Salvatore.
* Intense Action Combat
* Customize your play in a dynamic combat system that delivers some of the most intense and responsive action ever seen in an RPG.
* Seamlessly integrate magical and melee attacks as you take on scores of enemies in grand fight sequences and finish them off with brutal Fateshift kills.
* Choose Your Destiny With Customizable Classes
* Build the character you’ve always wanted with the revolutionary new Destiny system that allows you to continuously evolve your character class to your style of play.
* Create and modify your hero with millions of combinations of skills, abilities, weapons and pieces of armor.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent  Frictional Games;1C Company (Frictional Games;Snowball Studios)2010 1830s 18thcentury actionadventure adaptation-sight adaptivemusic ambientcreatures amnesia amnesia-series angelscript antagonistawareness antiheroprotagonist anxiety argevent autosavepoints biogrowth capacity-unlimited castle childvictims cloakednpcs constrainedlocale containers controlconfig controlloss cpplanguage crepuscularrays dark deathpits defenseless demo desolate diaries directx9 distortedvision dollyzoom earlyending earth eternalfires europe falldamage fearofnothing firelighter flashbacks grantfunded hallucinations healingitems health-multi healthwarning hiding hoarding hpl2engine hplengine humanexperiments immobilewater indoors insects instantkillers interlinkedlevels inventory inventory-indisposable involuntaryactions itemglow jumping keys kingdomofprussia laboratory lamp lamp-powered leaning leveleditor library limitedsupplies manualinteraction mapdeficient midastouch multipleendings music-ambient mystics newtongamedynamics nordicgameprogram objectplot openal opengl outsiders pacifisthorror paranormal past playerprofiles prison psychologicalhorror quake quitsave rating-esrb-m retrypoints ruins runningcommentary screenshake sdl secrets secrets-mandatory sequence-escape serious sewers shallowwater sightavoidance siminsanity singularlocale stealth stealth-light stealth-other stealth-sight steampowered survivalhorror tasktracker temple theora titlementioned torture tutorial-integrated undefinedelements unseencharacters vorbis walking widescreen windy winvista winxp Un juego que supone el regreso de los verdaderos juegos de terror, donde tu protagonista es un individuo que tiene miedo hasta de la sombra de las moscas y donde normalmente la forma de salir de las situaciones compremetidas es huir, esconderse y rezar.

Para más información, ciertos youtubers lo tienen en un pedestal.

7 de 10***Latest version: 1.0.1 (as of 2010-09-22)***Snowball Studios handled Russian localization for 1C's release, nothing else.***[media=youtube]JEHPwAvrc_U[/media]
[Frictional Games]***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista or 7
* 1.5 GHz CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* Radeon 9600 or GeForce FX GPU
* 2.1 GB HD space

* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 6 series or Radeon HD GPU***[i]The last remaining memories fade away into darkness. Your mind is a mess and only a feeling of being hunted remains. You must escape.[/i]

Amnesia: The Dark Descent, a first person survival horror. A game about immersion, discovery and living through a nightmare. An experience that will chill you to the core.

[i]You stumble through the narrow corridors as the distant cry is heard.
It is getting closer.[/i]

Amnesia: The Dark Descent puts you in the shoes of Daniel as he wakes up in a desolate castle, barely remembering anything about his past. Exploring the eerie pathways, you must also take part of Daniel's troubled memories. The horror does not only come from the outside, but from the inside as well. A disturbing odyssey into the dark corners of the human mind awaits.

[i]A sound of dragging feet? Or is your mind playing tricks on you?[/i]

By using a fully physically simulated world, cutting edge 3D graphics and a dynamic sound system, the game pulls no punches when trying to immerse you. Once the game starts, you will be in control from the beginning to the end. There are no cut-scenes or time-jumps, whatever happens will happen to you first hand.

[i]Something emerges out of the darkness. It's approaching. Fast.[/i]

Amnesia: The Dark Descent throws you headfirst into a dangerous world where danger can lurk behind every corner. Your only means of defense are hiding, running or using your wits.

Do you have what it takes to survive?
[Frictional Games]***2008-09-19 announced
2009-03-31 release date set to 2010Q2
2009-10-03 title finalized as [i]Amnesia: The Dark Descent[/i]

Working title: [i]Lux Tenebras[/i]
Working title: [i]Unknown[/i]
Twin Sector Headup Games (DnS Development)2009 aircontrol amnesia autosavepoints deathfakers defenseless demo difficulty doors download dvd elevators envcombat explosiveobjects falldamage femaleprotagonist future havokphysics healthregen interactivetriggers itemglow jumping keys knockback mutablescenery-small nohealthdisplay physics postapocalypse powerthrow repulsion robots sentientmachines shadermodel2 shadermodel3 subterranean tutorial tutorial-integrated undefinedelements voiceovers walking widescreen youngadultprotagonist [b]undefined elements[/b] - the gloves. although they provide the basic object manipulation functions, they also allow you to push [i]yourself[/i] away and towards things. Dampens falls and can be used to initiate something akin to a superjump.***EU 2009-09-16 on Steam, by Headup Games (lang: eng*, fre, ger*, ita, spa)
INT 2009-12-07 on Steam

* including voice overs, others are as subtitles only
Outland Housemarque2014 achievements ancientenemy backtracking elevators fallimpact forest healthdrops healthpickups hitflash jumping ledges maleprotagonist map metroidvania monsters movingplatforms mp-cooperative orangeblue pressureplates rating-pegi-12 rewardingvandalism silhouetted steampowered tropic tutorial tutorial-integrated undefinedelements walking walljumping wilderness labelimageminimize
ArcaniA - A Gothic Tale  JoWood Productions (Spellbound Entertainment)2010 1life 2hmeleeweapons achillesheelfoes acid adv-ptdistr adv-static anatomicdamage ancientenemy animals armyofone automap autosavepoints axes ballistics blocking bludgeons bodyarmor bows burrowers canyon capacity-unlimited castle cave changinggoals chargedattack chargers chargingweapons chemistry circadiancycle city civilianprotagonist compass containers cooking corpselooting cpplanguage crafting crepuscularrays crossbows cryokinesis crystalentities crystals cultists deadlywater demo demonicmenace demons difficulty difficulty-ingame directx9 dock dodging doors drm drm-activation dualism dvd dynamicweather electrokinesis energyregen eviloverlord falldamage forcefields forest giantbeetles gianthumanoids giants giantworms goblinoids goblins golems gothic-series graverobbing healingitems heathaze herbs hintsystem hive hostilewildlife inorganics insectoids interactivedialogs inventory invisiblewalls island itemglow jewelry jumping keys knockdown leveluprestoration lockpicking lunatics magic magicrings medieval meleeweapons mine minimap monsters mountain mystics namelessprotagonist necklaces neutralmonsters neutralnpcs nohealthregen objectiveindicator obstacletranslucification openended openworld optionaltasks orcs orphanprotagonist outlaws physx playerexposition polearms potions premadeprotagonist prophecy pyrokinesis quickkeys rain recurrence-character refugees revenge roadsigns ruins rural safeledges safepowers sauroids saveanywhere scavenging scientists securompa selfupdate sequelhook serialkey shadermodel3 shallowwater shields shore skeletons soldiers sorcery spectacularforce spectres splatter ssao steampowered subtitlediscrepancy swarmers sweepingstrikes swords targetlock tasktracker teleporters threatdisplay town tropic tutorial tutorial-integrated undead unusualprotagonist visionengine walking war weathereffects wetland wildlife winvista winxp woundless xp-deeds xp-kills youngadultprotagonist zombies [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 3.2 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 3500+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* Radeon 1800XT or GeForce 6800 GPU
* 10 GB HD space***Working titles:
[*] Gothic 4: Arcania
[*] Gothic 4: Genesis
GREED: Black Border Meridian4 (ClockStone Software;Headup Games)2009 1life actionrpg adv-ptdistr alienanimals alienplanet aliens anticipatorysightings automap bioluminescence bodyarmor bossbattles burrowers capacity-slots cave chainreactions containers crustaceans crystals dark-limited diaries difficulty directx9 distortedvision dodging download dvd encounters-popup enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen energyshields energyweapons entangled environment-static explosiveobjects extraterrestrial fictionalelement flamethrowers frontier future giantmonsters giantrobots giants giantscorpions gloomy healingitems idlenoise indoors industrial-setting insectoids insects inventory keycodes keys levelbasedeq limitedcapacity limitedsupplies loot-random machineguns map mine minimap mp-cooperative newgameplus news npcregen obsoletedassets oldskoolsecurity openal openended opponentpowerdisplay otherworld plasmaweapons premadecharacters quake rating-esrb-m recallportal robots rotaryguns savepoints screenshake selfluminance sequelhook serious shieldregen shopping spacecraft-location spacefaringage spawners stationaryattack suicideattackers targetlock tasktracker teleporters thermalweapons titlementioned titularlocale turrets tutorial tutorial-integrated tutorial-noninteractive unlimitedammo upgradesystem uvl-missingimages walking wasteland xp-kills For 1-3 players simultaneously labelimageminimize
A Kingdom for Keflings NinjaBee2010 4ormoreresources bright casual citybuilding colorful crystals decomposing desura gems logistics mp-cooperative optionaltasks rating-esrb-e resourceharvesting resourceprocessing stockpiles tutorial tutorial-integrated zoom labelimageminimize
Ancients of Ooga NinjaBee (Bacon Wrapped Games)2010 achievements achievements-public asphyxiation autosavepoints colorful demo desura humanoidprotagonist humanoids interactivetriggers inventory jumppads ledges magic mystics nohumans possession prehistoric-theme pressureplates pseudo3d puzzleplatformer rating-esrb-e10 shadermodel3 steampowered steamworks supernaturalprotagonist swimming tribals tropic tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated underwaterdiving winxp From the creators of 'Cloning Clyde' comes a new epic adventure!

Eat, chant, and even puke your way through the highly comical, primeval land of Ooga! There’s never a dull moment as you meet, befriend, and finally acquire seven zany Oogani tribes. Uncover their lost ancient powers, and exploit their abilities and lead them in a revolt against the tyrannical Boolis. Classic platforming/puzzle solving with a novel eat/carry/puke inventory management component. Over fifty amazing levels, plus, narcotic slugs that make you loopy!

Ancients of Ooga is sure to take you out of this world.

Key features:
* An immersive adventure leading seven zany tribes to freedom.
* Unlockable ancient abilities for each unique tribe.
* Revive murdered chiefs each with incredible powers to control the elements.
* A novel eat/carry/puke inventory management component.
* Classic platforming/puzzle solving
* Over fifty levels
Cloning Clyde NinjaBee (Bacon Wrapped Games)2011 asphyxiation autosavepoints chickens clones clonetechnology collectibles cooperation desura difficulty elevators healthpickups interactivetriggers jumppads ladders ledges levelselection nofalldamage pressureplates pseudo3d rating-esrb-e10 researchfacility steampowered suicideattackers swimming teleporters tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated unarmedfighting underwaterdiving Have you ever been cloned? Ever wonder what it would be like to be half chicken? Half monkey? Half frog? Well, wonder no more when you play Cloning Clyde.

As Clyde, or one of his clones, work your way through the levels of the nefarious Dupliclone, Inc. building. It houses bizarre simulated environments created specifically to accommodate their unconventional cloning experiments. Have fun utilizing the many clones running amok inside Dupliclone, as you try to free yourself...or should we say yourselves. Be careful of the traps set by the sinister corporation, and watch out for mutant clones! Get even more inventive and you can use the cloning technology to combine the Clyde clones with some of your co-inhabitants to make mutant Chicken-Clydes, Frog-Clydes, Ape-Clydes and more. Many of the mutant Clydes have special abilities that can help you to escape from the evil Dupliclone, Inc.

Cloning Clyde is a 3D side-scrolling adventure.

Key features:
* Explore a visually compelling world filled with hilarious action and crazy adventure as you struggle to escape the clutches of the evil company Dupliclone, Inc.
* Play as a variety of mutant Clydes, each with unique abilities, including 'Chicken-Clyde', 'Frog-Clyde', 'Sheep-Clyde' and more.
* Solve exciting and addictive puzzles with a variety of resolutions.
* Play not only as one character but also switch between hundreds of clones.
* Hours of fun with 40 compelling levels.
Aliens vs Predator  Sega (Rebellion Developments)2010 achievements achievements-public airducts alienfranchise alienprotagonist aliens aliensvspredator alternateattack ammomagazines androids anticipatorysightings assaultrifles asura-engine autosavepoints backstabbing biogrowth bossbattles canyon capacity-toolslots cave chargedactions claws cloakednpcs cloaking cpplanguage dark deathfakers deathpits detector diaries directx11 directx9 dismemberment distortedvision download dvd elevators energydraining energyweapons exoticweapons explosiveobjects extraterrestrial fallbackweapon falldamage fearofnothing firearms flamethrowers flares fullbodyawareness future gore grenadelaunchers grotesque gunclubbing handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-stunted hud-dynamic humanprotagonist industrial-setting interspecificconflict itempickup-auto jumping killingblow lamp lightdousing limitedcapacity lipsync locationaldamage lostequipment lv426 machineguns megacorps meleeweapons militantprotagonist militaryfiction mines monsterprotagonist monsters motiondetector movie mp-3way mp-control mp-dm mp-infection mp-survival mp-tag mp-teams multiplecampaigns multipleperspectives namelessprotagonist netranking noenergyregen npcstrife objectiveindicator openended otherworld pain parasites perspectiveflip plasmaweapons precisionrifles predator researchfacility restorepower robots rookieprotagonist ruins saveonline scientists secrets segmentedhealth sequelhook sequence-escape serialkey serious shotguns silentprotagonist soldiers spacefaringage stealth steampowered steamworks targetedjump telescope temple thermalweapons thrownweapons tropic turrets tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated tutorial-interactive unarmedfighting visiblelasers visionmodes voicechat walking wetland winvista winxp EAN-13: [code]5055277002238[/code] (UK; 2 DVDs; SEGA-PC111)***For 1-18 players, multiplayer maps include player caps at 8, 12, and 18.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista or 7
* 3.2 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 64 3000+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1600 GPU
* 4.6 GB HD space

* Core 2 Duo E6400 CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM
* GeForce 8800 or Radeon HD2900 Pro GPU***[b]healthregen-stunted[/b] - the marine has 3 health bars, regeneration is limited to filling the currently partially depleted bar. Predator regenerates arbitrary chunks of damage that "fall off" the health bar, completely gone chunks do not regenerate. Xenomorph regenerates any and all damage and therefore is not covered by this tag.
[b]cloaking[/b] - unlike in the previous games, the predator can remain cloaked indefinitely as long as they avoid certain actions. this causes no energy drain of any kind. And the cloak can be immediately resumed when the cloak breaking action is ceased.***Aliens vs Predator is an entirely new title for PC and high-definition consoles from acclaimed British developer Rebellion, the team behind the 1999 original PC gaming classic.

Bringing the most intense war between two of science-fiction’s most popular characters FPS fans, AvP delivers three outstanding single player campaigns and provides untold hours of unique 3-way multiplayer gaming.

Experience distinctly new and thrilling first person gameplay as you survive, hunt and prey in the deadly jungles and swamps surrounding the damned colony of Freya’s Prospect.

- As the Marine, you’ll experience a claustrophobic and terrifying experience where light is your friend, but there’s never enough. However, the United States Marine Corps are humanity’s last line of defence, and as such they are armed to the teeth with the very latest in high explosive and automatic weaponry.
- As the Predator, you will stalk from the shadows and from above, passing athletically through the treetops to ambush your victims. Although equipped with an array of powerful, exotic weapons and tracking equipment, honour ultimately dictates that you must get in close and take your trophies face to face.
- As the most deadly species in the universe, the Alien offers you the chance to play as the very stuff of nightmares - the monster in the dark swarming forward with countless others, jaws like a steel trap and claws like blades.
- Play all sides off against each other in a series of unique 3-way online modes and go tooth-to-claw-to-pulse rifle in the reinvention of one of multiplayer gaming’s defining moments.
[Sega]***Not to be mistaken with an earlier [game=#16824]AVP game[/game] from the same developer.
Darksiders THQ (Vigil Games)2010 achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes actionadventure aftertheend airdash alienearth alteredreality angelofdeath angels antiheroprotagonist apocalyptic autorun autosavepoints autumnal backtracking balance-theme blocking bonusbosses boomerangs bossbattles burrowers captives cave cemetery changinggoals chargers city collectibles colorcodednpcs colossi combomoves counselor counterattacks darksiders-series dashing deathworld demons difficulty dimensionaltravel directx9 dissolvingcorpses dodging doors doors-autoclosing download earth elevators endlessconflict endtime energyweapons environmentalpuzzle equipmentexperience fallimpact fasttravel finishingmoves flood flyingislands fmod fourhorsemen gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantshoulderpads giantspiders giantworms gliding gore grapplinghook gryphons hackandslash handguns havokphysics hellscape hud-dynamic hugeweapons humanoidprotagonist improvisedweapons inorganics insectoids interactivetriggers juggernauts jumping keys knockback ladders lostpowers lutris macho magic magicaltechnology magneticshoulders medieval meleeweapons metroidvania midairjumping monkeybars monsters mythicfigure naga neutralmonsters nofalldamage northamerica obligation openended paradise pawn portals postapocalypse powerthrow quicktimeevent rage rating-esrb-m recurringopponent revenge rewardingvandalism riding robots ruins scaleform sciencefantasy screenshake scythes secrets sequelhook serialkey shadermodel3 simulacrums singlesave sorcery souls splatter steampowered steamworks subway supermode supernaturalprotagonist swarmers sweepingstrikes swimming swords targetlock tasteofpower teleporters temple temporarycompanions thedestroyer thrownweapons timeskip traproom tunnels tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated undead underwaterdiving unlimitedammo upgradesystem walking wasteland waterjumping weaponexperience wellofsouls winvista winxp xinput Un hack and slash tridimensional con algunos elementos RPG que invocan a tierras hylianas.

Nada nuevo bajo el sol, un juego bastante insípido.

4 de 10***Deceived by the forces of evil into prematurely bringing about the end of the world, War – the first Horseman of the Apocalypse – stands accused of breaking the sacred law by inciting a war between Heaven and Hell. In the slaughter that ensued, the demonic forces defeated the heavenly hosts and laid claim to the Earth.

Brought before the sacred Charred Council, War is indicted for his crimes and stripped of his powers. Dishonored and facing his own death, War is given the opportunity to return to Earth to search for the truth and punish those responsible.

Hunted by a vengeful group of Angels, War must take on the forces of Hell, forge uneasy alliances with the very demons he hunts, and journey across the ravaged remains of the Earth on his quest for vengeance and vindication.

* [b]Apocalyptic Power[/b] – Unleash the wrath of War, combining brutal attacks and supernatural abilities to decimate all who stand in your way
* [b]Extreme Arsenal[/b] – Wield a devastating arsenal of angelic, demonic and Earthly weapons; and blaze a trail of destruction atop Ruin, War’s fiery phantom steed
* [b]Epic Quest[/b] – Battle across the wastelands and demon-infested dungeons of the decimated Earth in your quest for vengeance and redemption
* [b]Character Progression[/b] – Uncover powerful ancient relics, upgrade your weapons, unlock new abilities, and customize your gameplay style
* [b]Battle Heaven and Hell[/b] – Battle against all who stand in your way - from war-weary angelic forces to Hell’s hideous demon hordes***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1 or Windows 7
* Athlon 64 3800+ (2.4 GHz) or Pentium IV 530 (3.0 GHz) CPU
* 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista/7)
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 8800, GeForce GT220, or Radeon X1900 GPU
* 12 GB HD space

* Athlon 64 X2 5200+ (2.6 GHz) or Core 2 Duo E5420 (2.13 GHz) CPU
* 2 GB RAM (3 GB for Vista/7)
* GeForce GTS 240 or Radeon HD3870 GPU
Assassin's Creed  Ubisoft Entertainment (Ubisoft Montreal)2008 12thcentury 2010s 21stcentury aaa actionadventure aesop ahistoric alientechnology alternatetimeline antiheroprotagonist antivillain anvilengine arabia asia asia-west aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 assassinprotagonist assassinscreed automap autosavepoints backstabbing beggars bink bloodlines castle chasing city city-acre-il city-damascus-sy city-jerusalem-il clandestine cleargame cliffhanger coerced compass consequentialism controllablehelplessness counterattacks coupdegrace crowds cruelty difficulty-single directx10 directx9 dock dolbydigital download drm drm-activation earth eax eax2 eax3 eax4 eliteprotagonist endlessopposition equipment-predefined espionage factualinaccuracy falldamage fallimpact falsehistory future geneticmemory glitchvisuals grappling havokphysics healthregen healthregen-fast hiding hillland historicallyinaccurate holstering horizontalbars horses ideology impulsegoo indicator-poi indicator-threat jumping katar killingblow knives knockback ladders ledges letterbox map mediaindrive megacorps meleeweapons nazcalines neutralnpcs objectplot openended openworld openworld-restricted outdoors palestine parkour past pawn pickpocketing playerprofiles precursors prostitutes ragdollphysics rating-cero-z redeemingbeatdown retrypoints riding rooftops safedisc safeledges safezone search secretsociety sequelhook serious shadermodel3 singlegenderopposition singlesave soldiers splatter stealth stealth-sight steampowered steppingstones stumbling subtitledeficient suppression swords syria tackling targetlock templar throwingknives thrownweapons torture tower tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated unarmedfighting unrestrictedviolence upgrades-health uvl-imagequality vagrants virtualreality walking wallclimbing warriorprotagonist widescreen youngadultprotagonist El comienzo estelar de la saga, a pesar de ser mucho más lineal y corto que sus predecesores (y unas misiones secundarias enormemente repetitivas), se hecha de menos no ser una arsenal andante que puede con toda la guardia de la ciudad: mucho más sigilo y huida y menos acción.

Especialmente reseñable era la posibilidad de finalizar un asesinato siguiendo el diario de Altair, convirtiendo el encargo en un auténtico reto, además de la claustrofóbica situación de Desmond y la intriga que rodea todo el juego.

Como reprochable, la enorme letalidad del agua, aunque también es cierto que es de gran ayuda contra los templarios.

8 de 10***2008-04-09 as boxed
2008-04-09 on Steam (eng,fre,ita,ger,spa)***[b]save points[/b] - there's only one save per profile, so make sure you back it up occasionally. Nothing worse than playing almost through the game and the save getting corrupted for whatever reason (such as BSOD). The saves are stored in `[code]%APPDATA%/Ubisoft/Assassin's Creed/Saved Games/[/code]´.***Latest version: 1.02 (as of 2008-05-14)***The story starts with Desmond Miles being kidnapped in 2012 by Abstergo Industries and put into the Animus machine, a device capable of drawing out genetic memories and allowing the user to re-live their ancestors' lives. For Desmond, this is the life of Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad (الطائر), an assassin who lived during the Third Crusade in 1191. Although the story skips the kidnapping and starts with Desmond jagged into the Animus and experiencing some synchronization issues with it.

The game is difficult to categorize and abundantly lampshaded by the fact that most of the game takes place inside the Animus which has been created to produce a video game like experience, so effectively you're playing a video game inside a video game. And the experience produced by the Animus is an abstraction of sorts with various alterations that make it easier for the user to operate it, such as translating all languages to plain English and so forth. So any inconsistencies with reality are due to that, and since memories aren't exactly logical 1 to 1 copies of reality, much illogical instances can occur, some of which can be interpreted to mean some [url=]very strange things[/url].

Things you may need to replay the whole game for:[spoiler]In memory block 4, you have a chance to pickpocket Vidic to get his security pen. This opportunity does not represent itself and replaying the memory block later does not roll back time in the "real world".

After the credits you gain access to the conference room where you need Vidic's pen to access a computer, but there's nothing else after that besides your ability to replay the memory blocks and aim for 100% completion (collecting all the flags, killing the templars, scouting, and doing all the side tasks).[/spoiler]***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.6 GHz dual-core Pentium D or Athlon 64 X2 3800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista)
* 256 MB VRAM
* Radeon X1600 or GeForce 6800 GPU
* 8 GB HD space

* Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or Athlon 64 X2 4400+ CPU
* 5.1 capable soundcard***The PC version has 4 new missions compared to the original console version.

Director's Cut Edition is apparently just alternate name for the thing and is in no way different from PC releases without that extra bit in their name.
Bastion Warner Bros. Interactive (Supergiant Games)2011 achievements activeabilityset alcohol amoeboids aspectratio-16-9 autosavepoints blocking bludgeons bows capacity-toolslots challenges chargers chargingweapons collectibles csharplanguage damageinfo damageovertime demo destructibleenvironment directx9 disappearingplatforms distortedhearing distortedvision dodging dreamworld energyweapons firearms flamethrowers flyingislands fnaxna grenades handguns healingitems hostileflora hud-dynamic indie jumppads knockback letterbox leveluprestoration limitedcapacity mines mortars namelessprotagonist narrator netframework newgameplus npcfriendlyfire npcstrife passageondemand polearms postapocalypse postmissionrestoration precisionrifles projectiledeflection rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 reactivenarrator reload-auto reload-manual rewardingvandalism shatteredworld shields shotguns simulacrums slowprojectiles steampowered summery summoning swords thrownweapons titlementioned titularlocale trivialresearch turrets tutorial tutorial-integrated unlimitedammo upgradesystem walking weaponkickback weaponupgrades wetland wintery xnaframework xp-kills youngadultprotagonist Una estética muy interesante, un narrador SOBERBIO y una jugabilidad que recuerda a un intermedio entre un 2D y un 3D del Legend of Zelda, aunque con un gran enfoque en tener un inventario muy limitado (2 armas y una habilidad) y saber aprovechar sus ventajas y compensar sus debilidades, cambiando completamente la forma de juego (desde ser completamente cuerpo a cuerpo hasta sólo poder atacar a distancia)

Tremendamente recomendable.

9.5 de 10
"...ain't so simple with this one"***[b]Bastion[/b] is an action role-playing experience that redefines storytelling in games, with a reactive narrator who marks your every move. Explore more than 40 lush hand-painted environments as you discover the secrets of the Calamity, a surreal catastrophe that shattered the world to pieces. Wield a huge arsenal of upgradeable weapons and battle savage beasts adapted to their new habitat. Finish the main story to unlock the New Game Plus mode and continue your journey!

[b]Key features:[/b]
* Stunning hand-painted artwork in full 1080p resolution
* Critically-acclaimed original music score
* Hours of reactive narration delivers a deep story
* Action-packed combat rewards playing with finesse
* Controls custom-tailored to PC plus gamepad support
* 10+ unique upgradeable weapons to be used
* 6 powerful Bastion structures to be discovered
* 'New Game Plus' mode unlocked after finishing the story