showing 1 - 50 of 207 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Bedlam Tandy Corporation? commercial earth escape inaccurateinfo insaneasylum interactivefiction latemodernperiod license-proprietary lunatics trs80model1 trs80model3 walking wordinput labelminimizeminimize
Draw Poker  Softape? cassette commercial license-proprietary poker uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Othello III Mad Hatter Software? commercial dualism grid grid-square keyboard license-proprietary naturalistic reversi At strategy game played on an eight by eight board. The object of the game is to capture as many of the squares as possible. You can play against the computer, a friend or have the computer play against itself. Has an interesting graphics display. labelminimizesubject
Paranoids Anonymous author? basic interactivefiction keyboard license-proprietary sourcecodeavailable wordinput labelminimizeminimize
The Amazing Ben Krell Software? ai-content artificialintelligence commercial learningai license-proprietary labelminimizeminimize
Trek Adventure author? basic license-proprietary sourcecodeavailable labelminimizeminimize
Aardvark Taylor1978 aardvarks ants basic cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Android Nim Adventure International1978 androids basic commercial executing forethoughtrequired idleactivity keyboard laserbolts laserweapons license-proprietary machinecodelang nim perfectinformation softscifi sourcecodeavailable traditional visiblelasers I wrote the original Android Nim program for the Radio Shack TRS-80 computer in 1978.
It was well accepted since few graphics programs were done on that machine owing to the low resolution and lack of color. The feature that most people commented about was the android animation which included head and arm movement and eye blinking. People also liked the bad attitude the computer had when it lost.

The program was written for my 7th and 8th grade students to help them learn about the binary system. Nim can be analyzed mathematically using base two. With this knowledge, a player can always win.
This characteristic also makes this game a good one to put on a computer since the computer can be taught how to always win.***The well known game of NIM will never be the same.
In this version there are three robots (ANDROIDS) whose task it is to eliminate those ANDROIDS that you or the computer have decided to "remove". This is done with a lot of "talking" and moving about. But, watch out! The computer gets nasty if you win.***[media=youtube]awYrj1RhLxU[/media]***This game uses a programming technique whereby a BASIC program writes machine code that then overwrites the BASIC program in memory and executes the machine code. This has many advantages, including using all available memory on the system. If the application in fact fills up all available memory, users will find it very difficult to modify the program (cheating will be very difficult). The program itself cannot be copied out of memory and saved for illegal resale or sharing. It cannot be decompiled. And the original BASIC program makes little sense unless your are the original developer, it is effectively an encrypted source code.
Armchair Football Personal Software1978 americanfootball cassette commercial keyboard license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
B-1 Nuclear Bomber Avalon Hill (Microcomputer Games)1978 5.25disk aircraft-b1-lancer basic city-moscow-ru commercial cpm earth future heathh89 keyboard license-proprietary naturalistic sovietunion uvl-confusable This entry is for the Heath/Zenith CP/M version of the game and is not a duplicate of [url=/game-160160]the TRS-80 version[/url]. labelminimizeminimize
Backgammon Bourrut Consulting1978 backgammon basic cassette commercial dice dualism license-proprietary naturalistic traditional trs80model1 uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Baseball author1978 baseball commercial earth keyboard license-proprietary naturalistic score uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Battleship! The Program Manager1978 commercial grid grid-square license-proprietary naturalistic traditional trs80model1 typein uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Blackjack Simulator Northeast Microware1978 basic blackjack21 commercial license-proprietary naturalistic tradition trs80model1 uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Bridge Game M, M, & S Software1978 basic bridgecardgame cards cassette commercial license-proprietary naturalistic trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Capture Taylor1978 basic cassette commercial license-proprietary spacecraft trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Checkers Taylor1978 cassette checkers commercial dualism forethoughtrequired grid grid-square license-proprietary naturalistic perfectinformation traditional trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Checkers Radio Shack1978 basic checkers commercial earth grid grid-square keyboard license-proprietary naturalistic traditional trs80model1 uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Count The Bottom Shelf1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Craps The Bottom Shelf1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Dice⁄Hyperbagels  Taylor1978 cassette commercial craps dice license-proprietary mastermind trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Doomsday The Bottom Shelf1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Dungeon Adventure Farrell Enterprises1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary magic monsters subterranean trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Fastgammon Quality Software1978 5.25disk backgammon cassette commercial keyboard license-proprietary traditional trs80model1 labelimageminimize
Fifteen The Bottom Shelf1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
fipfop  Creative Computing;Multi-Micro media1978 101basic basic commercial license-proprietary sourcecode sourcecodeavailable typein labelminimizeminimize
Game of Life M, M, & S Software1978 basic cassette commercial grid grid-square license-proprietary lifesimulation trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Gypsy The Bottom Shelf1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Hammurabi Software Exchange1978 cassette commercial keyboard license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Hamurabi Radio Shack1978 bc1780s bc18thcentury bc2ndmillennium commercial earth keyboard license-proprietary mesopotamian-theme naturalistic past trs80model1 uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Hexapawn Creative Computing1978 basic cassette chess commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 [media=youtube]pLFdduFxeaA[/media]***Hexapawn is a conversion of the board game Hexapawn for BASIC computers. In the game both the player and the computer have three pawns on a 3x3 field in parallel lines. Both the player and computer must try to reach the other side of the field with a single pawn, or prevent the other player from making any move.

Normal chess rules for pawns apply. They can move one or two spaces in a straight line, they can only attack diagonally and pawns can be slain "en passant".

The computer features an AI that will learn from past mistakes by removing all moves that lead to defeat from its array of possible moves.

The game keeps track of the number of wins and losses.
Horse The Bottom Shelf1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Horses Taylor1978 cassette commercial horseracing license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Jumble 1 The Bottom Shelf1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Jumble 2 The Bottom Shelf1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Keno ?1978 cassette commercial currency keno license-proprietary mp-versus nplayers trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Kleon Software Exchange1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Life The Bottom Shelf1978 101basic basic cassette commercial license-proprietary opensource trs80model1 uvl-confusable The Game of Life was originally described in Scientific American,
October 1970, in an article by Martin Gardner. The game itself
was originated by John Conway of Gonvi11e and Caius College,
University of Cambridge, England.
Memory Quiz Letters The Bottom Shelf1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Memory Quiz Numbers The Bottom Shelf1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Odd One The Bottom Shelf1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Oriental Rings Esstoo-Deetoo Products1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary naturalistic towersofhanoi traditional trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Patterns⁄Pinball Taylor1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary pinball trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Poker Taylor1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary poker trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Race Taylor1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Race Track The Bottom Shelf1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Rally Taylor1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Roachrace The Bottom Shelf1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
Roulette⁄One Armed Bandit Taylor1978 cassette commercial license-proprietary roulette slotmachine trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
RSL-1 Small System Software1978 commercial grid grid-square license-proprietary lifesimulation machinecodelang trs80model1 labelminimizeminimize
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