Battle Arena Toshinden male characters list

These are the male characters related to "Battle Arena Toshinden". Click on the caracter name to view more pictures and details.
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Abelhumanoid male0
Adamhumanoid male0
Atahuahumanoid male0
Balgahumanoid male0
Bang-Boohumanoid male0
Bayhouhumanoid male0
Chaoshumanoid male0
Davidhumanoid male0
Duke B. Ramberthumanoid male0
Eiji Shinjohumanoid male0
Fen Barefoothumanoid male0
Fo Faihumanoid male0
Gaiahumanoid male0
Genmahumanoid male0
Judgementhumanoid male0
Kayin Amohhumanoid male0
Lancelot Lakeknighthumanoid male0
Leonhumanoid male0
Mondohumanoid male0
Nagisa Iwashirohumanoid male0
Ripperhumanoid male0
Rook Castlehumanoid male0
Rungo Ironhumanoid male0
Schultzhumanoid male0
Sho Shinjohumanoid male0
Subaru Shinjohumanoid male0
Tauhumanoid male0
Ten Counthumanoid male0
Toujinhumanoid male0
Uranushumanoid male0
Veilhumanoid male0
Vermilionhumanoid male0
Wolfhumanoid male0
Zerohumanoid male0
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