2007-07-04 (updated 2008-09-20)
FZ-003. Rarity 3 scarce. North America NTSC. 1 player or 2 players alternating.
The Maya believed civilization would come to an end when man's creations, including domesticated animals, would take on a will of their own and attack their creators in an unorganized blitz, yet simultaneous and single in purpose to destroy all humans. Household items, due to their proximity, would be the first soldiers to draw blood. Thus the nightmare that is Megamania. Diamond rings, hamburgers, bow ties, dreaded ladybugs (refrigerator magnets?), tires, dice, ice cream sandwiches, steam irons, moonpies, and other such household items form ranks and attack. Fortunately you have your loyal spaceship to defend civilization by shooting those cute little bugs.
An more plausible alternative to the origin of the game's plot is that designer Steve Cartwright was just your typical male born with the desire to blow stuff up.
The manual is titled "Notes from a Nightmare" and explains the game as a nightmare the player cannot wake from. The title is actually written upside-down.