Info about adding compilations

2022-12-29 (updated 2022-12-29)
Little information about adding typical computer game compilations for new editors, because I see theses added currently. Compilations that are just bundled games of formerly stand-alone titles re-released for cheap should not get its own entry. In contrast to lets say Mobygames UVL does not list all different releases of a title.

That a game was released as part of a compilation could be added as information as Editor's note like it was done here:

This does not apply to compilation where the release itself is a kind of collection. This is moreoften seen in the console world than in the computer gaming world. Example where it can be considered "one" game. These don't exist seperately from each other:

I know this is bad if you want to mark a compilation as "owned" or if you want to search for specific compilations but for the moment it is the way it is.

Found this guide which is a bit old, but most of it is still valid:

re: Info about adding compilations
Mobygames UVL does not list all different releases of a title.

No, they add a whole other game entry for those. Which I think is a ridiculous and strongly implies historically inaccurate numbers of games.