2011-06-05 (updated 2011-06-05)
The first part of the Apprentice story introduces Lord Ironcrow, Pib (Mortimer Pibsworth), and some other main characters that span all three games. After many years of training to become a wizard, Pib is shaken by a dream in which Lord Ironcrow tries to convince the titular character to abandon his "toils of a magician" and join the army, see the world, have fun as a soldier, "Be all you can be". However, Pib really wants to be a wizard, and really doesn't want to be a soldier. In fact, he commits suicide in the dream to avoid it. This, despite the fact that being apprentice seems to consist mostly of mundane tasks, household cleaning, fanning the master with a palm frown, and even perilous tasks such as fetching the master's favorite sandwich. However, today is different, Pib is actually going to be casting his first spell. Well, that's the plan...

Pib addresses the player with his thoughts and helpful information rather than the story having a narrator or the character talking to himself.