
published by unknown in 1999, running on BeOS
type: shooter
genre: Science Fiction
perspective: bird's-eye
player options: single player
languages: eng

Official description

Blast 3D polygonal asteroids into submission. R5 enabled.

In the old asteroids you could go off the edge of the screen, emerging on the other side.

In this version, you are limited to the interior of a cube. Instead of being teleported to the other side of the cube when you come to an edge, you just bounce off. Kind of like Pong. Thus the name, Pongeroids.

The 'asteroids' bounce off each other too, instead of going through each other.

You start off trapped in the cube with one or two asteroids. Destroy them and more appear - or maybe just bigger ones. Destroy that round and yet more appear.

Besides your trusty cube gun, your asteroid blasting craft is equipped with a shield device. It will protect you against a limited number of collisions with asteroids. The more severe the collision, the more it is depleted.

About 1 out of 20 pongeroids is colored blue; these blue ones are your source of shield replenishment. They gradually shrink and disappear, so don't wait around too long to grab one. They contain shield manna according to their radius.

# 2012-03-18 00:31:15 - official description

Technical specs

display: flat polygons

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