showing 21 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearplatform
D&D Stronghold: Kingdom Simulator  SSI (Stormfront Studios)2015Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Eye of the Beholder SSI;U.S. Gold (Westwood Associates)1991Amigalabelimageminimize
Eye of the Beholder SSI (Westwood Studios)1991MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Eye of the Beholder  Capcom Entertainment;SSI;TSR (Capcom Entertainment)1994SNESlabelimageminimize
Eye of the Beholder  SSI;Capcom (FCI;Pony Canyon)1994Mega-CDlabelimagesubject
Gemstone Healer SSI (Paradigm Creators)1986Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Gemstone Healer SSI (Paradigm Creators)1986C64labelimageminimize
Gemstone Warrior SSI (Paradigm Creators)1984Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Gemstone Warrior SSI (Paradigm Creators)1985Atari 400/800labelimageminimize
Gemstone Warrior SSI (Paradigm Creators)1984C64labelimageminimize
Gemstone Warrior SSI (Paradigm Creators)1986Mac OS Classiclabelimageminimize
Heirs to Skull Crag  SSI (MicroMagic;SSI)1993MS-DOSlabelimagesubject
Heirs to Skull Crag  SSI (MicroMagic;SSI)1993Mac OS Classiclabelimagesubject
Heirs to Skull Crag  SSI (MicroMagic;SSI)2015Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Pool of Radiance  SSI (Westwood Associates;SSI Special Projects Group)1988Apple II Elabelimagesubject
Pool of Radiance  SSI (SSI Special Projects Group)1988C64labelimagesubject
Pool of Radiance  SSI (Westwood Associates;SSI Special Projects Group)1988MS-DOSlabelimagesubject
Pool of Radiance  SSI (SSI Special Projects Group;Level Systems)1989Mac OS Classiclabelimagesubject
Pool of Radiance  SSI;U.S. Gold (Ubi Soft)1990Amigalabelimagesubject
Stronghold  SSI (Stormfront Studios)1993MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Veil of Darkness SSI (Event Horizon Software)1993MS-DOSlabelimageminimize