showing 1 - 50 of 109 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeargame typetagsdisplaydescriptionplatform
A Hat in Time Gears for Breakfast (Virtual Programming)2017platformer aircontrol colorful commercial crowdfunded download eontech exploration femaleprotagonist indie license-proprietary mp-cooperative nonnative steamcontroller steampowered ubuntu unrealengine unrealengine3 wine textured polygons Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
A Valley Without Wind (AVWW;Alden Ridge) Arcen Games2012action/reflex platformer Fantasy acid aircontrol amoeboids animals automap avww-series bossbattles crystalentities damagetypes deathpenalty demo difficulty difficulty-aspects difficulty-ingame difficulty-players dinosaurs drm dropplatforms encyclopedia endless energyregen eviloverlord falldamage fasttravel fasttravel-points giants healingstations healthdrops improvisedweapons independentaim inventory license-crossplatform magic magic-common magicaltechnology map mapgenerator minibosses minimap mixedtheme monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mp-dropin nofailstate nohealthregen nonlinear nopointercapture openworld overworld parallaxscrolling passingthetorch pastcharacters postapocalypse prematurechallenge recallportal robots safezone sciencefantasy secrets serialkey smartprojectiles sorcery steampowered taskgenerator teleport tutorial undead undefinedelements unity-engine unlimitedlives uvl-workingtitle weathereffects rasterUn juego GENIAL, una obra maestra resultado de una extensa mezcla de géneros y ambientaciones que recuerda a un metroidvania pero que va mucho más allá.

En cuanto a su rejugabilidad, el Minecraft a su lado parece limitado. Además se puede jugar desde un acercamiento frenético hasta uno paciente sin que por ello pierda una pizca de entretenimiento.

Favorito automático, terriblemente recomendable, adictivo a más no poder.

"No le cojas mucho cariño a tu personaje: la pregunta no es si morirás, sino cuando" y "una de tus mayores abilidades es huir valientemente" son dos de muchas frases memorables del juego.

Nota: Su secuela, A Valley Without Wind 2, viene incluida con el pago del juego.

10 de 10***Bears some superficial resemblance to metroidvanias, but isn't one of them.***A 2D sidescroller without a linear path. An action game with tactical combat and strategic planning. An adventure game that lets you free-roam a vast, procedurally-generated world. A Valley Without Wind defies genre stereotypes. Unlike other procedurally-generated games, you also get a logical progression in difficulty, plus helpful tips and checklists to guide your travels (should you need them).

Choose for yourself how to prepare to face the vastly stronger Overlord. Complete a variety of missions to earn arcane rewards, or roam the wilds to uncover secret missions and stashes of magical loot. Customize your characters with unique combinations of enchants and spells that change how you move, jump, and fight. Or rescue people and bring them back to your settlement, recruiting them to help you in return.

You choose how to play, and the world adapts around you.

Key features:
* Travel alone or with friends across an ever-expanding world of dangerous creatures, powerful magic, high technology, and mysteries.
* You have choice. The world of Environ is procedurally generated, and lets you go anywhere you see -- including right into the overlord's keep at any time. (Good luck with that.)
* Environ is endless. When you save one continent from an overlord, a larger and more complex continent appears.
* The game adapts to how you play: as you demonstrate your proficiency, monsters upgrade accordingly. Killed 100 bats? Okay, time for... bats on fire!
* Crazy amounts of character customization. Combine a multitude of spells, enchants, and equipment to create specialized character builds.
* Play as a long line of brave adventurers. It's not a question of IF your character is going to die, but WHEN. Any character that dies is permanently lost, but you keep all your inventory, enchants, and general progress in the game.
* Become a community leader. Rescue NPCs, have them join your settlement, and construct buildings for them -- they may return the favor and help you.
* Be a clever problem-solver. Challenges have more than one solution, each with its own pros and cons. You get to figure things out rather than just jumping through a set of hoops.
* Difficulty levels give exactly the challenge you want, from casual to hardcore on both platforming and combat independently.
* New updates are arriving all the time packed with additional content, improvements, and more.
A Valley Without Wind (AVWW;Alden Ridge) Arcen Games2012action/reflex platformer Fantasy acid aircontrol amoeboids animals avww-series bossbattles crystalentities damagetypes demo difficulty difficulty-players dinosaurs dropplatforms endless eviloverlord giants improvisedweapons independentaim inventory license-crossplatform magic magicaltechnology mapgenerator mixedtheme monsters mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mp-dropin nonlinear openworld osx osx-5 overworld passingthetorch postapocalypse robots sciencefantasy secrets serialkey smartprojectiles sorcery steampowered teleport undead unity-engine uvl-workingtitle weathereffects x86 raster Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
A Valley Without Wind (AVWW1) Arcen Games2014action/reflex platformer Fantasy acid aircontrol amoeboids animals automap avww-series bossbattles commercial crystalentities damagetypes deathpenalty difficulty difficulty-aspects difficulty-ingame difficulty-players dinosaurs download dropplatforms encyclopedia endless energyregen eviloverlord falldamage fasttravel fasttravel-points gamesrepublic giants healingstations healthdrops improvisedweapons independentaim inventory license-crossplatform license-proprietary magic magic-common magicaltechnology map mapgenerator minibosses minimap mixedtheme monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mp-dropin nofailstate nohealthregen nonlinear nopointercapture openworld overworld parallaxscrolling passingthetorch pastcharacters postapocalypse prematurechallenge recallportal robots safezone sciencefantasy secrets smartprojectiles sorcery steampowered taskgenerator teleport tutorial ubuntu undead undefinedelements unity-engine unlimitedlives weathereffects raster Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
A Valley Without Wind 2 (AVWW2) Arcen Games2014action/reflex platformer strategy Fantasy acid aircontrol amoeboids animals automap avww-series bossbattles commercial crafting crystalentities damagetypes deathpenalty difficulty difficulty-aspects difficulty-ingame difficulty-players dinosaurs doomclock download dropplatforms encyclopedia endless energyregen eviloverlord falldamage fasttravel fasttravel-points gamersgate gamesrepublic giants healingstations healthdrops improvisedweapons independentaim inventory license-crossplatform license-proprietary magic magic-common magicaltechnology map mapgenerator metroidvania minibosses minimap mixedtheme monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mp-dropin nodrm nofailstate nohealthregen nonlinear nopointercapture openworld overworld parallaxscrolling passingthetorch pastcharacters postapocalypse prematurechallenge recallportal robots safezone sciencefantasy secrets smartprojectiles sorcery steampowered taskgenerator teleport tutorial ubuntu undead undefinedelements unity-engine unlimitedlives weathereffects x86 x86-64 raster Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
BattleBlock Theater The Behemoth2014platformer Humorous Cartoon aircontrol claiming commercial disappearingplatforms friendlyfire island jumppads ladders license-proprietary midairjumping mp-cooperative mp-nodupes score secrets slipperysurfaces steampowered teleporters raster Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Bayonetta (ベヨネッタ) Sega (PlatinumGames;Sega)2009action/reflex Fantasy aircontrol amnesia angels attackwarning attractmode avianoids bayonetta-series bonusstages bookends bullettime chapterreplay combatstilettos combomoves contemporaryfantasy criware difficulty dodging dolbydigital earth europe fanservice fantasticearth femaleprotagonist fictionalcity firearms hackandslash hammerspace handguns installer jumping magic meleeweapons midairjumping mysticprotagonist prehensilehair present rage rating-acb-ma15 rating-bbfc-15 rating-esrb-m rating-usk-18 savecopylock score sequence-timed shopping slowmotion sorcery spectaclebrawler spindlycharacters splatter swords transformingpresence tutorial unarmedfighting unlimitedammo unnoticedbynormals upgradesystem whips textured polygonsSega handled porting of this, not the original developers.***Bayonetta is a stylish and cinematic action game directed by creator Hideki Kamiya. A member of an ancient witch clan and possessing powers beyond the comprehension of mere mortals, Bayonetta faces-off against countless ethereal enemies, many reaching epic proportions, in a game of 100% pure, unadulterated all-out action. Outlandish finishing moves are performed with balletic grace as Bayonetta flows from one fight to another. With over-the-top action taking place in stages that are a veritable theme park of exciting attractions, Bayonetta pushes the limits of the action genre, bringing to life its fast-paced, dynamic climax combat. PS3labelimagesubject
Bayonetta (ベヨネッタ) SEGA (PlatinumGames;Sega)2017action/reflex Fantasy aircontrol amnesia angels attackwarning attractmode avianoids bayonetta-series bonusstages bookends bullettime chapterreplay combatstilettos combomoves contemporaryfantasy criware difficulty directx9 dodging dolbydigital earth europe fanservice fantasticearth femaleprotagonist fictionalcity firearms hackandslash hammerspace handguns installer jumping magic meleeweapons midairjumping mysticprotagonist prehensilehair present rage rating-acb-ma15 rating-bbfc-15 rating-esrb-m rating-usk-18 savecopylock score sequence-timed shopping slowmotion sorcery spectaclebrawler spindlycharacters splatter steampowered swords transformingpresence tutorial unarmedfighting unlimitedammo unnoticedbynormals upgradesystem whips textured polygons Windowslabelimageminimize
Bayonetta (ベヨネッタ) Nintendo (PlatinumGames;Sega)2018action/reflex Fantasy aircontrol amnesia angels attackwarning attractmode avianoids bayonetta-series bonusstages bookends bullettime chapterreplay combatstilettos combomoves contemporaryfantasy criware difficulty dodging dolbydigital earth europe fanservice fantasticearth femaleprotagonist fictionalcity firearms hackandslash hammerspace handguns jumping magic meleeweapons midairjumping mysticprotagonist prehensilehair present rage score sequence-timed shopping slowmotion sorcery spectaclebrawler spindlycharacters splatter swords transformingpresence tutorial unarmedfighting unlimitedammo unnoticedbynormals upgradesystem whips textured polygonsBayonetta is a cinematic and stylish action game from the creative mind of Hideki Kamiya. As a gun-wielding witch with powers beyond the comprehension of mere mortals, Bayonetta faces-off against countless enemies in a game of 100% pure all-out action. Outlandish finishing moves are performed with acrobatic grace as Bayonetta flows from one fight to another. Bayonetta pushes the limits of the action genre with magnificent over-the-top action and fast-paced, dynamic climax combat. Switchlabelimagesubject
Biolab Disaster -2010platformer Science Fiction aircontrol alone amoeboids browser constrainedlocale damageflicker deathpits elevators facelessprotagonist fallbackweapon genderneutral harmfultouch html5 impactjs instantdeath knockback langinsignificant monsters namelessprotagonist predefinedcontrols researchfacility retrypoints robots screenshake short raster Internet Onlylabelimageminimize
Bionic Commando Capcom (GRIN)2009action/reflex Science Fiction 1life achillesheelfoes aimmode aircontrol anticipatorysightings antiheroprotagonist armyofone autosavepoints bioniccommando bossbattles burrowers capacity-toolslots challenges city coerced cyborgprotagonist cyborgs damageindicator dataimport dataimport-unlocks deadlywater deathbarriers dieselengine difficulty directx9 dodging download dvd earth enemyhealthdisplay fallimpact firearms flood forest futureearth giantrobots grappling grapplinghook grenadelaunchers grenades groundslamming handguns healthregen healthregen-fast industrial-setting ingameadvertising jumping lasso limitedcapacity machineguns minefield mp-ctf mp-dm mp-teams nofalldamage nonlinear northamerica openal park physx postmodern proprietarynetwork quazal radar rockets ropeswinging ruins saveonline serious shadermodel3 shallowwater shotguns skipnoninteractive solomission ssao subterranean titlementioned trees tutorial unarmedfighting walking textured polygons[b]north america[/b] - presumably some area within USA which according to the game's backstory broke down and later reformed as FSA (Federal States of America), the story takes place within Ascension City, a presumably fictional city built in the future.

[b]data import[/b] - Some content and game areas can be unlocked by playing [game=#171999]Bionic Commando Rearmed[/game], the game fetches the information from the BCR saves present on the computer rather than requiring manual input of several unlock codes.***2009-07-28 on Steam, by Capcom (lang: eng, fre, spa, ita, rus, ger, pol, jap, kor)
Bionic Commando Capcom (GRIN)2009action/reflex Science Fiction aimmode aircontrol armyofone autosavepoints bioniccommando challenges city coerced cyborgprotagonist cyborgs deathbarriers dieselengine difficulty dodging enemyhealthdisplay fallimpact firearms grapplinghook grenades groundslamming handguns healthregen healthregen-fast jumping langmorsecode lasso nonlinear postmodern radar ropeswinging ruins shotguns solomission trees tutorial textured polygons PS3labelminimizeminimize
Bionic Commando Capcom (GRIN)2009action/reflex Science Fiction aimmode aircontrol armyofone autosavepoints bioniccommando challenges city coerced cyborgprotagonist cyborgs deathbarriers dieselengine difficulty dodging enemyhealthdisplay fallimpact firearms grapplinghook grenades groundslamming handguns healthregen healthregen-fast jumping lasso nonlinear postmodern radar rating-esrb-m ropeswinging ruins shotguns solomission ssao trees tutorial textured polygons X360labelimageminimize
Blocky Brothers author2013platformer aircontrol deathpits harmfultouch jumping langinsignificant lives pixelated timelimit ubuntu unity-engine walking raster Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
BloodRayne Aspyr Media (Terminal Reality)2003action/reflex Fantasy Horror Historical 1930s 20thcentury aircontrol autoaim bloodrayne capturedresources cemetery combatstilettos dismemberment dodging dualwielding fanservice femaleprotagonist firearms flood gore grotesque handguns healthdraining jigglephysics jumping katar lasso meatshield meleeweapons mundanedangers nazis osx osx-2 parasites ppc ppcg4 rage sequence-chase shallowwater shotguns slowmotion splatter titlementioned titularcharacter unusualprotagonist vampireprotagonist vampires visionmodes walking wetland textured polygons Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
BloodRayne Majesco (Terminal Reality)2002action/reflex Fantasy Horror Historical 1930s 20thcentury actionadventure aircontrol autoaim bloodrayne capturedresources cemetery combatstilettos dismemberment dodging dualwielding fanservice femaleprotagonist firearms flood gore grotesque handguns healthdraining hybridprotagonist jigglephysics jumping katar lasso meatshield meleeweapons mundanedangers nazis parasites rage sequence-chase shallowwater shotguns slowmotion splatter titlementioned titularcharacter unusualprotagonist vampireprotagonist vampires visionmodes walking wetland textured polygonsHalf human, half-vampire, Agent BloodRayne has superhuman strength, agility and senses that make her capable of skills far beyond the scope of a normal human. This formidable huntress works for the Brimstone Society--an underground organization that seeks out and destroys supernatural threats. Two missions, five years apart, turn out to be connected by one man: Jurgen Wulf. For years, he's been searching for powerful occult artifacts that would bring Nazi Germany into a new age of domination during WWII. BloodRayne is the world's only chance to defeat his elite Nazi army and prevent them from releasing untold horror upon its people.***
[32]***Agent BloodRayne exudes beauty, ruthless charm, and lethal style. This half human, half vampire has supernatural skills no human can match. You?ll have to suck blood to maintain BloodRayne's health and pull off acrobatic moves to defeat the enemy. You'll have to battle Nazi's, zombies, swamp creatures, and ancient monsters and other vampire beasts to complete your quest. As BloodRayne you'll explore 3 massive worlds filled with mystery and danger. This 3rd person action game will have you seeing red.
BloodRayne Majesco (Terminal Reality)2002action/reflex Fantasy Horror Historical 1930s 20thcentury actionadventure aircontrol autoaim bloodrayne capturedresources cemetery combatstilettos dismemberment dodging dualwielding fanservice femaleprotagonist firearms flood gore grotesque handguns healthdraining hybridprotagonist jigglephysics jumping katar lasso meatshield meleeweapons mundanedangers nazis parasites rage sequence-chase shallowwater shotguns slowmotion splatter titlementioned titularcharacter unusualprotagonist vampireprotagonist vampires visionmodes walking wetland textured polygonsHalf human, half-vampire, Agent BloodRayne has superhuman strength, agility and senses that make her capable of skills far beyond the scope of a normal human. This formidable huntress works for the Brimstone Society--an underground organization that seeks out and destroys supernatural threats. Two missions, five years apart, turn out to be connected by one man: Jurgen Wulf. For years, he's been searching for powerful occult artifacts that would bring Nazi Germany into a new age of domination during WWII. BloodRayne is the world's only chance to defeat his elite Nazi army and prevent them from releasing untold horror upon its people.***As Agent BloodRayne, you'll travel through the eerie swamps of Louisiana, to Argentina and Germany in this battle-heavy, 3rd person thriller. All the while, satisfying her passionate lust for human blood.***Censored having the Third Reich symbolism removed. Xboxlabelimagesubject
BloodRayne Majesco (Terminal Reality)2003action/reflex Fantasy Horror Historical 1930s 1life 20thcentury actionadventure aircontrol autoaim bloodrayne capturedresources cemetery combatstilettos dismemberment dodging dualwielding fanservice femaleprotagonist firearms flood gore grotesque handguns healthdraining hybridprotagonist jigglephysics jumping katar lasso meatshield meleeweapons mundanedangers nazis parasites rage sequence-chase serious shallowwater shotguns slowmotion splatter steampowered titlementioned titularcharacter unusualprotagonist vampireprotagonist vampires visionmodes walking wetland textured polygonsCensored having the Third Reich symbolism removed. Windowslabelimageminimize
BloodRayne Majesco (Terminal Reality)2002action/reflex adventure Fantasy Horror Historical 1930s 20thcentury actionadventure aircontrol autoaim bloodrayne capturedresources cemetery combatstilettos dismemberment dodging dualwielding energyweapons fanservice femaleprotagonist firearms flood gore grotesque handguns healthdraining hybridprotagonist jigglephysics jumping lasso meatshield meleeweapons mundanedangers nazis parasites rage rating-cero-d rating-esrb-m rating-sell-16 sequence-chase shallowwater shotguns slowmotion splatter titlementioned titularcharacter unusualprotagonist vampireprotagonist vampires visionmodes walking wetland textured polygonsHalf human, half-vampire, Agent BloodRayne has superhuman strength, agility and senses that make her capable of skills far beyond the scope of a normal human. This formidable huntress works for the Brimstone Society--an underground organization that seeks out and destroys supernatural threats. Two missions, five years apart, turn out to be connected by one man: Jurgen Wulf. For years, he's been searching for powerful occult artifacts that would bring Nazi Germany into a new age of domination during WWII. BloodRayne is the world's only chance to defeat his elite Nazi army and prevent them from releasing untold horror upon its people. PS2labelimagesubject
Braid Number None2010platformer puzzle Fantasy aircontrol aspectratio-16-9 commercial customengine demo desura did doors download drm gog hopandbop humblebundle humblestore indie instantstart keys killerrabbits langchinesetrad letterbox levelhub license-crossplatform license-proprietary linux lutris metagaming nodrm nomenu puzzleplatformer singlecontroller steampowered stylized time-theme timecontrol titlementioned ubuntu undo unreliablenarrator vorbis widescreen x86 x86-64 raster[media=youtube]6jWVRRaJT0U[/media] Linuxlabelimageminimize
Broforce Devolver Digital (Free Lives)2015platformer Humorous Cartoon aircontrol commercial destructibleenvironment destructibleworld download explosives firearms gog humblewidget leveleditor license-proprietary mp-cooperative mp-versus nodrm notquiteearth opengl overthetop randomprotagonist totaldestructibility ubuntu raster Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (CoD:AW) Activision (Sledgehammer Games;Raven Software)2014shooter 2050s 21stcentury aircontrol airdash assaultrifles beamweapons callofduty city colorblind crossbows customengine dashing depthoffield dynamicaccuracy empgrenades energyweapons exoskeleton firearms firstpersonshooter fovoption future fxaa grenadelaunchers grenades handguns hbao jumping jumppack machineguns midairjumping minimap modularequipment mp-dm mp-gungame mp-teams nofalldamage powerarmor precisionrifles privatemilitarycompanies reload-manual robots rockets ruins sequence-turret shields shotguns smaa spiderbots ssao steampowered streakbonuses streakbonuses-preselect submachineguns supersampling unlockable-items walking textured polygonsIn short: great graphics in a bland FPS format.

Vanilla modern CoD (perks + red screen) with nothing new to offer, except for dashing/double jumping and some techie weapons and abilities (that drain a power bar from their use), and a "grenade launcher" that is only a visual quirk to the average classic grenade. Anyways, if you go for jumps and platforming try Titanfall (you can try it for free on Origin with Game Time, and its better in level design and vertical combat), and if you like futuristic gadgets and customization try Ghost Recon Phantoms (F2P crafted for real multiclass playing and more interesting and versatile special skills)
At least displays many different multiplayer modes.

Also includes two co-op modes:
*[b]Exo Defense:[/b] a co-op PvE mode, where the players fight waves of soldiers.
*[b]Exo Zombies:[/b] a "zombie mode", featuring a mixture between survival and area defense in the way that started Call of Duty: World at War.

4 of 10***Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare, developed by Sledgehammer Games (co-developers of Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3), harnesses the first three-year, all next-gen development cycle in franchise history. Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare envisions a powerful future, where both technology and tactics have evolved to usher in a new era of combat for the franchise. Delivering a stunning performance, Academy Award® winning actor Kevin Spacey stars as Jonathan Irons - one of the most powerful men in the world - shaping this chilling vision of the future of war.***Tagline/Slogan: Power Changes Everything.***Raven Software handled development of the multiplayer component.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (CoD:AW) Activision (Sledgehammer Games;Raven Software)2014shooter aircontrol airdash assaultrifles beamweapons callofduty customengine dashing dynamicaccuracy energyweapons firearms firstpersonshooter grenades jumping midairjumping minimap mp-gungame nofalldamage precisionrifles reload-manual shields streakbonuses streakbonuses-preselect walking textured polygonsCall of Duty: Advanced Warfare predicts the powerful battlegrounds of the future, where both technology and tactics have taken steps to usher in a new era of combat for the franchise. Kevin Spacey is Jonathan Irons -- one of the most notorious men in the world -- shaping this chilling vision of the future of war. The game unfolds in a plausible future in which technological, telesis and today's military practices have converged with real world consequences. In this image of the future, Private Military Corporations have become the dominant armed forces for many countries who must outsource their military needs, redrawing borders and rewriting international law. Irons, the founder and president of the world's largest PMC, Atlas Corporation, is at the vortex of these tectonic plates.

Suit up for combat in exoskeletons that advance every facet of a soldier's battle readiness, enabling combatants to deploy with an advanced lethality and eliminating the need for specialization. Players tout enhanced player movement and verticality through boost jumps and grappling, covert cloaking abilities, and biomechanics that provide keen strength, awareness, endurance, and speed. With the advent of the exoskeleton and newly advanced armor and weaponry, every soldier commands tactical freedom in any terrain unlike ever before.***
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (CoD:AW) Activision (Sledgehammer Games;Raven Software)2014shooter aircontrol airdash assaultrifles beamweapons callofduty customengine dashing dynamicaccuracy energyweapons firearms grenades jumping midairjumping minimap mp-gungame nofalldamage precisionrifles reload-manual shields streakbonuses streakbonuses-preselect walking textured polygons Xbox Onelabelminimizeminimize
Capsized IndiePub (Alientrap Games)2011action/reflex platformer achievements achievements-public aircontrol alienanimals alienplanet aliens alternateattack assaultrifles beamweapons bossbattles chapterreplay chargers chargingweapons comiccutscenes commercial dark-limited difficulty displacementfiction download elitemobs energyweapons eruptions fallbackweapon flyingislands fnaxna gog grapplinghook grenadelaunchers guidedweapons healthpickups implosionweapons independentaim indie interactivetriggers isolatedlocale jumping jumppack jumppads knockback lamp license-proprietary lives missionreset mode-survival mode-timed mode-undefined mp-bots mp-cooperative mp-dm nofalldamage nonlinear objectiveindicator parallaxscrolling powerups pressureplates repulsion rockets ropeswinging score screenstaining secrets shotguns silent singularitydevices sizeispower spawners splatter steampowered steamworks stranded title-animated ubuntu unhinderedfoes uvl-steamcoveragecheck walking wallclinging walljumping weaponkickback x360pad raster Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
CELESTE Matt Makes Games2014 aircontrol commercial download femaleprotagonist license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Chasm Bit Kid2018platformer adventure role-play Fantasy actionadventure adv-static aircontrol amoeboids automap bossbattles bossmeter commercial crowdfunded damageinfo deadlydecor demo difficulty download elevators explosiveobjects floatingeyes gianteyeball harmfultouch healingitems healthpickups humblestore humblewidget interactivetriggers inventory keys ladders leveluprestoration license-proprietary lutris magic mapgenerator meleeweapons metroidvania militantprotagonist mine monsters movingplatforms netframework npcgenerators npcspawning oneeyedcreatures outdoors permadeath pixelated retro rewardingvandalism shopping sorcery subterranean town traproom trivialresearch ubuntu underwaterdiving walking xp-kills raster[b]Are you ready to explore the depths?[/b]

Chasm is a 2D Platformer Action-RPG currently in development for Windows, Mac, & Linux. Taking equal inspiration from hack ‘n slash roguelikes (procedurally generated dungeons, loot drops, etc) and Metroidvania-style platformers, the game aims to immerse you in its 2D fantasy world full of exciting treasure, deadly enemies, and abundant secrets.

Players take up the role of a soldier passing through a remote mining town on their journey home from a long war. The town’s miners have recently disappeared after breaching a long-forgotten temple far below the town, and reawakened an ancient slumbering evil. Now trapped in the town by supernatural forces, you’re left with no option but to explore the mines below, battle enemies and bosses, and increase your abilities in hopes of finally escaping and returning home.[sic]
Chasm Bit Kid2018platformer adventure role-play Fantasy actionadventure adv-static aircontrol amoeboids automap bossbattles bossmeter crowdfunded damageinfo deadlydecor demo difficulty download elevators explosiveobjects floatingeyes gianteyeball harmfultouch healingitems healthpickups humblestore humblewidget interactivetriggers inventory keys ladders leveluprestoration magic mapgenerator meleeweapons metroidvania militantprotagonist mine monsters movingplatforms netframework npcgenerators npcspawning oneeyedcreatures osx outdoors permadeath pixelated retro rewardingvandalism shopping sorcery subterranean town traproom trivialresearch underwaterdiving walking xp-kills raster Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Chasm Bit Kid2018platformer adventure role-play Fantasy actionadventure adv-static aircontrol amoeboids automap bossbattles bossmeter crowdfunded crteffects damageinfo deadlydecor demo difficulty download elevators explosiveobjects floatingeyes fnaxna gianteyeball harmfultouch healingitems healthpickups humblestore humblewidget interactivetriggers inventory keys ladders leveluprestoration magic mapgenerator meleeweapons metroidvania militantprotagonist mine monsters movingplatforms netframework npcgenerators npcspawning oneeyedcreatures outdoors permadeath pixelated randomseed retro rewardingvandalism shopping sorcery subterranean town traproom trivialresearch underwaterdiving walking xp-kills rasterOfficial release was globally 2018-07-31 and 2018-08-01 depending where you happened to live.***Chasm is a 2D Action-RPG Platformer currently in development for Windows, Mac, & Linux. Taking equal inspiration from hack 'n slash dungeon crawlers and Metroidvania-style platformers, it will immerse you in a 2D fantasy world full of exciting treasure, deadly enemies, and abundant secrets.

* Explore six massive Metroid-like dungeons procedurally assembled from hand-crafted rooms
* Enjoy challenging retro gameplay and gorgeous authentic pixel art (384x216 native resolution)
* Discover new special abilities and powers to reach previously inaccessible areas
* Play how you want by equipping weapons, spellbooks, shields, and more to both hands
* Uncover random loot drops and rare items
* Avoid devious traps and battle massive bosses
* Includes Normal, Arena, Time Trial & Hardcore Modes
* Leaderboards for Hardcore playthroughs featuring quickest time and more
* Windows, Mac, & Linux versions with Gamepad support
Cyber Shadow Yacht Club Games (Mechanical Head Studios)2020platformer achievements adv-ptdistr aircontrol airdash backtracking bossbattles commercial cyborgprotagonist deadlydecor descriptivenames dodging download enemyhealthdisplay gog healingstations humblebundle indie interactivetriggers jumping langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad license-proprietary maleprotagonist manicshooter midairjumping motorcycle movingplatforms npcspawning pixelated platformer powerups retro savepoints steampowered swimming swords ubuntu walking wallclinging walljumping x86 raster Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Disney's Kim Possible: What's the Switch? (Disney's Kim Possible: Stoppt Dr. Stoppable) Buena Vista Games (Artificial Mind and Movement)2006action/reflex beat 'em up platformer Cartoon aircontrol aircraft-location alaska alternatingprotagonist castle chapterreplay city city-tokyo-jp cloakednpcs disney femaleprotagonist grapplinghook helicopters idleactivity japan kimpossible lives midairjumping nofalldamage pseudo3d rating-acb-pg rating-esrb-e rating-pegi-3 rating-usk-6 retrypoints robots rodentprotagonist rooftops secretfacility secrets-levels titularcharacter train-location unlockable-art unlockable-costumes uvl-tiein virtualreality wallclimbing walljumping watercraft-location wintery cell shading PS2labelimageminimize
Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga (Divinity 2;Divinity II: Ego Dragonis;Divinity II: Flames of Vengeance) Focus Home Interactive (Larian Studios)2010action/reflex role-play Fantasy 1life achievements adv-ptdistr adv-static aircontrol ancientenemy animals antagonistawareness attrbasedeq axes bioluminescence bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows canyon capacity-slots castle cemetery chemistry chickens classicwizards classless comicrelief compass containers crystals damagetypes dark-limited demons depthoffield dialog-sentences directx9 divinity-series dodging doors download dragons dragons-western drm drm-activation elevators elevators-multifloor enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen estate eviloverlord extremists fantasyworld fasttravel-points fictionaluniverse flying forest gamebryoengine genderbender genderchoice ghosts glowingeyes hdrlighting healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hillland interactivedialogs inventory island jumping keys ladders levelbasedeq leveluprestoration limitedcapacity lockpicking loot-random magic map mapannotation medieval meleeweapons mindreading mine minions monsterhunters monsters moralchoices mountain mysticprotagonist neutralmonsters neutralnpcs nochildren nofalldamage nomads objectiveindicator observer obsoletedassets optionaltasks outlaws physx polymathprotagonist portals potions pressureplates protagonistredesigning puzzles quickkeys randomdamage rating-pegi-12 ruins saveanywhere screenshake secrets securom securom7 selfluminance sellundo shallowwater shopping shore skeletons slowbackpedal sorcery speedtree steampowered subterranean summoning swords targetlock taskdelegation tasktracker teleporters temple tombstones tower town trash unarmedfighting undead unlimitedammo walking warriormystics warriorprotagonist wellcave winvista winxp wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills textured polygonsLive the entire adventures of the Dragon Knight, in a great RPG that includes the complete and re-mastered adventure Ego Draconis, and the brand new adventure Flames of Vengeance!

Explore Rivellon, a fantasy world ravaged by a secular war. As the last heir of the fearsome Dragon Knights, master your new powers to end the threat that lurks in the shadows above the kingdom!

Follow your path through a huge living world; its inhabitants' destiny depends on each one of your choices. Freely create and develop your character, specialize him and learn many powers of destruction to fulfil your destiny!

Key features:
* 2 complete adventures for over 100 hours of gameplay.
* Hundreds of equipment pieces including armour, swords, war hammers, bows, etc.
* Fight your enemies on the ground, or crush them from the sky using your Dragon form!***This is a "remastered" and expanded version of [game=#173049]Ego Dragonis[/game]. Essentially an enhanced re-release for Ego Dragonis, but includes Flames of Vengeance storyline too which is not available separately.

The content is NOT available in a free patch to the owners of the original, though some may be able to get a discount on DKS if they own the original (this discount is at least available on Steam, but only if you have the original on Steam too).
Dustforce (Dustforce DX) Hitbox Team2012action/reflex platformer Cartoon aircontrol airdash angelscript animals animateobjects ceilingtraversal chapterreplay city cleaning combobonuses commercial dashing deathpits desura directionalforce-tilt disappearingplatforms download femaleprotagonist forest gog indie keys laboratory levelhub levelselection license-proprietary lutris midairjumping mp-versus park premadecharacters rage retrypoints score scoreoriented secondaryattack sliding steampowered ubuntu walljumping wallrunning raster Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
FLaiL author2008platformer puzzle aircontrol aspectratio-4-3 bass findexit gravitycontrol indie pixelated playerprofiles retro score tutorial rasterNote that although the author is affiliated with Helix Games, the game itself is not. Windowslabelimageminimize
Freedom Planet (フリーダムプラネット) GalaxyTrail2015platformer Fantasy Cartoon aircontrol commercial crowdfunded download drm femaleprotagonist gog humblewidget license-proprietary lutris nativeoption nodrm steampowered ubuntu raster Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (Project Giana) Black Forest Games2022platformer Fantasy Cartoon aircontrol commercial crowdfunded download fairytalelike femaleprotagonist gianasisters gliding hopandbop indie jumping license-proprietary nonnative planarshifting protoncl steampowered ubuntu textured polygons Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Glare Phobic Studios2013platformer aircontrol autozoom bossbattles deadlydecor envcombat glowingeyes healthregen healthregen-fast independentaim nohud repulsion retrypoints steampowered unlimitedammo walljumping wallsliding ziplines textured polygons Windowslabelimageminimize
Glare Phobic Studios2013platformer aircontrol autozoom bossbattles deadlydecor envcombat glowingeyes healthregen healthregen-fast independentaim nohud repulsion retrypoints steampowered unlimitedammo walljumping wallsliding ziplines textured polygons Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Glare Phobic Studios2013platformer aircontrol autozoom bossbattles deadlydecor envcombat glowingeyes healthregen healthregen-fast independentaim nohud repulsion retrypoints steampowered unlimitedammo walljumping wallsliding ziplines textured polygons Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Gothic 3 (哥特王朝3;Готика 3) JoWooD Productions;Deep Silver;Aspyr Media (Piranha Bytes)2006action/reflex adventure role-play Fantasy 1life 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr aircontrol alcohol animals autorun axes backstabbing ballistics bananas bartering beach bison blocking bloodless bludgeons bodyarmor bows burning butterflies capacity-unlimited carrots castle cattle cave centauroids cervids chargedabilities chargedattack chemistry chickens chosenone circadiancycle classless closedeconomy compass containers controlconfig cooking corpselooting coupdegrace crafting crafting-sites crocodiles crocodilians crossbows currency damagetypes dark-limited dashing demons depthoffield dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-ingame dinosaurs divinechampion dragons dragons-western druids dualwielding dvd dynamicweather eastereggs elementals enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen environment-animate excavation factions falldamage fanpatch finiteopposition foraging forest freezing fruits genderdiscrepancy goblinoids gog goldnuggets golems gothic-series headswapping healing healing-instant healingitems healthregen healthwarning herbs holstering hostilewildlife hunting ineptveteran insectoids interactivedialogs interrupting inventory isopods itempickup-normal jewelry jumping lagomorphs lamp langhungarian lightbloom lions lockpicking losemap lostresources magic magic-somatic magicrings maleprotagonist map meleeweapons middleagedprotagonist monastery mummies mystics namelessprotagonist necromancers noantagonist nochildren noinvpause nomads nonlinear noshoprestocking novintfalcon npcinventory npclooting npcschedules npcstrife obscuredtime openworld optionaltasks orcs outlaws persistentworld physx pickaxe pickpocketing pigs plains postwarperiod potions powerups premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery quickkeys rating-esrb-t rebellion recipes recipes-mandatory recurrence-character resting rhinoceroses ruins safepowers saveanywhere scavenging scenic scrolls seamlessworld search serious shapeshifting shields shopping shore skeletons skinning slavery slowbackpedal smokes snakes sorcery speedtree stamina staves stealing stealth stealthmode stunlock summery summoning superalloy swimming swords taming targetident targetlock tasktracker telekinesis teleport temporarycompanions testudines thickvegetation threatdisplay timechange timecontrol town toxins trespassing trolls unarmedfighting undead uvl-missingimages vendortrash walking walkingarmory warriorprotagonist wasteland waterfalls wildboars wildlife wintery witnesses wolves woundless xp-deeds xp-kills zombies textured polygonsAlso published by Game Factory Interactive (GFI) in Russia.***THE STORY

Players saved their home island Khorinis from the forces of evil in [[gameid:47040 Gothic]] and [[gameid:102172 Gothic 2]]. Now it is time to travel to the realms of the mainland, where invading Orcs have enslaved the human kingdom. There are only a few free humans living in the nearly uninhabitable icy northlands of Nordmar and in the southern desert of Varrant, and a handful of rebels hiding in the mountainous forests of the Middle Realm. Players can choose to join the rebellion and stay true to the deposed human king, serve the Orcish usurpers in their quest to topple the last remaining human stronghold, or choose a path that serves their own ends. Every decision made will have an impact on the game world and tip the balance of power. There is no simple linear story in Gothic 3 - every game will be different and unique, with the player ultimately deciding the fate of humankind.


* Huge free-roaming, hand-crafted world with no loading times once you are in the game
* All new combat system that allows unprecedented control over melee attacks
* Clear, non-linear objectives within the main story allow the player to influence the outcome of the narrative
* Living world where the player's interactions with characters have a dramatic impact on gameplay
* Engrossing storyline driven by the player's choices
* Countless side-quests for the player to explore
* More than 50 different monsters and dozens of human enemies
* A host of powerful spells and a huge variety of weapons
* Advanced and complex human behavior AI for hundreds of individual characters, all featuring high quality audio dialogues
* Unique class-free character development -- the absence of rigid character classes means players can choose to train their character with a wide variety of military and magical powers
* Soundtrack by the Bochum Symphony Orchestra, a world class orchestra from Bochum, Germany
Hollow Knight Team Cherry2017beat 'em up platformer Fantasy Cartoon aircontrol commercial dark-limited darkisnotevil display-1080p download gloomy gog handdrawngraphics indie license-proprietary steamcontroller steampowered ubuntu raster Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Hollow Knight Team Cherry2017beat 'em up platformer Fantasy Cartoon aircontrol airdash alone attackclashing automap backtracking bestiary blankprotagonist bonusbosses bossarenas bossbattles crowdfunded dark-limited darkisnotevil dashing deathpenalty deathpenalty-recovery display-1080p dreamworld elevators equipmentbased fallimpact fasttravel fasttravel-points foundmaps genderneutral ghosts gloomy gog handdrawngraphics healingdevice healthbuffer humanoids insectoid-theme insectoids karmiccreatures lilliputian magic map masks metroidvania midairjumping mine monsters multipleendings noagenda noclearobjectives nofalldamage nohumans noinvpause nomodalpause rage rewardingvandalism ruins secrets shortcutopening sorcery soularts steampowered subterranean swimming timespan-vague titlementioned titularcharacter town tutorial-incomplete undead upgradesystem walljumping wallsliding warriorprotagonist waterjumping raster Windowslabelimageminimize
Horror Zombies from the Crypt Millennium Interactive (Astral Software)1991platformer Horror aircontrol juggernauts keys ladders mansion rats retrypoints skeletons subterranean thrownweapons undead vampires zombies raster Amigalabelimageminimize
Horror Zombies from the Crypt Millennium Interactive (Astral Software)1990platformer Horror aircontrol juggernauts keys ladders mansion rats retrypoints skeletons subterranean thrownweapons undead vampires zombies raster Atari STlabelimageminimize
Horror Zombies from the Crypt Millennium Interactive (Astral Software)1991platformer Horror aircontrol harmfultouch instantdeath juggernauts keys ladders lives mansion rats retrypoints skeletons spu-pcspeaker subterranean thrownweapons undead vampires walking zombies raster MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Indie Assault Imagination Vent2015fighting aircontrol commercial crossover directx10 download gamepad indie jumping license-proprietary meleeweapons walking windows7 winxp raster Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Intrusion 2 vap games2012action/reflex platformer shooter Science Fiction achillesheelfoes aircontrol assaultrifles autozoom beamweapons bossbattles damageflicker driving dualwielding elasticsurfaces encounters-popup envcombat environmentalpuzzle fallbackweapon flash giantrobots grenadelaunchers handguns healthpickups jumping langinsignificant mecha permanentcorpses physics retrypoints riding robots skeletalanimation soldiers story-none streamerscarf turrets walking wintery wreckage rasterIntrusion 2 is an action platformer. Set in sci-fi environment on reserve planet occupied by hostile military corporation conducting forbidden weapon research. Intrusion 2 is inspired by classic 16bit era sidescrollers and focuses on classic fast paced action combined with modern physics and animation.***[media=youtube]BJZAzNKZBew[/media]***Has somewhat unique method for dealing with player falling into water. Player is unable to get out of there themselves, lingering just below surface and able to move left and right, but can't get get to the surface on their own. However, the waters are infested with indestructible giant piranhas which occasionally attack the player, tossing them up from the water, which usually is enough to get the player back onto "safe" land. Windowslabelimagesubject
Intrusion 2 vap games2013action/reflex platformer shooter Science Fiction achillesheelfoes aircontrol assaultrifles autozoom beamweapons bossbattles commercial damageflicker driving dualwielding elasticsurfaces encounters-popup envcombat environmentalpuzzle fallbackweapon flash gamersgate giantrobots grenadelaunchers handguns healthpickups humblebundle jumping langinsignificant license-proprietary mecha nodrm permanentcorpses physics retrypoints riding robots skeletalanimation soldiers steampowered story-none turrets ubuntu walking wintery wreckage raster Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin DigiPen2011platformer aircontrol antiheroprotagonist dinosaurs dromaeosaurs floatingeyes gianteyeball ladders museum oldskoolsecurity ropeswinging ruins stealth stealthgame studentshowcase raster[media=youtube]9GgLqLqrQhw[/media]***Travel to museums around the world, defeat formidable defenses, steal the artifact, and return it to the ancient ruin from whence it came in this action-packed retro platformer! Windowslabelimagesubject
Knytt Underground Green Hill Games;Ripstone Publishing (Green Hill Games;Nifflas)2012platformer Cartoon aircontrol backtracking childprotagonist children commercial demo desura doors download femaleprotagonist flatterrain interactivetriggers jumping license-proprietary lighthearted magic metroidvania midairjumping nohumans nonhumanprotagonist otherworld ricocheting search stranded ubuntu walking wallclimbing walljumping x86 x86-64 raster Linuxlabelimageminimize
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