showing 1 - 50 of 71 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplatform
Alpha Beam with Ernie Atari1983 jimhenson keypads sesamestreet Atari 2600labelimageminimize
Big Bird's Egg Catch Atari1983 anthroprotagonist birdprotagonist jimhenson keypads sesamestreet Atari 2600labelimagesubject
Big Bird's Funhouse CBS Software1984 5.25disk cartridge jimhenson overlay-controller sesamestreet Atari 400/800labelimageminimize
Big Bird's Funhouse CBS Software (Children's Computer Workshop)1984 jimhenson sesamestreet C64labelimageminimize
Big Bird's Special Delivery CBS Software;Hi-Tech Expressions1984 jimhenson sesamestreet C64labelimageminimize
Big Bird's Special Delivery CBS Software1984 cartridge jimhenson sesamestreet Atari 400/800labelimageminimize
Big Bird's Special Delivery Tandy (Children's Computer Workshop)1984 5.25disk commercial jimhenson license-proprietary sesamestreet Tandy Cocolabelimageminimize
Big Bird's Special Delivery Hi-Tech Expressions1987 5.25disk jimhenson sesamestreet Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Cookie Monster Munch  Atari1983 jimhenson keypads sesamestreet tvseries Atari 2600labelimageminimize
Elmo's ABCs  NewKidCo (Bonsai Entertainment)1998 consoleclassix edu-graphemes jimhenson sesamestreet GBClabelimageminimize
Elmo's Letter Parade  Mindscape (The Learning Company)1999 jimhenson noconsoleclassix sesamestreet N64labelimagesubject
Elmo's Number Journey Mindscape (The Learning Company)1999 consoleclassix jimhenson sesamestreet uvl-tiein N64labelimagesubject
Ernie's Magic Shapes CBS Software1984 cartridge commercial edu-shapes jimhenson license-proprietary sesamestreet Atari 400/800labelimageminimize
Ernie's Magic Shapes Hi-Tech Expressions1988 commercial edu-shapes jimhenson license-proprietary sesamestreet MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Ernie's Magic Shapes Tandy (Children's Computer Workshop)1984 basic commercial edu-shapes jimhenson license-proprietary sesamestreet Tandy Cocolabelimageminimize
Ernie's Magic Shapes Hi-Tech Expressions (RSP)1987 commercial edu-shapes jimhenson license-proprietary sesamestreet Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Ernie's Magic Shapes CBS Software (Children's Computer Workshop)1984 commercial edu-shapes jimhenson license-proprietary sesamestreet C64labelimageminimize
Ernie's Quiz Apple Computers (Children's Computer Workshop;Children's Television Workshop)1981 commercial jimhenson license-proprietary sesamestreet Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Farscape  Simon & Schuster Interactive (Red Lemon Studios)2002 assaultrifles capacity-slots directx8 energyweapons extraterrestrial flamethrowers group handguns healingitems healingstations healthregen healthregen-moderate humanoids inventory jimhenson lua mouse otherworld radar saveanywhere shopping stationaryattack thermalweapons town tutorial tvseries win2k win98 winxp Windowslabelimageminimize
Grover's Music Maker  Atari1983 ♫goroundthemulberrybush ♫mozarttwinklestar ♫music ♫oldmacdonald edu-music jimhenson keypads sesamestreet Atari 2600labelimageminimize
Hi-Res Adventure #6: The Dark Crystal Sierra On-Line (Yosemite Software Products)1983 5.25disk arkieaward interactivefiction jimhenson keyboard movie thedarkcrystal wordinput Atari 400/800labelimageminimize
Hi-Res Adventure #6: The Dark Crystal  Sierra On-Line1983 5.25disk apple2 bootloader interactivefiction jimhenson keyboard movie thedarkcrystal wordinput Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Hi-Res Adventure #6: The Dark Crystal  Starcraft1984 interactivefiction jimhenson movie thedarkcrystal wordinput NEC PC8801labelimageminimize
Hi-Res Adventure #6: The Dark Crystal  Starcraft1984 interactivefiction jimhenson movie thedarkcrystal wordinput NEC PC9801labelimageminimize
Hi-Res Adventure #6: The Dark Crystal  Starcraft1984 interactivefiction jimhenson movie thedarkcrystal wordinput MICRO 7 - FM7labelimageminimize
Jim Henson's Muppet Adventure No. 1: Chaos at the Carnival Hi-Tech Expressions (Mind's Eye)1990 jimhenson multisequence puppets river score themuppets uvl-tiein NESlabelimagesubject
Jim Henson's Muppet Adventure No. 1: Chaos at the Carnival Hi-Tech Expressions (Micromosaics)1989 jimhenson multisequence puppets themuppets uvl-tiein C64labelimageminimize
Jim Henson's Muppet Adventure No. 1: Chaos at the Carnival Hi-Tech Expressions (Micromosaics)1989 3.5disk 5.25disk commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-cga dos2 jimhenson keyboard license-proprietary multisequence puppets spu-pcspeaker themuppets uvl-tiein MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Jim Henson's Muppet Adventure No. 1: Chaos at the Carnival Hi-Tech Expressions (Micromosaics)1989 5.25disk impossible jimhenson multisequence puppets themuppets uvl-tiein Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Jim Henson's The Hoobs  Sony Computer Entertainment2002 jimhenson PSlabelimageminimize
Kermit's Electronic Storymaker Simon & Schuster1984 jimhenson nongame themuppets C64labelimageminimize
Kermit's Electronic Storymaker Simon & Schuster1985 jimhenson nongame themuppets Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Labyrinth Activision (Lucasfilm Games)1986 5.25disk cassette commercial jimhenson joystick labyrinthmovie license-proprietary menus movie radialmenu realtimelimit C64labelimageminimize
Labyrinth: Maou no Meikyuu  Tokuma Shoten;Activision (Atlus)1987 claiming controlmalfunction europeanfae femaleprotagonist forest jimhenson labyrinthmovie monsters movie rescue score search subterranean thrownweapons timelimit walking NESlabelimageminimize
Labyrinth: The Computer Game Activision (Lucasfilm Games)1986 5.25disk apple2e commercial display-560x192 femaleprotagonist genderchoice hires interactivefiction inventory jimhenson labyrinthmovie license-proprietary maleprotagonist menus movie radar radialmenu realtimelimit saveanywhere uvl-confusable walking Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Labyrinth: The Computer Game  Pack-In-Video1987 cartridge commercial jimhenson joystick keyboard labyrinthmovie license-proprietary menus movie radialmenu realtimelimit MSX2labelimagesubject
Labyrinth: The Computer Game  Pack-in-Video1987 commercial jimhenson labyrinthmovie license-proprietary menus movie radialmenu realtimelimit NEC PC8801labelimageminimize
Labyrinth: The Computer Game  Pack-in-Video1987 commercial jimhenson labyrinthmovie license-proprietary menus movie radialmenu realtimelimit Sharp X1labelimageminimize
Miss Piggy's Wedding Atari1983 anthroprotagonist femaleprotagonist frog jimhenson langinsignificant pigs prototype puppets themuppets Atari 2600labelimageminimize
Muppet Monster Adventure Midway (Traveller's Tales)2000 jimhenson puppets themuppets PSlabelimagesubject
Muppet Pinball Mayhem Ubi Soft;NewKidCo (Digital Eclipse)2002 jimhenson pinball puppets themuppets GBAlabelimagesubject
Muppet Race Mania Midway (Traveller's Tales)2000 jimhenson puppets themuppets PSlabelimagesubject
Muppet Treasure Island Activision1996 jimhenson puppets rating-esrb-e themuppets Windowslabelimagesubject
Muppet Treasure Island Activision1996 68k cdrom cpu-68lc040 jimhenson macos7 osclassic ppc puppets themuppets Mac OS Classiclabelminimizeminimize
Muppets on the Go Sega (The Climax Group)1996 jimhenson northamerica puppets themuppets uvl-tiein Picolabelminimizeminimize
Muppets Party Cruise  TDK Mediactive (Mass Media)2003 jimhenson puppets themuppets GameCubelabelimagesubject
Muppets: On With The Show  TDK (Vicarious Visions)2003 difficulty jimhenson puppets rating-esrb-e themuppets unlockable-difficulty uvl-tiein GBAlabelimageminimize
Oscar's Trash Race Atari1984 jimhenson keypads sesamestreet Atari 2600labelimageminimize
Pigs in Space starring Miss Piggy Atari1983 fixedshooter jimhenson multisequence puppets score themuppets Atari 2600labelimageminimize
Seasame Street: Elmo's 123s  NewKidCo (Bonsai Entertainment)1998 consoleclassix edu-math edu-numbers jimhenson math sesamestreet GBClabelimageminimize
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