showing 1 - 50 of 95 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

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1st Quest Revamp  author2002 achillesheelfoes actionadventure allegro amoeboids ancientenemy ballistics bossbattles bows burrowers cemetery centauroids childprotagonist children chosenone compositeattacks cpplanguage currency dataonly difficulty doors download explosives fae fangame femaleauthor fish forest free giantinsects goblinoids gunblades hard heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped insectoids inventory itemget keys ladders langinsignificant launcher lethalobjects limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons minigames monsters mountain nohumans noncanon plains rewardingvandalism ruins secrets shields shopping simulateddisorientation skeletonkey skeletons stonemen subterranean swords titularcharacter town traproom trees ubuntu undead unexpectedsituation walking wasteland watercraft-small wintery zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine Linuxlabelimagesubject
Arkedo Series - 001 JUMP ! Microsoft (Arkedo Studio)2009 arkedo-series claiming deadlydecor disappearingplatforms download dropplatforms harmfultouch lethalobjects lives movingplatforms nofalldamage nosaves pixelated xblm X360labelimageminimize
Arkedo Series - 001 JUMP ! Sanuk Games (Arkedo Studio)2011 arkedo-series chiroptera claiming crabs deadlydecor disappearingplatforms download dropplatforms harmfultouch lethalobjects lives movingplatforms nofalldamage nosaves pixelated psstore skeletons snakes throwingknives PS3labelimagesubject
Block Smasher author2013 abstract abstract-location breakoutlike colormatching dataonly free langinsignificant lethalobjects license-proprietary modifiable nohumans nosaves score scoreoriented sequentialtasks times ubuntuzeldaclassicengine unlimitedlives Linuxlabelimagesubject
BS Zelda author2015 achillesheelfoes actionadventure amoeboids ancientenemy autosavepoints bombs bossbattles bows cartoon cemetery currency dataonly did doors fangame fantasyworld fictionaluniverse forest foundmaps gunblades heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped inventory inventory-indisposable keys lethalobjects limitedcapacity meleeweapons monsters mountain rescue rewardingvandalism ruins secrets serious shopping stereo stonemen stunning subterranean swords trees unlicensed upgrades-abilities upgrades-health upgrades-other upgrades-permanent walking wasteland watercraft-small zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine Linuxlabelimagesubject
Budgie Kong ?? animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykonglike harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives powerups primates rescue score walking Apple II Elabelminimizeminimize
Classic NES: Donkey Kong  Nintendo2004 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rating-esrb-e rating-pegi-3 rescue walking GBAlabelimagesubject
Classic NES: The Legend of Zelda  Nintendo2004 achillesheelfoes amoeboids ancientenemy ballistics bossbattles centauroids chosenone currency doors elvenprotagonist elves fish forest foundmaps giantinsects gunblades heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped insectoids inventory keys lethalobjects limitedcapacity meleeweapons monsters mountain nohumans rating-esrb-e rating-pegi-3 rewardingvandalism secrets shopping simulateddisorientation skeletonkey skeletons stonemen stunning subterranean traproom trees undead unexpectedsituation walking watercraft-small waterfalls waterscooter zelda zelda-universe GBAlabelimageminimize
Cloudberry Kingdom Pwnee Studios2014 ai-content commercial deadlydecor disappearingplatforms download endless endlessrunner hard jumping langinsignificant lethalobjects license-proprietary mapgenerator-live movingplatforms score scoreoriented steampowered steppingstones ubuntu walking Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Commander Cool 2 Orlyapps2015 3ormoreplayers commercial desura dinosaurs download futuristic humblestore lethalobjects leveleditor license-proprietary movingplatforms pirates prehistoric-theme runandgun steampowered ubuntu unity-engine Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Donkey Kong Coleco1982 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking Intellivisionlabelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Coleco1982 animals bludgeons cartoon cassette consoleclassix constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking ColecoVisionlabelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Ocean (Sentient Software)1986 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking ZX Spectrumlabelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Ocean1986 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score uvl-confusable walking C64labelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Atari1983 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score uvl-confusable walking C64labelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Ocean (Sentient Software)1986 animals bludgeons cartoon cassette constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking MSXlabelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Atari1983 animals bludgeons cartoon cartridge constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking Atari 400/800labelimagesubject
Donkey Kong Ocean (Arcana Software Design)1986 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking Amstrad CPClabelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Atari (Atari;Nintendo)1984 5.25disk animals apple2p bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Nintendo1982 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives lutris mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue walking Game & Watchlabelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Atari1983 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking TI99labelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Atari1983 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking MS-DOSlabelimagesubject
Donkey Kong author2007 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong earth elevators harmfultouch homebrew instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking TRS-80labelminimizeminimize
Donkey Kong Atari1983 animals bludgeons cartoon cartridge constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath joystick jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking VIC-20labelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Namco1982 animals bludgeons cartoon colecominiarcade constructionsite did difficulty display-vfd donkeykong earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue verticalscreen walking customlabelminimizeminimize
Donkey Kong Bignonia1993 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch homebrew instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking Amigalabelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Coleco1982 5.25disk animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking Coleco Adamlabelminimizeminimize
Donkey Kong  Coleco;Zellers;Star Game (Coleco)1982 animals bludgeons cartoon consoleclassix constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates reduced rescue score walking Atari 2600labelimagesubject
Donkey Kong  MGA? animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue walking Game & Watchlabelminimizeminimize
Donkey Kong  MGA? animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue walking Game & Watchlabelminimizeminimize
Donkey Kong  Atari (Nintendo EAD;International Technology Development Corporation)1988 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe platformer pokey powerups primates rescue score walking xmexpansion Atari 7800labelimagesubject
Donkey Kong  Nelsonic (Tiger)? animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue walking Game & Watchlabelminimizeminimize
Donkey Kong  Nintendo (Nintendo EAD)1983 3dsvirtualconsole animals bludgeons cartoon consoleclassix constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike elementals elevators falldamage firstpartytitle harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant launchtitle lethalobjects lives lutris maleprotagonist mario mario-universe nesclassic powerups primates rescue score walking wiiuvirtualconsole wiivirtualconsole NESlabelimagesubject
Donkey Kong  Nintendo (Intelligent Systems)1988 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did diskwriterexclusive donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elementals elevators falldamage harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe platformer powerups primates rescue score walking Famicom Disk Systemlabelimagesubject
Donkey Kong  Nintendo;Falcon (Nintendo)1981 bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike endless harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders lethalobjects lives mame mario mario-universe powerups rescue score scoreoriented verticalscreen walking Arcadelabelimagesubject
Donkey Kong Classics  Nintendo (Nintendo EAD)1988 ♫toccatafuguedminor animals bludgeons cartoon consoleclassix constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike elevators firstpartytitle harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe platformer powerups primateprotagonist primates rescue walking NESlabelimagesubject
Donkey Kong Jr. Namco1983 animals cartoon colecominiarcade did difficulty display-lcd donkeykong earth instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects mario mario-universe primates rescue customlabelminimizeminimize
End of Time  author2010 achillesheelfoes actionadventure bombs bossbattles cemetery chosenone currency dataonly doors fangame forest free giantinsects humanoidprotagonist humanoids inventory keys ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects license-proprietary meleeweapons monsters mountain nohumans noncanon rewardingvandalism secrets shopping skeletons subterranean swords trees ubuntu undead walking wintery zeldaclassicengine Linuxlabelimagesubject
Fragments of Power author? achillesheelfoes actionadventure allegro amoeboids ancientenemy ballistics bossbattles bows burrowers cemetery centauroids childprotagonist children chosenone compositeattacks cpplanguage currency dataonly did difficulty doors download explosives fae fangame femaleauthor fish forest free giantinsects goblinoids gunblades hard heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped insectoids inventory itemget keys ladders langinsignificant launcher lethalobjects limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons minigames monsters mountain nohumans noncanon plains rescue rewardingvandalism ruins secrets shields shopping simulateddisorientation skeletonkey skeletons stonemen subterranean swords titularcharacter town traproom trees ubuntu undead unexpectedsituation walking wasteland watercraft-small zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine Linuxlabelimagesubject
Ganon's Claim author2005 achillesheelfoes actionadventure allegro amoeboids ancientenemy ballistics bossbattles bows burrowers cemetery centauroids childprotagonist children chosenone compositeattacks cpplanguage currency dataonly difficulty doors download explosives fae fangame femaleauthor fish forest free giantinsects goblinoids gunblades hard heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped insectoids inventory itemget keys ladders langinsignificant launcher lethalobjects limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons minigames monsters mountain nohumans noncanon plains rewardingvandalism ruins secrets shields shopping simulateddisorientation skeletonkey skeletons stonemen subterranean swords titularcharacter town traproom trees ubuntu undead unexpectedsituation walking wasteland watercraft-small zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine Linuxlabelimagesubject
Geepa's First Quest author2003 achillesheelfoes actionadventure amoeboids ancientenemy bombs bossbattles bows cartoon cemetery chosenone currency dataonly did doors fangame fantasyworld fictionaluniverse forest hard heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped indoors inventory inventory-indisposable keys lethalobjects limitedcapacity meleeweapons monsters mountain noncanon outdoors rescue rewardingvandalism ruins secrets serious shopping stonemen stunning subterranean swords tombstones traproom trees unexpectedsituation unofficial upgrades-abilities upgrades-health upgrades-other upgrades-permanent walking wasteland watercraft-small zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine Linuxlabelimagesubject
Knight-Rescue  Author2015 bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykonglike earth endless harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders lethalobjects lives nomame powerups python rescue score scoreoriented verticalscreen walking Arcadelabelimagesubject
Kong Megastar Games? animals bludgeons cassette constructionsite donkeykonglike earth harmfultouch instantdeath jumping keyboard ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects powerups primates prototype walking Memotech MTXlabelminimizeminimize
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Crystal Dynamics)2010 achievements achievements-public actionadventure ancientenemy archeologistprotagonist aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 assaultrifles autorun bombs bossbattles centralamerica challenges chasms cpplanguage deathpits demo dinosaurs directx9 disappearingplatforms dodging earth explosiveobjects fallbackweapon fallimpact femaleprotagonist firearms flamethrowers fmod gems gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantspiders grapplinghook grenadelaunchers handguns healingstations healthpickups immortals inbuilttraps interactivetriggers itemglow javelins jumping knockback knockdown ladders latemodernperiod ledges lethalobjects machineguns mesoamerican-theme monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative northamerica precisionrifles pressureplates quake remotedetonators rockets rotatingplatforms ruins sciencefantasy screenshake secrets seriesnamedrop shallowwater shotguns spinoff steampowered steamworks submachineguns thrownweapons titularcharacter tombraider tropic tyrannosaurus undead universalammo valveanticheat volcanic walking wetland Windowslabelimagesubject
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light  Square Enix (Crystal Dynamics)2010 actionadventure archeologistprotagonist centralamerica chasms earth femaleprotagonist firearms gianthumanoids giants giantspiders grapplinghook handguns inbuilttraps jumping latemodernperiod lethalobjects mp-campaign mp-cooperative northamerica ruins sciencefantasy seriesnamedrop shallowwater spinoff titularcharacter tombraider tropic undead walking PS3labelimageminimize
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light  Square Enix (Crystal Dynamics)2010 actionadventure archeologistprotagonist centralamerica chasms earth femaleprotagonist firearms gianthumanoids giants giantspiders grapplinghook handguns inbuilttraps jumping latemodernperiod lethalobjects mp-campaign mp-cooperative northamerica ruins sciencefantasy seriesnamedrop shallowwater spinoff titularcharacter tombraider tropic undead walking xblm X360labelimagesubject
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light  Square Enix2012 achievements achievements-public actionadventure ancientenemy archeologistprotagonist assaultrifles autorun bombs bossbattles centralamerica challenges chasms cpplanguage deathpits dinosaurs disappearingplatforms dodging earth explosiveobjects fallbackweapon fallimpact femaleprotagonist firearms flamethrowers gems gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantspiders gnacl grapplinghook grenadelaunchers handguns healingstations healthpickups immortals inbuilttraps interactivetriggers itemglow javelins jumping knockback knockdown ladders latemodernperiod ledges lethalobjects machineguns mesoamerican-theme monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative northamerica precisionrifles pressureplates quake remotedetonators rockets rotatingplatforms ruins sciencefantasy screenshake secrets seriesnamedrop shallowwater shotguns spinoff submachineguns thrownweapons titularcharacter tombraider tropic tyrannosaurus undead universalammo volcanic walking wetland Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Maze  author2003 achillesheelfoes actionadventure allegro ballistics bossbattles cemetery centauroids chosenone cpplanguage currency dataonly doors download fangame forest free2play giantinsects gunblades healthwarning humanoidprotagonist insectoids inventory keys ladders langinsignificant launcher lethalobjects license-proprietary meleeweapons monsters mountain nohumans noncanon rewardingvandalism ruins secrets shopping skeletonkey skeletons stonemen stunning subterranean town traproom trees ubuntu undead walking watercraft-small zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine Linuxlabelimagesubject
ORiGiN  author2007 achillesheelfoes actionadventure allegro amoeboids ancientenemy ballistics bossbattles bows burrowers cemetery centauroids childprotagonist children chosenone compositeattacks cpplanguage currency dataonly difficulty doors download explosives fae fangame femaleauthor fish forest free giantinsects goblinoids gunblades hard heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped insectoids inventory itemget keys ladders langinsignificant launcher lethalobjects limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons minigames monsters mountain nohumans noncanon plains rewardingvandalism ruins secrets shields shopping simulateddisorientation skeletonkey skeletons stonemen subterranean swords titularcharacter town traproom trees ubuntu undead unexpectedsituation walking wasteland watercraft-small zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine Linuxlabelimagesubject
Randomizer Modern author2013 achillesheelfoes actionadventure allegro ballistics bossbattles cemetery centauroids chosenone cpplanguage currency dataonly doors fangame fish forest free giantinsects gunblades hard healthwarning humanoidprotagonist insectoids inventory keys ladders langinsignificant launcher lethalobjects leveleditor meleeweapons monsters mountain nohumans noncanon randomlocations randommaps rewardingvandalism ruins secrets shopping simulateddisorientation skeletonkey skeletons stonemen subterranean town traproom trees ubuntu undead walking watercraft-small zeldaclassicengine Linuxlabelimagesubject
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