showing 1 - 50 of 93 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Commander Stalin  The Commander Stalin Team? 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 20thcentury aerodyne aeroplane coldwar earth europe fighteraircraft firearms infantry latemodernperiod license-gpl militantprotagonist mod naturalistic nazis past propellerplane realprotagonist realtimecombat realtimestrategy rockets sdl siberia socialistprotagonist sovietunion stratagusengine tanks totalconversion ubuntu uvl-missingimages war warfare-air warfare-information warfare-land wargame worldwar2 labelimageminimize
Demonionic  deathguppie? 19thcentury 2ndmillennium alternatetimeline cannons europe napoleonicwars past precisionrifles present labelminimizeminimize
Dicta Boelcke BundSoft Videogame Works? 1910s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium aerodyne aeroplane aircraft-f15-eagle atmosphericflight biplane damagemodeling earth europe latemodernperiod militantprotagonist naturalistic physics worldwar1 labelminimizeminimize
Emperor author? earth europe fogofwar grid grid-square labelminimizeminimize
Europa: Universalis II Tribsoft (Paradox Entertainment)? europe labelminimizeminimize
Galley Battles: from Salamis to Actium Shrapnel Games (Hyperborea Studios)? africa ancientegypt ancientgreece antiquity cancelled commercial demo earth europe grid-none imperiumromanum license-proprietary tactical vaporware war warfare-sea labelimagesubject
OpenFracas author? download earth europe grid grid-irregular imperiumromanum militantprotagonist mp-teams naturalistic spain ubuntu war x86 labelminimizeminimize
OpenHanse author? europe hanse trading labelminimizeminimize
Silent Wings Silent Wings AS? aerodyne atmosphericflight city-menden-de commercial demo download dvd europe germany langinsignificant license-proprietary norway labelminimizeminimize
Deus Ex  Loki Games2000 2050s 21stcentury airducts airport ammomagazines area51 asia asia-east bathroom biorobotprotagonist biorobots bludgeons blue cancelled city city-newyork-ny city-paris-fr clonetechnology compressedgas conspiracy crates cyberpunk cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dark-limited deusex dystopian earth empgrenades empweapons energyitems energystations epigraph europe france future glide3d grenades greys hacking hangar hazmatsuit healingitems healingstations hongkong hud-explained humanoidprotagonist implants inertscenery infravision interactivedialogs inventory jumping knives lamp license-proprietary linux-2-2 lockpicking mafia megacorps meleeweapons meninblack mines multipleendings mutablescenery-large nanotechnology neutralnpcs nightvision nonlethalelimination northamerica opengl optionaltasks oss outbreak plasmaweapons pointdefenses postmodern premadeprotagonist proximitymines researchfacility rewardingvandalism robots rp-levelless saveanywhere science-theme secretfacility sentientmachines shopping stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealth-sound subway swords technology-theme terminal thermalweapons thrownweapons transhumanism triad truemyths unrealengine unrealengine1 upgradesystem vagrants walking weaponcustomization x11 xrayvision labelminimizesubject
LGeneral LGames2001 1860s 1940s 19thcentury 20thcentury 2ndmillennium americancivilwar city-moscow-ru civilwar download earth europe firearms france germany grid grid-hex latemodernperiod license-gpl militantprotagonist naturalistic northamerica past russia sdl ubuntu wargame worldwar worldwar2 labelimagesubject
Apprentice Herculean Effort Productions2003 15thcentury agsawardbestanimation agsawardbestcharacterart agsawardbestmusic agsawardbestroomart agsengine apprenticeseries blindstart cattle childprotagonist civilianprotagonist clickadventure earth europe inventory letterbox milk mystics past rookieprotagonist saveanywhere snakes town ubuntu unseencharacters uvl-confusable widescreen labelimagesubject
Day of Defeat Activision (Valve)2003 1940s commercial download europe firearms goldsrc-engine license-proprietary lutris precisionrifles pvp shovels steampowered ubuntu war worldwar worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Spice Trade SpiceTrade2004 12thcentury city-baghdad-iq europe java neareast past labelminimizeminimize
The Flight of the Maxima  IT-HE Software2004 14thcentury allegro chapel containers cpplanguage earth europe inventory ireengine license-bsd magic middleages past rewardingvandalism timetravel ubuntu vorbis walking x11 labelimagesubject
Apprentice II: The Knight's Move  Herculean Effort Productions2004 15thcentury 4thwallbroken apprenticeseries birds centaurs clickadventure cliffhanger crafting currency earth europe fasttravel fish gambling golems ignorantprotagonist inventory lamp monsters past pirates rats ruins seaserpents skeletons sorcery teenprotagonist titularcharacter town ubuntu underwaterdiving walking weather windmills wyrms labelminimizesubject
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood  e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment (Spellbound Entertainment)2004 1190s 12thcentury aaa acrobatics alarmers alcohol apples axes ballistics beggars bludgeons bodydragging bossbattles bows castle circadiancycle city combatnets commercial corpselooting crafting demo desura difficulty download earth england espionage europe forest gesturing group healing healingitems insects jumping langbrazil-port langslovak license-proprietary lockpicking medieval meleeweapons middleages minions missionbased naturalistic neutralnpcs optionaltasks outlawprotagonist pegasos ppc premadecharacters protect recruiting rescue robinhood scavenging shields shopping slings staves stealing stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound strangling suppression swords tactical taxes temple town train-location trapping traps ubuntu unarmedfighting upgrades-abilities usc-paid wagons walking wallclimbing weather x86 labelminimizesubject
Day of Defeat: Source Valve2005 1940s commercial download europe firearms license-proprietary lutris mp-crossplatform precisionrifles pvp riflegrenades shovels sourceengine steampowered ubuntu war worldwar worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Gorky17  Linux Game Publishing (Hyperion Entertainment;Metropolis Software House)2006 2000s 21stcentury commercial demo earth europe facing firearms future gorky grid grid-square itemglow latemodernperiod lgpcp license-proprietary meleeweapons militantprotagonist monsters mutants nativeoption nonnative poland ppc tacticalrpg thermalweapons turnbasedcombat x11 x86 xp-literal labelimagesubject
STORM – Frontline Nation  Colossai Studios2006 europe future grid grid-hex labelimagesubject
Jack Keane RuneSoft (Deck13 Interactive)2008 aaa africa britain britishempire city-capetown-za city-london-uk clickadventure colonialera commercial desura download earth europe humor india inventory island jackkeane-series jungle license-proprietary monsters ogre-engine origlang-german southafrica walking labelminimizesubject
0 A.D.  Wildfire Games2009 1stcentury 2ndcentury 3rdcentury 4thcentury 5thcentury achievements antiquity aspectratio-4-3 asymmetricfactions bc1stcentury bc2ndcentury bc3rdcentury bc4thcentury bc5thcentury classicalantiquity cpplanguage dawnofanewage difficulty earth ecmascript europe femaleprotagonist free garrisons healthregen imperiumromanum license-gpl license-lgpl license-mpl lutris maleprotagonist modifiable nopausefunction openal opengl past pausefunction realtimecombat replays sdl structurefacing ubuntu veterancy vorbis warfare-land warfare-sea wxwidgets x86 x86-64 year0 labelimagesubject
American History Lux My Game Company;Sillysoft Games (Sillysoft Games)2009 1750s 1760s 1770s 1780s 1840s 1860s 18thcentury 1910s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1990s 19thcentury 20thcentury 2ndmillennium africa africa-north alabama alaska algeria americancivilwar americanrevolutionarywar australia austria belarus belgium bosnia bulgaria california cambodia canada china civilwar coldwar commercial connecticut croatia czechoslovakia demo denmark difficulty earth england estonia europe finland florida france frenchandindianwar georgia-usa germany greece greenland grid grid-irregular gulfwar hawaii herzegovina hungary illinois independencewar indiana iraq ireland italy japan java kentucky korea koreanwar kuwait langbrazil-port laos latvia license-proprietary lithuania louisiana maine massachusetts mexican-americanwar mexico militantprotagonist mississippi morocco netherlands newbrunswick newengland newhampshire newmexico northamerica northcarolina norway novascotia ontario oregon pacificwar past princeedwardisland quebec quintanaroo quitsave rhodeisland risk romania russia scotland serbia slovakia slovenia southcarolina spain stalematewar sweden switzerland tennessee texas tunisia turkey uk ukraine usa vermont vietnam vietnamwar war warfare warfare-air warfare-land warfare-sea washington worldwar worldwar1 worldwar2 labelimagesubject
Amnesia: The Dark Descent Frictional Games2010 1830s 18thcentury actionadventure adaptation-sight amnesia amnesia-series angelscript anxiety argevent autosavepoints biogrowth castle cloakednpcs commercial containers controlconfig controlloss cpplanguage crepuscularrays dark defenseless demo desura diaries distortedvision dollyzoom download drm earth europe fearofnothing femaleprotagonist firelighter flashbacks gog grantfunded hallucinations healingitems health-multi hiding hpl2engine hplengine humblebundle immobilewater indoors insects interlinkedlevels inventory inventory-indisposable involuntaryactions jumping keys kingdomofprussia laboratory lamp lamp-powered leaning leveleditor library license-crossplatform license-proprietary limitedsupplies lutris manualinteraction mapdeficient midastouch newtongamedynamics nixstaller nodrm nordicgameprogram openal opengl pacifisthorror paranormal past playerprofiles psychologicalhorror quake quitsave rating-esrb-m retrypoints ruins runningcommentary screenshake sdl secrets secrets-mandatory sequence-escape serious shallowwater sightavoidance siminsanity singularlocale stealth stealth-light stealth-sight steampowered survivalhorror tasktracker theora tutorial-integrated ubuntu uvl-descriptionincomplete vorbis walking windy x86 labelimageminimize
Open Patrician  author2011 earth europe hanse java medieval middleages naturalistic past trading labelminimizesubject
Castle Vox SillySoft2011 19thcentury 20thcentury americancivilwar earth europe grid grid-hex grid-irregular imperiumromanum leveleditor license-proprietary militantprotagonist mp-cooperative mp-teams mp-versus past precolumbianwarfare simultaneousturns war labelminimizeminimize
Umeda Sky ATP Projects2011 download earth europe license-proprietary maleprotagonist pythonlanguage renpy ubuntu visualnovel labelminimizeminimize
Age of Conquest III Noble Master Games2012 africa asia australia commercial demo desura diplomacy earth europe grid grid-irregular leveleditor license-proprietary medieval neareast nodrm northamerica rating-tigrs-family southamerica x86 x86-64 labelimageminimize
Crusader Kings 2  Paradox Interactive2012 11thcentury 12thcentury 13thcentury 14thcentury 15thcentury 2ndmillennium aristocrats clausewitz-engine commercial crusaderkings-series dedicatedclient download earth europe femaleprotagonist gameolith gamesrepublic genderchoice grandstrategy grid grid-irregular license-proprietary lutris maleprotagonist medieval middleages past steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
King Arthur's Gold  TransHuman Directive2012 alphafunding angelscript basebuilding blocking bombs bows builders buildingdesigning catapults commercial constructing crafting crimsonengine crowdfunded currency demo desura digging drm earth errorreporting europe gamersgate gibs gibs gog gold humancannonball indie irrklang irrlicht jumping knights ladders license-proprietary medieval middleages militantprotagonist mpfocus naturalistic nocampaign nodrm nostory opengl prospecting shields siegeweapons steampowered story-none structuresupports subterranean swords tilebased trapping walking x86 labelminimizeminimize
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 Tripwire Interactive2012 1940s 20thcentury achievements achievements-public aimmode aimsway alternateattack ammomagazines ammotypes amrifles artillery assaultrifles ballistics belarus bombs cannons chartypelimit city city-saintpetersburg-ru classbased commercial commercialized compass cpplanguage crewtargeting deployables depthfog disarming disposableweapons distortedvision download driving earth europe falldamage firearms floatingaim fragileprotagonist friendlyfire friendlyfire-full grenadecooking grenades gunclubbing halftrack halftracks handguns impactangle indie ironsights jumping leaning license-proprietary limitedcapacity locationaldamage locationalhealth longrangewarfare lutris machineguns map militantprotagonist mountedweapons mp-bots mp-control multiseaters naturalistic noammodisplay nocrosshair nohealing oneofmany openal overheating past postures precisionrifles pve pvp rating-esrb-m recoil redorchestra-series reload-chambering reload-keeppartial rockets roughterrain ruins rural russia sharedcontrol sharedlives singlegender smokegrenades snipers stamina steampowered steamworks submachineguns summery suppressivefire tactical tank tanks telescope toolinteraction tracers ubuntu unrealengine unrealengine2 unwieldyweapons valveanticheat vehiclecrew voicechat voicemacros vorbis walking war wintery worldwar worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Castles Interplay (Quicksilver Software)2012 1300s 13thcentury 2ndmillennium desura download earth europe fortresssimulation gog medieval middleages past score ubuntu x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Castles 2: Siege & Conquest Interplay (Quicksilver Software)2012 1300s 14thcentury 2ndmillennium desura download earth europe fortresssimulation gog medieval middleages past score ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Age of Conquest Noble Master Games2013 africa asia australia commercial diplomacy download earth europe grid grid-irregular leveleditor license-proprietary medieval neareast northamerica southamerica steampowered ubuntu x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Army and Strategy: The Crusades  Pied Pipers Entertainment2013 13thcentury commercial crusades earth europe grid grid-irregular license-proprietary medieval meleeweapons middleages militantprotagonist naturalistic past realworld swords templar walking wargame labelminimizeminimize
Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome  Paradox Interactive2013 2ndmillennium clausewitz-engine commercial crusaderkings-series dedicatedclient download earth europe femaleprotagonist gamesrepublic genderchoice grandstrategy grid grid-irregular license-proprietary maleprotagonist medieval middleages past steampowered ubuntu labelminimizesubject
Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion  Paradox Interactive (Paradox Development Studio)2013 ahistoric clausewitz-engine commercial crusaderkings-series dedicatedclient download earth europe femaleprotagonist genderchoice grandstrategy grid grid-irregular historicalfiction historicallyinaccurate historicfiction license-proprietary maleprotagonist medieval mesoamerican-theme middleages past steampowered ubuntu labelminimizesubject
Mare Nostrum  Thinking Studios (Sandstorm Productions)2013 1940s 20thcentury achievements achievements-public africa chartypelimit classbased commercial crewtargeting download earth europe floatingaim friendlyfire-full impactangle license-proprietary longrangewarfare lutris mediterranean naturalistic neareast past recoil redorchestra-series steampowered steamworks suppressivefire toolinteraction ubuntu uvl-confusable vehiclecrew war worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Noctemis Lacuna Entertainment2013 1890s 19thcentury 2ndcentury commercial dilapidated download drugs europe island license-proprietary summoning town ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Rogue Republic author2013 achievements aspectratio-4-3 asymmetricfactions cpplanguage difficulty earth ecmascript europe free garrisons healthregen latemodernperiod nopausefunction openal opengl pausefunction present realtimecombat replays russia sdl structurefacing ubuntu veterancy warfare-land warfare-sea wxwidgets labelminimizeminimize
UnReal World  Enormous Elk2013 1life charactercreation circadiancycle commercial crafting desura digitizedimages download europe femaleprotagonist finland fishing foraging forest genderchoice hunger hunting imperfecthealing indie ironage license-proprietary liveactors lutris maleprotagonist mapgenerator openworld openworldsurvivalcrafting permadeath prehistoric roguelike save-suspend sdl serious steampowered survivalsimulation ubuntu wilderness wildernesssurvival labelimagesubject
Crusader Kings II: The Republic  Paradox Interactive (Paradox Development Studio)2013 2ndmillennium clausewitz-engine commercial crusaderkings-series dedicatedclient download earth europe femaleprotagonist gamesrepublic genderchoice grandstrategy grid grid-irregular license-proprietary maleprotagonist medieval middleages past steampowered ubuntu labelminimizesubject
iBomber Defense KISS Ltd (Cobra Mobile)2013 achievements achievements-public activepause africa boosters burning commercial destructiblestructures difficulty download drm earth elevation europe gameolith grid grid-square ibomber-series interest levelprogress license-crossplatform license-proprietary missionbased mode-skirmish multidirshooter openal paidkilling prerenderedbackgrounds repairing russia score structureupgrades tank timecompression towerdefense tutorial tutorial-noninteractive ubuntu undo upgradesystem wasteland waves labelminimizeminimize
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods Paradox Interactive (Paradox Development Studio)2013 10thcentury 11thcentury 12thcentury 13thcentury 14thcentury 15thcentury 2ndmillennium 9thcentury clausewitz-engine commercial crusaderkings-series dedicatedclient download earth europe femaleprotagonist gamesrepublic genderchoice grandstrategy grid grid-irregular license-proprietary maleprotagonist medieval middleages oldfaith past steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Mark of the Ninja Microsoft Game Studios (Klei Entertainment)2013 achievements achillesheelfoes airducts alarmers ambientcreatures asphyxiation autosavepoints autozoom backstabbing berserkers blankprotagonist bodydragging caltrops castle cemetery challenges chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative chapterreplay-prochronic city commercial deathpits decoys detectors disappearingplatforms distracting dogs doorpeep doors download dropplatforms earth envcombat europe finishingmoves gog grapplinghook hiding humblebundle instantkillers interactionhighlight intimidation jumping killingblow license-proprietary lightdousing lineofsight lutris megacorps monkeybars multipleendings namelessprotagonist newgameplus ninja ninja-theme ninjaprotagonist oldskoolsecurity optionaltasks pacifism present retrypoints safeledges score scoreloss secrets skipnoninteractive smokegrenades smokes snipers solomission soundlocator splatter stealth stealth-light stealth-sound stealthgame steampowered stunning stylebonus swords techdisparity teleport thrownweapons trapping turrets tutorial unarmedfighting unlockable-costumes unlockable-items unnecessarykilling visiblelasers walking wallclimbing wallclinging weirdvision labelminimizeminimize
NeoColonialism Subaltern Games2013 africa alteredgenre asia australia commercial corruption currency download earth europe grid grid-irregular india license-proprietary malevolentprotagonist naturalistic neareast northamerica risk russia satire seriousgame southamerica steampowered tutorial ubuntu labelminimizesubject
Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham  Paradox Interactive (Paradox Development Studio)2013 10thcentury 11thcentury 12thcentury 13thcentury 14thcentury 15thcentury 16thcentury 17thcentury 18thcentury 19thcentury 1stcentury 2ndcentury 2ndmillennium 3rdcentury 4thcentury 5thcentury 6thcentury 7thcentury 8thcentury 9thcentury bc1stcentury bc2ndcentury bc3rdcentury bc4thcentury bc5thcentury bc6thcentury bc7thcentury bc8thcentury bc9thcentury clausewitz-engine commercial crusaderkings-series download earth europe femaleprotagonist gamesrepublic genderchoice grandstrategy grid grid-irregular israel italy license-proprietary maleprotagonist medieval middleages mp-crossplatform neareast past steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam Paradox Interactive (Paradox Development Studio)2013 10thcentury 11thcentury 12thcentury 13thcentury 14thcentury 15thcentury 16thcentury 17thcentury 18thcentury 19thcentury 1stcentury 2ndcentury 2ndmillennium 3rdcentury 4thcentury 5thcentury 6thcentury 7thcentury 8thcentury 9thcentury bc1stcentury bc2ndcentury bc3rdcentury bc4thcentury bc5thcentury bc6thcentury bc7thcentury bc8thcentury bc9thcentury clausewitz-engine commercial crusaderkings-series download earth europe femaleprotagonist gamesrepublic genderchoice grandstrategy grid grid-irregular israel italy license-proprietary maleprotagonist medieval middleages mp-crossplatform neareast past steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse  Revolution Software2013 brokensword city-paris-fr clickadventure commercial crowdfunded download drm earth episodic europe femaleprotagonist france gog handdrawn license-proprietary maleprotagonist nodrm simultaneousport steampowered ubuntu virtualtheatreengine labelminimizeminimize
Daikatana author2014 1life 25thcentury adv-ptdistr airducts ancientgreece animals balkans bodyarmor city-sanfrancisco-ca companion dark difficulty dissolvingcorpses earth elevators energyweapons engineremake equipmentexperience europe falldamage firearms firstpersonshooter friendlyfire future grecoroman greece healingstations healthpickups idtech2 industrial-setting jumping ladders leveleditor monsters openal opengl past powerups retrypoints robots rockets saveanywhere savetokens sciencefantasy sdl2 secrets serious splatter steampowered swords temporalincursion timetravel titularobject weaponexperience weaponplot x86 xp-kills labelminimizeminimize
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