showing 42 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Bugger! Wilbefast?shooter labelminimizeminimize
Deadly Rooms of Death: King Dugan's Dungeon (DROD: King Dugan's Dungeon) Manifesto Games?puzzle role-play labelimageminimize
Dragon Hunt (DragonHunt) author?role-play Fantasy labelimageminimize
Erg author?shooter labelminimizeminimize
StarShip Troopers: Last Defense author?strategy Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Titanion ABA Games?shooter labelminimizeminimize
HACK author1993maze adventure role-play turn-based Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
HACK author1993maze adventure role-play turn-based Fantasy labelimagesubject
Tibia CipSoft1997role-play Fantasy labelimageminimize
CrossFire author2001role-play Fantasy labelimagesubject
iGor deplastic2003shooter labelminimizeminimize
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood (Robin Hood: Legenda Sherwoodu;侠盗罗宾汉:舍伍德传奇;Robin Hood: Legenda Sherwood;Robin Hood: La légende de Sherwood;Robin Hood: Die Legende von Sherwood;Robin Hood: A Lenda de Sherwood) e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment (Spellbound Entertainment)2004strategy Fantasy Historical labelminimizesubject
Deadly Rooms of Death: Journey to Rooted Hold (DROD: Лабиринты Смерти) Manifesto Games;Caravel Games (Caravel Games)2005adventure Fantasy labelimagesubject
Frog Princess VS The Cyborg Fireflies author2006action/reflex labelminimizesubject
LambdaRogue: The Book of the Stars (λRogue: The Book of the Stars;ΛRogue: The Book of the Stars;Lambda Rogue) -2006role-play labelimagesubject
Priority Cats (Priority Cats -in- It's Dangerous to Go Alone. Take Sis!) Tom 72006platformer labelminimizeminimize
Pikmin Fusion author2008strategy Science Fiction labelminimizesubject
Deadly Rooms of Death RPG: Tendry's Tale (DROD RPG: Tendry's Tale) Manifesto Games (Caravel Games)2008puzzle role-play Fantasy labelimageminimize
Tripsimus and the Magic Lettuce OBLONE Software2009platformer labelimagesubject
DROD: Gunthro and the Epic Blunder (DROD 4) Caravel Games2010puzzle role-play Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse GoGii Games2010adventure puzzle labelimagesubject
Amnesia: The Dark Descent Frictional Games2010adventure Horror labelimageminimize
Christmas Magic + P.L.A.Y.-Games !2013puzzle Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
O'Cells O'Cells2013simulation strategy labelminimizesubject
Proteus author2013adventure labelminimizeminimize
RADical ROACH Decaying Logic2013shooter Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Time Labyrinth Team mochalematazi2013role-play labelminimizeminimize
Finding Teddy Plug In Digital (Storybird Games)2013adventure Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
When It Hits the Fan Heartfelt Games2014labelminimizeminimize
Dangerous Insects PrandGames2014strategy labelminimizesubject
Flappy Bat author2014action/reflex labelminimizeminimize
Paint The Wall! DIGAMES Studio2014action/reflex puzzle labelminimizeminimize
Bravada Interbellum2014strategy Fantasy Humorous labelminimizeminimize
Hive Blueline Games2014board game labelminimizeminimize
Deity Quest Fancy Fish Games2014role-play labelminimizeminimize
DROD: The Second Sky (Deadly Rooms of Death: The Second Sky) Caravel Games2014puzzle role-play turn-based Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
Hexapod Defense Force (H. D. F.;H.D.F.;HDF) Binary Cocoa2015shooter Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Penumbra: Necrologue CounterCurrent Games2015adventure Horror labelminimizeminimize
Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon Tigerstyle Games2015platformer strategy adventure puzzle labelminimizeminimize
Ant Queen inVantage Technologies2016simulation strategy labelminimizeminimize
Scuttlers Open Mid Interactive2017racing/driving labelminimizeminimize
Municipal Children of NYXTBAshooter labelminimizeminimize