showing 351 - 400 of 432 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Mighty Retro Zone Deep Silver (Comcept;Inti Create)2015 2.5d 21stcentury anime commercial crowdfunded download dvd flashstorage future indevelopment jumping license-proprietary unrealengine3 walking labelminimizeminimize
Mighty Retro Zone Deep Silver (Comcept;Inti Create)2015 2.5d 21stcentury anime commercial crowdfunded download dvd flashstorage future indevelopment jumping license-proprietary unrealengine3 walking labelminimizeminimize
Mighty Retro Zone Deep Silver (Comcept;Inti Create)2015 2.5d 21stcentury anime commercial crowdfunded download dvd flashstorage future indevelopment jumping license-proprietary unrealengine3 walking labelminimizeminimize
Mighty Retro Zone Deep Silver (Comcept;Inti Create)2015 2.5d 21stcentury anime commercial crowdfunded download dvd flashstorage future indevelopment jumping license-proprietary unrealengine3 walking labelminimizeminimize
Mighty Retro Zone Deep Silver (Comcept;Inti Create)2015 2.5d 21stcentury anime commercial crowdfunded download dvd flashstorage future indevelopment jumping license-proprietary unrealengine3 walking labelminimizeminimize
Bird of Light Black Shell Media (Roach Interactive)2016 commercial download indie jumping license-proprietary mintlinux steampowered ubuntu walking labelminimizeminimize
Bridge Constructor Stunts Headup Games (ClockStone)2016 bridge canyon commercial constructing constructionpuzzle customengine download explosives jumping license-proprietary limitedsupplies missionbased naturalistic physics river sandbox steampowered structuresupports ubuntu x86 labelminimizeminimize
Cubie Goes Climbing author2016 commercial download indie jumping license-proprietary score walking labelminimizeminimize
Don't Get Hit! JoeGameDev2016 dodging download endlessrunner gamemaker indie jumping pixelated labelminimizeminimize
Fantasy Bump Gigatross Games2016 commercial download hopandbop jumping license-proprietary mp-cooperative mp-versus steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Gunmetal Arcadia  Minor Key Games2016 amoeboids colorblind commercial crteffects currency demo download enemyhealthdisplay explosives flatterrain inventory jumping keys ladders license-proprietary limitedcapacity mapgenerator meleeweapons monsters music-chiptune nohumans opengl presetmaps retro sdl serious shields steamcontroller steampowered swords ubuntu uvl-confusable uvl-missingimages uvl-workingtitle walking x360pad xp-kills labelimageminimize
Just Roll With It zlsinger2016 download free2play indie jumping license-proprietary rolling labelminimizeminimize
Killing Floor - Toy Master Tripwire Interactive (author)2016 3ormoreplayers achievements achievements-public adv-static aimmode alternateattack ammomagazines argevent assaultrifles autorun autoshotguns autumnal axes barricading bombs bossbattles britain bullettime bunker burning capacity-slots chainsaw city city-london-uk classbased cloakednpcs clones clonetechnology color-32bit commercial commercialized crossbows damageovertime dark depthfog difficulty difficulty-players directconnect dissolvingcorpses distortedvision doors doors-breakable download dualwielding earth factory falldamage firearms flamethrowers forest free2play friendlyfire-full friendlyfire-optional friendlyfire-reduced gore grenadelaunchers grenades grenades-bouncy grenades-impact grotesque handguns healing healingdevice host-dataimport humanexperiments idlenoise incendiarygrenades indie ingameadvertising insectoids invisiblewalls ironsights itemglow itempickup-auto itempickup-ignore itemrespawn jumping knives knockback lasersight leveleditor license-crossplatform license-proprietary limitedcapacity meleeweapons militantprotagonist mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform music-metal nocrosshair npcfriendlyfire npcgrenadeevasion officebuilding openal overpenetration paidkilling powertools precisionrifles projectilerecovery pve pveonly ragers realisticshotguns recoil reload-nointerrupt researchfacility rockets rural screenshake secretfacility selectivefire serious serverbrowser shopping shotguns socialnetwork steampowered steamworks submachineguns survivalhorror swords swrender thermalweapons tommygun tracers ubuntu unrealengine2 upnp uvl-confusable valveanticheat voicechat voicemacros vorbis wadsofcash walking waves weaponkickback xp-undefined zombies labelminimizeminimize
Killing Floor: Uncovered Tripwire Interactive2016 3ormoreplayers achievements achievements-public adv-static aimmode alternateattack ammomagazines argevent assaultrifles autorun autoshotguns autumnal axes barricading bombs bossbattles britain bullettime bunker burning capacity-slots chainsaw city city-london-uk classbased cloakednpcs clones clonetechnology color-32bit commercial commercialized crossbows damageovertime dark depthfog difficulty difficulty-players directconnect dissolvingcorpses distortedvision doors doors-breakable download dualwielding earth factory falldamage firearms flamethrowers forest free2play friendlyfire-full friendlyfire-optional friendlyfire-reduced gore grenadelaunchers grenades grenades-bouncy grenades-impact grotesque handguns healing healingdevice host-dataimport humanexperiments idlenoise incendiarygrenades indie ingameadvertising insectoids invisiblewalls ironsights itemglow itempickup-auto itempickup-ignore itemrespawn jumping knives knockback lasersight leveleditor license-crossplatform license-proprietary limitedcapacity meleeweapons militantprotagonist mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mpfocus music-metal nocrosshair npcfriendlyfire npcgrenadeevasion nudity-featureless officebuilding openal overpenetration paidkilling powertools precisionrifles projectilerecovery pve pveonly ragers rating-esrb-m realisticshotguns recoil reload-nointerrupt researchfacility rockets rural screenshake secretfacility selectivefire serious serverbrowser shopping shotguns socialnetwork steampowered steamworks submachineguns survivalhorror swords swrender thermalweapons tommygun tracers ubuntu unrealengine2 upnp uvl-confusable valveanticheat voicechat voicemacros vorbis wadsofcash walking waves weaponkickback xp-undefined zombies labelminimizeminimize
Kings of Kung Fu Digital Tribe (Jae Lee Productions)2016 commercial download earth indie jumping latemodernperiod license-proprietary martialarts mp-versus steampowered ubuntu unarmedfighting walking wushu labelminimizeminimize
Mini's Magic World Magory.net2016 bossbattles commercial download indie jumping license-proprietary mp-cooperative steampowered ubuntu labelminimizesubject
Mos Speedrun 2  Physmo2016 blood commercial download ghostrace jumping license-proprietary movingplatforms retro secrets steampowered ubuntu walking labelminimizeminimize
Orbital X Orbital (Kapo Games)2016 commercial deadlydecor dodging download endlessrunner indie jumping license-proprietary shadermodel3 steampowered ubuntu x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Outlast: Whistleblower Red Barrels2016 2010s airducts alone autumnal chromaticaberration commercial depthoffield diaries doorpeep doors download drm everyonesdead gog gore hiding indie insaneasylum jargon journalistprotagonist jumping jumpscares ladders lamp lamp-powered leaning ledges license-proprietary motionblur nightvision nodrm oculusrift opengl opengl-3-2 opengl-4-0 outlast-series pacifisthorror peeking present solomission steampowered survivalhorror ubuntu unrealengine3 walking zoom labelminimizeminimize
Reaper - Tale of a Pale Swordsman Hexage2016 adv-perks animals autoattack commercial criticalchance download elimination encounters-random gibs jumping knockback license-proprietary magic meleeweapons midairjumping missionbased mystics overworld postmissionrestoration rage shopping soldiers spectres steampowered stunning swords tribals ubuntu undead walking wilderness xp-deeds labelminimizeminimize
Street Fighter V Capcom2016 1on1fighting commercial download earth femaleprotagonist jumping langbrazil-port langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad license-proprietary maleprotagonist martialarts mp-crossplatform mp-versus psychicpowers steamos steampowered streetfighter unarmedfighting unrealengine4 walking labelimageminimize
Tomb Raider  Square Enix;Feral Interactive (Core Design;Feral Interactive)2016 actionadventure archeologistprotagonist commercial devsyslinux download earth fanservice femaleprotagonist iceaxe jumping license-proprietary oopitems puzzlebosses reboot ruins steampowered titularcharacter tombraider tombraider-2013 ubuntu uvl-confusable walking labelminimizeminimize
Woodle Tree 2: Worlds Chubby Pixel2016 3ormoreplayers bizarrecreatures commercial download indie jumping langarabic license-proprietary meleeweapons mmog monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative nofalldamage openworld plantcreatures secrets sentientplants steampowered treants ubuntu unrootedplants vibrant walking labelminimizeminimize
X-Blades  Topware Interactive (Gaijin Entertainment)2016 actionadventure aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 chargers combobonuses commercial curse dagor-engine dissolvingcorpses download drm drm-activation dualwielding elementals fanservice felinoids femaleprotagonist firearms fmod giantmonsters gunblades hackandslash healthregen insectoids interlinkedlevels island jumping langhungarian langromanian license-proprietary magic meleeweapons midairjumping monsters multipleendings nonnative npcgenerators rage rewardingvandalism ruins sciencefantasy score scoremultipliers souls spectres steampowered surround5.1 swords teleport traproom tripeds tutorial ubuntu vibrant vorbis walking warriorprotagonist widescreen wine labelminimizeminimize
Zzzz-Zzzz-Zzzz Dagestan Technology (SaintHeiser)2016 commercial download indie jumping license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu walking labelminimizeminimize
Infini Jump FRED games2016 download free2play jumping license-proprietary mapgenerator labelminimizeminimize
Hyper Light Drifter Heart Machine2016 airdash ancientmachines beamweapons bossbattles butterflies commercial companion compositeattacks crowdfunded dark dashing deadlydecor download dying emweapons flyingcity gog handguns jumping license-proprietary lightsabers lutris mecha meleeweapons mp-cooperative pixelated retro ruins steampowered tactical teleporters titularcharacter ubuntu walking labelimagesubject
Ascii Patrol  ?2016 binarycolor color-4bit cpplanguage difficulty download jumping keyboard langinsignificant license-gpl3 lives naturalistic parallaxscrolling score scrollingshooter x11 labelminimizeminimize
Homefront: The Revolution Deep Silver (Crytek)2016 achievements achievements-public aimmode ammowarning apcs assaultrifles autosavepoints bombs boxed capacity-toolslots circadiancycle city-philadelphia-pa commercial compass cpplanguage cryengine3 damageindicator download dynamicaccuracy earth firearms future grenades grenadewarning gunclubbing handguns healthregen healthwarning helicopter helicopters indevelopment ironsights jumping license-proprietary limitedcapacity machineguns naturalistic northamerica pennsylvania precisionrifles rebellion reload-auto reload-manual remotedetonators rockets soldiers steampowered submachineguns tanks usa walking labelminimizeminimize
SteamWorld Heist! Image & Form2016 commercial currency download equipmentbased future indie inventory jumping license-proprietary mapgenerator metroidvania monsters openal opengl opengl-2-1 prospecting robotprotagonist robots spacecraft-location spacefaringage steamos steampowered steampunk steamworld-series tilebased ubuntu undirected walking walljumping western labelminimizeminimize
AM2R: Return of Samus  Project AM2R2016 1life 21stcentury 3rdmillennium aliens alone armcannons backtracking beamweapons bossbattles cpplanguage debian difficulty display-320x240 download extraterrestrial fangame fanservice fanservice-tech femaleprotagonist free2play gamemaker giantshoulderpads healingstations homebrew indoors insectoids inventory jumping lava ledges legaldisputes license-proprietary lostresources lutris metroid-universe metroidvania monsters morphingequipment naturalistic noncanon nonlinear openal opengl outdoors playerprofiles powerarmor safezone savepoints serious starfishaliens subterranean targetlock ubuntu unofficial vorbis walking x11 x86 labelimagesubject
Mighty No. 9  Deep Silver (Comcept;Inti Create)2016 2.5d 21stcentury anime commercial crowdfunded download dvd flashstorage future jumping langbrazil-port license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu unrealengine3 walking labelminimizeminimize
A Finnish Fable mitomon2016 bows commercial download jumping keyboard license-proprietary medieval mouse nyop pixelated retro walking labelminimizeminimize
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero  Minor Key Games2016 amoeboids bossbattles colorblind commercial crteffects currency demo doors download enemyhealthdisplay explosives flatterrain gamepad indoors inventory joystick jumping keyboard keys ladders license-proprietary limitedcapacity lives meleeweapons monsters mouse music-chiptune nohumans opengl outdoors retro sdl serious shields steamcontroller steampowered steampunk subterranean swords ubuntu upgrades-permanent uvl-confusable uvl-missingimages uvl-workingtitle walking x360pad xp-kills labelminimizesubject
Ziba author2016 commercial directx11 directx9 download indie jumping langinsignificant license-proprietary shadermodel3 steamcontroller steampowered ubuntu x86-sse2 labelminimizeminimize
Clumsy Fred BeshevGames2017 driving jumping steamos ubuntu walking wheeledvehicle x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Guns of Icarus Alliance Muse Games2017 aircraft-location autoplay burning cannons charging classbased commercial compass compositefoes cooperation crowdfunded dieselpunk directx9 download falldamage flamethrowers fovoption hitconfirmation hybridgame impartedmomentum indie internaldamage jumping ladders languagefilter lasso license-proprietary machineguns map microtransactions midastouch mortars mp-control mp-dm mp-dropin mp-rejoin mp-spectating mp-versus naturalistic piloting playercommendations recoil reload-auto reload-manual repairing rockets rotaryguns safepits shotguns steampowered steampunk tagging telescope turret ubuntu undefinedelements unity-engine vehiclecrew voicechat volleyweapons walking wasteland wintery labelminimizeminimize
MARIO BROS? author2017 jumping keyboard lives score tic80 walking labelminimizeminimize
MX Nitro Saber Interactive : (Miniclip)2017 commercial download earth indie jumping landvehicle langbrazil-port latemodernperiod license-proprietary motorcycle motorracing motorsport naturalistic steamcontroller steampowered ubuntu wheeledvehicle labelminimizeminimize
My Little Worms  For Kids 2017 commercial digging dodging download endlessrunner fullscreen indie jumping langbrazil-port langchinesesimpl langgreek langportuguese langturkish license-proprietary opengl opengl-2-1 score snails steamos steampowered ubuntu walking windowed wormprotagonist worms labelminimizeminimize
POKEY THE HEDGEHOG Jackj106 Games2017 hedgehogs jumping tic80 walking labelminimizeminimize
Qbike: Crypto Motorcycles  GexagonVR 2017 3ormoreplayers arena colorful combatracing commercial download indie jumping landvehicle langbrazil-port langchinesesimpl license-proprietary motorcycle motorsport mp-assault mp-bots mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mp-dm mp-ffa mp-race mp-ranked music-electronic neon nodemo quixlike snakegame steamcontroller steampowered ubuntu vibrant wheeledvehicle labelminimizeminimize
Road Redemption DarkSeas Games2017 3ormoreplayers ammotypes assaultrifles axes bludgeons commercial csharplanguage download driving drugs earth firearms free2play gangs grenadelaunchers grenades handguns jumping knives landvehicle license-proprietary machineguns motorcycle mp-cooperative mp-versus naturalistic nodrm northamerica revolvers shotguns sourcecodeavailable stunprods submachineguns swords tommygun traffic ubuntu unarmedfighting unity-engine usa vehicularcombat wheeledvehicle labelminimizeminimize
Scuttlers Open Mid Interactive2017 commercial deadlydecor directionalforce-wind dodging download dragonflies enemyhealthdisplay indie insects jumping license-proprietary movingplatforms nplayers steampowered ubuntu walking labelminimizeminimize
Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope Devolver Digital (Croteam)2017 alienmenace aliens alientechnology alone anticipatorystockpiles arenafpstps arid armyofone autorun bloodmist bossbattles cannons canyon chainreactions chargers chargingweapons chosenone city city-karnak-eg city-memphis-eg city-thebes-eg cloakednpcs colossi commercial cyborgs difficulty doors download dualwielding earth egypt egyptian-theme elevators eliteprotagonist encounters-popup enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons fallbackweapon firearms flyingsaucers giantmonsters gibs gore graphicdeaths grenadelaunchers grenades-bouncy handcannons handguns harpies healthpickups idlenoise indie interspecificconflict itemget itempickup-auto itempickup-ignore jumping knockback laserbolts laserweapons license-proprietary machineguns macho magic militantprotagonist monsters mookrush mp-cooperative mp-dm multibarrelguns mystics npcfriendlyfire oopitems openal openended overheal overkill overpenetration past playerteasing precursors prematuredetonation pyramid rain rocketjumping rockets rotaryguns sauroids score secrets secrets-harmful secrets-spots sequelhook seriousengine serioussam shotguns splatter splittingcreatures submachineguns suicideattackers swarmers swimming temple temporalincursion throwback titlementioned titularcharacter twitchshooter underwaterdiving voicechat walking walkingarmory wasteland waterjumping labelminimizeminimize
SteamWorld Dig 2 Image&Form2017 actionadventure boxed commercial currency digging download equipmentbased future inventory jumping license-proprietary mapgenerator metroidvania monsters openal opengl prospecting robotprotagonist robots spacefaringage steamos steampowered steampunk steamworld-series subterranean tilebased town ubuntu undirected walking walljumping western labelminimizeminimize
SteamWorld Heist: The Outsider Image & Form2017 commercial currency download equipmentbased future indie inventory jumping license-proprietary mapgenerator metroidvania monsters openal opengl opengl-2-1 prospecting robotprotagonist robots spacecraft-location spacefaringage steamos steampowered steampunk steamworld-series tilebased ubuntu undirected walking walljumping western labelminimizeminimize
Temple Escape For Kids2017 blocky colorful fullscreen indie jumping langbrazil-port langchinesesimpl langgreek langportuguese mouse opengl opengl-2-1 steamos walking windowed labelminimizeminimize
The End is Nigh Jump (Icculus)2017 ♫mountainking aircontrol commercial controlconfig gamemaker gamepad genderneutral gog indie jumping keyboard license-proprietary naturalistic nonnative postapocalypse steampowered surreal ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
The Heart of the Earth  Back To Basics Gaming (DeadBrainGaming)2017 commercial deadlydecor directx9 divinemenace download environment-busy gamepad indie instantdeath jumping ladders license-proprietary malevolentprotagonist music-chiptune pixelated religiousprotagonist retro revenge shadermodel2 spinninglevels steamos steampowered ubuntu walking x86-sse2 zoom labelminimizesubject