showing 28 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Bouncy the Hungry Rabbit  author? arm64 armcpu carrots earth lagomorphprotagonist lagomorphs license-gpl nonhumanprotagonist opengl pygame pythonlanguage stealth stealth-sight ubuntu uvl-confusable walking x86 x86-64 labelimagesubject
Fuzzy Adventure author? animalprotagonist lagomorphprotagonist lagomorphs opengl labelminimizeminimize
Tibia CipSoft1997 automap axes beach bludgeons bodyarmor capacity-stacks capacity-weight cervids circadiancycle containers corpselooting digging domesticcats femaleprotagonist fungi genderchoice giantbirds healingitems healthregen-slow insects inventory knives ladders lagomorphs lamp limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons minotaurs mmog monsters orcs pigs potions prospecting protagonistdesigning protagonistnaming pve pvp rats scavenging sheep shields shopping snakes spears spiders subterranean swords town trading trees trolls tutorial ubuntu ursines walking wolves xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal xp-multi labelimageminimize
Ultima VII: The Black Gate  author (Origin)2001 ♫flightofthebumblebee ♫rulebritannia 3.5disk alcohol aliens apples axes ballistics bees blackpearls bludgeons bows capacity-stacks capacity-volume capacity-weight captives carts cdrom chapel cheese chosenone city cooking cpplanguage crafting crates crteffects dancepad demons domesticcats download drills-rig drugs engineremake eviloverlord femaleprotagonist fictionalelement firearms firearms-early forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice giantinsects goldbars goldnuggets group group-subset hypocrites ineptveteran jewelry juggernauts knives lagomorphs license-gpl license-proprietary limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings magicweapons mandriva meleeweapons mice monsters multipleendings npcschedules nudism opengl otherworld parrots pirates polearms present prostitutes pumpkin refwizardofoz riding ruins sdl seamlessworld sheep shopping sorcery subterranean svgalib swords thrownweapons town trash ubuntu ultima ultima7-engine ultimaageofarmageddon unicorns virtualglitching whips willowisps x11 x86 x86-64 xp-deeds xp-kills labelimagesubject
Thirsty Nellan author2002 animalprotagonist carrots clickadventure domesticcats lagomorphs linux-mascots milk penguin prerenderedbackgrounds tux labelimageminimize
A Tale in the Desert  eGenesis;Pluribus Games2003 adv-deeds adv-intermediary adv-progress africa amphibians ants bartering basebuilding bees birds camels chickens circadiancycle clams crafting download earth egypt egyptian-theme femaleprotagonist fish fishing foxes genderchoice inventory lagomorphs maleprotagonist mmog naturalistic nonlinear nonlinearstory nonviolent openworld past prehistoric prospecting rats researching resourceharvesting sheep subscription timescale-realistic ubuntu upgradesystem walking wasteland x11 xp-literal xp-multi xp-progress xp-undefined labelimagesubject
Eternal Lands  Eternal Lands2003 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-custom beavers clanguage cpplanguage customresolution dwarves elves eternallandsengine free free2play gentoo gnomes humans lagomorphs license-gpl license-proprietary mmog openal opengl ppc pythonlanguage rodents sdl sourcecodeavailable ubuntu vorbis walking weefolk widescreen x11 x86 x86-64 labelimageminimize
Python  Technopedia2005 lagomorphs langgreek langinsignificant pygame pythonlanguage snakegame snakes labelminimizeminimize
Shadow Warrior  3D Realms2005 1life animals armyofone bombs buildengine city clanguage cpplanguage difficulty dosbox dualwielding earth fanservice firearms firstpersonshooter gore graphicdeaths grotesque hearts hitscan japan jumping killerrabbits lagomorphs license-gpl meleeweapons monsters nativeoption ninja ninjaprotagonist nonnative parody sciencefantasy sequelhook shadowwarrior-series spectres suicideattackers swords thrownweapons titularcharacter uvl-confusable voiceovers warriorprotagonist labelminimizeminimize
Open Surge  Open Sonic Team2008 3ormoreplayers airship allegro badgers bonusstages bossbattles cervids city companion cooperation dragons earth echidna firearms flying forest foxes group hedgehogs heroprotagonist hopandbop jumping lagomorphs langindonesian lava leveleditor lives lutris magic monsters multiprotagonists mystics noncanon octopus porcupines powerups robots rodents ruins sonic squirrels subterranean timelimit torture ubuntu uvl-missingimages walking wallclimbing wallclinging weaponplot wintery labelimagesubject
The Amazing Brain Train Grubby Games;My Game Company (Grubby Games)2008 achievements amphibians birds camels cattle cervids chickens demo domesticcats donkeys ducks earth elephants fizzwizzleseries frog hippo lagomorphs license-proprietary memory mice minigames monkeys moose pandas penguin pigs primates rodents sheep skunks testudines tigers timelimit trains uvl-imagequality labelimagesubject
Landes Eternelles Eternal Lands2009 aspectratio-custom beavers clanguage eternallandsengine free free2play gentoo lagomorphs license-proprietary mmog opengl ppc rodents sdl sourcecodeavailable ubuntu walking x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
The Goblin and the Butterfly  The Green Leaf2009 beavers bmp bodyarmor butterflies cattle chickens chiroptera circadiancycle clanguage crafting download finiteresources goblins incomplete lagomorphs license-gpl license-publicdomain magic mmog optionaltasks potions pvp sdl shopping sorcery vault labelminimizeminimize
Aberoth author2013 actionadventure axes bludgeons commercial currency demo doors download fauns forest free2play freemium inventory keys lagomorphs license-proprietary lineofsight meleeweapons microtransactions monsters optionaltasks outlaws pixelated pvp retro shapeshifting simplistic subscription subterranean swords taming ubuntu walking wolves labelimagesubject
Rytlock's Critter Rampage Arenanet2013 actionadventure bossbattles boxed difficulty download free2play guildwars lagomorphs license-proprietary limitedpalette manicshooter mixedcreatures monsters music-chiptune primates retro savepoints snakes testudines unarmedfighting labelminimizeminimize
Proteus author2013 animals autumnal birds circadiancycle csharplanguage exploration frog gamesrepublic insects lagomorphs langinsignificant mapgenerator music-theme nonviolent otherworld pixelated retro summery unknowngenre vernal walking weather wintery labelminimizeminimize
Shadow Warrior Classic Redux Devolver Digital (General Arcade)2013 1life animals armyofone bombs buildengine city clanguage commercial difficulty download dualwielding earth fanservice firearms firstpersonshooter gamesrepublic gore graphicdeaths grotesque hearts hitscan japan jumping killerrabbits lagomorphs license-proprietary meleeweapons monsters ninja ninjaprotagonist parody sciencefantasy sequelhook shadowwarrior-series spectres steampowered suicideattackers swords thrownweapons titularcharacter ubuntu voiceovers warriorprotagonist labelminimizeminimize
Shadow Warrior: Twin Dragon  Devolver Digital (General Arcade)2013 1life animals armyofone bombs buildengine city clanguage commercial difficulty download dualwielding earth fanservice firearms firstpersonshooter gore graphicdeaths grotesque hearts hitscan japan jumping killerrabbits lagomorphs license-proprietary meleeweapons monsters ninja ninjaprotagonist parody sciencefantasy sequelhook shadowwarrior-series spectres steampowered suicideattackers swords thrownweapons titularcharacter ubuntu voiceovers warriorprotagonist labelminimizeminimize
Shadow Warrior: Wanton Destruction  Devolver Digital (General Arcade)2013 1life animals armyofone bombs buildengine city clanguage commercial difficulty download dualwielding earth fanservice firearms firstpersonshooter gore graphicdeaths grotesque hearts hitscan japan jumping killerrabbits lagomorphs license-proprietary meleeweapons monsters ninja ninjaprotagonist parody sciencefantasy sequelhook shadowwarrior-series spectres steampowered suicideattackers swords thrownweapons titularcharacter ubuntu voiceovers warriorprotagonist labelminimizeminimize
Other Life Other-Life2013 bossbattles clanguage commercial cpplanguage cyclopes eternallandsengine free free2play freemium gargoyles giantspiders goblins lagomorphs license-gpl meleeweapons mmog monsters ogres opengl ppc sourcecodeavailable subscription swords trolls ubuntu vorbis walking x11 x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
ANGSTHASE  author2015 animalprotagonist download free2play lagomorphprotagonist lagomorphs ubuntu unity-engine labelminimizeminimize
The Deer God Crescent Moon Games2015 alphafunding animalprotagonist autumnal bees bigcats birds blocky butterflies caterpillars cervids circadiancycle commercial download exploration foxes humans humblewidget jumping karma lagomorphs license-proprietary magical mice otters outdoors procreation reincarnation spiders steampowered subterranean summery ubuntu unity-engine ursines vernal walking wintery wolves labelminimizeminimize
Alice's Mom's Rescue Orion_2016 birds childprotagonist chiroptera commercial deadlydecor domesticcats doors download fantasyworld femaleprotagonist growingprotagonist indie keys lagomorphs lava license-proprietary magic shrinkingprotagonist ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Bunny Tag LZinn2017 alone download femaleprotagonist humanprotagonist indie lagomorphs labelminimizeminimize
Isleward Big Bad Waffle;Hiznopellagio2017 alligators amphibians beavers birds bossbattles dragons imps lagomorphs license-cc license-proprietary licensechange monsters mummies scorpions snakes sourcecodeavailable spiders tilebased undead labelminimizeminimize
Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues  Portalarium2018 ♫rulebritannia abilitycharges abilitycooldown abilitydependencies actionrpg agriculture airship alcohol alphafunding animals applemetal arbitraryrewards archers arid assemblylang autumnal axes backstabbing baseofoperations bittorrent blackpearls bludgeons boat bodyarmor bossbattles bows boxed buildingdesigning capacity-stacks capacity-weight castle cattle cave cemetery cervids chargedactions chemistry chickens circadiancycle city citybuilding cliff cloaking clockworkcreatures commercial compass constructing containers controlmalfunction cooking corpselooting cover crafting crafting-ammo criminalactivity crossbows crowdfunded csharplanguage defensebreaking demo derelictgraveyard dirigibles disguisedtriggers distracting dodging doors download dragons drm ducks dungeon eagles eavesdropping electricweapons elevators elves espionage estate explainedthirdperson exploration facing fantasyworld farming fasttravel femaleprotagonist fictionalelement fictionallocation fictionaluniverse fishing flanking fmod fog foraging forcedvariety forcefields forest fortress fromanotherworld furnishing garlic genderchoice genrechange ghosts giantinsects giantscorpions giantspiders group groupbuffs groupfocus groupsizepowerscaling healingitems healthregen healthregen-activitylevel healthregen-moderate healthregen-slow healthwarning hiding hillland home horses humanoids humid hunting illequipped indoors infravision interactivefiction interactivetriggers interrupting inventory invisiblewalls involuntaryactions island isolatedlocale itemdurability jewelry jumping jungle keyboard knives kobolds ladders lagomorphs lamp license-proprietary lightdousing localsystemfiles lockpicking logging magic magicweapons maleprotagonist map medieval meleeweapons mine mines mmog monastery monsters mountain mouse mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform music-custom music-orchestral music-vocal musicalinstruments naturalweapons neutralnpcs nodrm npchealing npcregen npcschedules npcstunning openworld otherworld outdoors outlaws overworld pickpocketing pigs pirates plains polearms powernegation projectilerecovery prophecy prospecting pvp rain recallportal refillableliquidcontainers refugees repairing researching resourceharvesting resting resuscitation rewardingvandalism riding river robots rooftops rookieprotagonist ruins rural safeledges scavenging scrolls secrets serious sewers shallowwater shantytown sheep shields shopping shore silviculture sorcery spears stealing stealth stealth-motion stealth-range stealth-sight stealth-sound steamos steampowered stunning subterranean subtropic summery summoning surreal swimming swords taxes teaching teleport teleporters temple teslacoils thickvegetation thoroughfareconstruction thoroughfares thrownweapons town trackermusic treants trees trespassing trivialresearch tropic tunnels ubuntu ultima unarmedfighting undead unity-engine ursines vagrants vegetation volcanic walking wasteland watercraft watercraft-large watercraft-small weaponcustomization weaponupgrades weathereffects wetland wilderness wintery wolves x86 x86-64 xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal xp-multi xp-unliteral zombies labelimageminimize
Bunny Sudoku DillyFrame2019 lagomorphs mp-versus sudoku unrealengine4 labelminimizeminimize
Shadow Warrior 2 Devolver Digital (Flying Wild Hog)TBA animals armyofone bombs city commercial difficulty download dualwielding earth fanservice firearms firstpersonshooter gore graphicdeaths grotesque hearts indevelopment japan jumping lagomorphs license-proprietary meleeweapons monsters ninja ninjaprotagonist parody roadhogengine sciencefantasy shadowwarrior-series spectres steampowered suicideattackers swords thrownweapons titularcharacter ubuntu voiceovers warriorprotagonist labelminimizeminimize