showing 13 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar  Origin (Origin Systems)1985 ♫rulebritannia 3.5disk 5.25disk adv-deeds adv-intermediary adv-objects adv-static aerostat alcohol amoeboids axes beggars beholders bizarrecreatures blackpearls bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows cannons captives capturedresources children chiroptera chosenone color-2bit color-4bit cpu-8086 cpu-8088 crossbows cyclopes demonoids demons directionalforce directionalforce-wind display-320x200 display-cga display-cga-composite display-ega display-tga dos2 dragons encounters-neutral encounters-popup encounters-seen europeanfae femaleprotagonist forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice ghosts giantinsects giantseahorses giantspiders gog gremlins group healingitems healingstations hiddenattributes horses hydrae inbuilttraps incendiarygrenades insects inventory karma keyboard knives liches lockpicking lutris magic magicweapons meleeweapons mimics monsters mystics neutralnpcs ocean orcs otherworld pirates polearms present rats refwizardofoz resting resuscitation riding river rodents ruins sauroids scummvm-wip seaserpents shallowwater shopping shore skeletons slings snakes sorcery spectres spu-pcspeaker staves subterranean swarmers swords teleporting thrownweapons tornados town traps treants tripeds trolls ultima ultimaageofenlightenment undead walking wands watercraft watercraft-medium wetland willowisps willowtrees windindicator wordinput xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal xp-multi xp-objects labelimagesubject
Zeliard Sierra On-Line1990 ancientenemy aristocratprotagonist chosenone cpu-286 display-cga display-ega display-hgc display-mcga display-tga highbornprotagonist itemdurability knights ladders magic magicartefacts medieval meleeweapons monsters premadeprotagonist savepoints shopping sorcery spu-adlib spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-sb subterranean swords town labelimageminimize
Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight Mindscape (Images Software)1992 1life adv-none adv-undefined bodyarmor chosenone difficulty-charscaling display-vga gore graphicdeaths healingitems instantkillers knights medieval meleeweapons mode-practice monsters mp-versus nohud nontolkienian obsoletedassets potions search serious shopping solomission splatter swords titlementioned titularobject transcendency unknownpast walking warriorprotagonist xp-none xp-undefined labelimageminimize
Ultima VII: The Black Gate  Origin1992 ♫flightofthebumblebee ♫rulebritannia 1life 3.5disk alcohol aliens apples axes bees blackpearls bludgeons bows capacity-stacks capacity-volume capacity-weight captives carts chapel cheese chosenone circadiancycle city cooking crafting crates crteffects currency demons domesticcats drills-rig drugs eviloverlord femaleprotagonist fictionalelement firearms firearms-early forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice giantinsects gog goldbars goldnuggets group hypocrites illequipped ineptveteran inventory jewelry juggernauts knives lagomorphs latemodernperiod limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings magicweapons meleeweapons mice monsters multipleendings neutralnpcs noncombpenalty npcschedules nudism optionaltasks otherworld parrots pirates polearms precisionrifles present prospecting prostitutes pumpkin refwizardofoz riding ruins safezone scummvm-wip seamlessworld sheep shopping sorcery sourcecodemissing subterranean swords thrownweapons town trash ultima ultima7-engine ultimaageofarmageddon unicorns walking whips willowisps xp-deeds xp-kills labelimagesubject
Ultima VII: Forge of Virtue  Origin1992 apples blackpearls carts chosenone crafting fromanotherworld garlic gog goldbars goldnuggets langcomputer multipleendings museum npcschedules pickaxe seamlessworld sourcecodemissing trash ultima ultima7-engine ultimaageofarmageddon xp-deeds xp-kills labelimagesubject
Dungeon Hack SSI (Dreamforge Intertainment)1993 3.5disk adnd aesopsound alone automap charactercreation chosenone compass cpu-386 difficulty difficulty-aspects disguisedtriggers display-vga DnD dungeon dungeoncrawler dwarves elves eob-engine feelies forgottenrealms genderchoice gog gridmove halflings hunger illusionarywalls keyboard keys lockpicking magic mapgenerator medieval meleeweapons mercenaryprotagonist minimap monsters mouse printer solomission sorcery undead uvl-tiein weefolk labelimageminimize
Entity Loriciel1993 ancientenemy bossbattles chosenone dinosaurs femaleprotagonist labelminimizeminimize
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos  Virgin Interactive (Westwood Studios)1993 3.5disk adv-static anuroids automap axes bludgeons bodyarmor bows cdrom chosenone city cpu-286 cpu-386 crossbows damagetypes deities difficulty-ingame display-mcga display-vga eob-engine eviloverlord fantasyworld felinoids femaleantagonist fictionaluniverse forest gog gridmove group illusionarywalls inventory inventory-shared itempickup-instant jewelry knives landsoflore magic magicartefacts meleeweapons minecarts monsters nontolkienian noports polearms polymathprotagonist premadecharacters resting scummvm seers serious shopping sorcery statuseffects swords throwanything thrownweapons toxins variableabilitypower voiceovers walking wands wetland xp-kills xp-multi xp-other labelimagesubject
The Elder Scrolls: Arena  Bethesda Softworks1994 1life 3.5disk adv-ptdistr automap axes bludgeons bodyarmor cdrom charactercreation chosenone classbased classless compass corpselooting cpu-386 disease display-vga doors dos5 drm dungeon dungeoncrawler elderscrolls fantasyworld feelies fictionaluniverse genderchoice goblins hitchance jumping keys knives licensechange magic map mapannotation medieval meleeweapons monsters mouse nonlinear objectplot openworld optionaltasks pickpocketing randomchance resting skeletonkey sorcery specieschoice spelldesigning swimming swords town unarmedfighting walking xp-kills labelimageminimize
Anvil of Dawn New World Computing (DreamForge Intertainment)1995 1life adv-objects altcharfates altprotagonistencounters automap axes bodyarmor capacity-weight castle cdrom charactercreation chosenone compass cpu-486 crossbows derelict dialog-keywords diaries doors dos5 elementals enemyhealthdisplay energyregen energyregen-slow eviloverlord femaleprotagonist finiteopposition genderchoice goblins gog gridmove healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hiddenattributes hitchance idlenoise illequipped illusionarywalls interactivedialogs interactivetriggers inventory inventory-supplies jewelry keyboard keys livingwater loot-predefined luggage magic magic-sigils maleprotagonist mapannotation medieval meleeweapons minimap mouse multipleendings nontolkienian noports onehanded oneoftheenemy overburdening overloading paperdoll polearms portals potions premadecharacters prerenderedcinematics pressureplates printer protagonistnaming randomchance saveanywhere serious shields solomission sorcery spears specieschoice stamina stationaryattack swords swordstaffs throwanything thrownweapons titlementioned unknownpast voiceovers war xp-literal labelimageminimize
Stonekeep Interplay (Interplay Productions)1995 bludgeons bombs book bows capacity-unlimited castle cdrom chatter chosenone clanguage classless devsyslost difficulty-single digitizedvideo disguisedtriggers divinemenace doors dosextender dragons dragons-western dualwielding-asymmetric dungeon dwarves elves energystations eviloverlord faerierealm fantasyworld fictionaluniverse giantants giantinsects gifting goblins gridmove healingitems healingstations humanoids illusionarywalls inbuilttraps indoors inventory keys knives liveactors magic magic-sigils mapannotation mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons metaabilities mystics noenergyregen noports notebook npcfleeing npchealing npcinventory paperdoll polearms powerfoci predefinedcontrols premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery puzzles rewardingvandalism rp-levelless secrets serious sorcery spelldesigning sprites stonekeep-series subterranean subterraneanrealm subtitledeficient swords temporarycompanions thrownweapons title-static titularlocale trash voiceovers voiceovers-full walking wands weefolk xp-literal labelimagesubject
Daggerfall  Bethesda Softworks1996 1life achillesheelfoes adv-static allergies automap ballistics bleak books calendrictime caninoids carts causeway cdrom centaurs charactercreation characterflaws chosenone circadiancycle city clothing commercial compass concealeddoors controlconfig corpselooting cpu-486 cpu-586 customclass datedevents demons dialog-keywords difficulty disease display-vga doors dos6 download dragons dragons-western dungeoncrawler elderscrolls electrokinesis elevators enchanting energyregen falldamage fantasyworld fasttravel featherfall felinoids fictionaluniverse fines genderchoice ghosts giantanimals giantspiders gold guild harpies hitchance holstering humanoidanimals illequipped interactivedialogs inventory investigation itempickup-instant jewelry joystick jumping keyboard lawenforcers license-proprietary licensechange liches lockbreaking lockpicking lutris magic magicartefacts manaburn map-3d mapannotation mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons monsters mouse necromancers neutralnpcs nochildren nocrosshair nonlinear noports nudity nudity-featureless nymphs obsoletedassets openclassing openworld optionaltasks orcs outlanderprotagonist paperdoll persistentworld pointertoggle pyrokinesis racechoice randomchance rats rodents sauroids scavenging search secrets serious shapeshifters shapeshifting shopping skeletonkey skeletons smuggling sorcery souljar specieschoice spelldesigning spriggans spu-adlibgold spu-aria spu-awe32 spu-ensoniqsoundscape spu-gm spu-gus spu-iomagictempo spu-max spu-mpu-401 spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-pasp spu-pcspeaker spu-rap10 spu-revealfx32 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-soundgalaxynxpro16 spu-tandy spu-tb spu-toptekgolden16 spu-wavejammer spu-windowssoundsystem stealing superalloy swimming temple therianthropes titlementioned titularlocale tutorial twitch uipointer undead undeadmenace unknownpast unnecessarykilling vampires waiting walking wallclimbing werewolves xngine xp-literal labelimagesubject
Zelda Classic Armageddon Games1999 achillesheelfoes ballistics bossbattles cemetery centauroids chosenone clanguage cpplanguage currency doors fangame fish forest free genderchoice giantinsects gunblades hard healthwarning humanoidprotagonist insectoids inventory keys ladders lethalobjects leveleditor meleeweapons monsters mountain nohumans noncanon rewardingvandalism ruins secrets shopping simulateddisorientation skeletonkey skeletons sourcecodestolen stonemen stunning subterranean town traproom trees undead walking watercraft-small waterfalls zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine zeldalike labelimagesubject